List of Seasonal Activities for player Magi

For my own campaign, I found it incredibly useful to have a player-facing list of possible seasonal activities as it makes it so much easier for them and me to have a "menu" and it gives more variance in the game.

I've added things from some supplements, brought back an adaptation of rules in 4e about hunting for vis and there are some market house rules. I thought it would be good to share, and also recieve feedback and suggestions for additions (there are so many options spread out). So what did I miss?

Note: I've made it possible for anyone to also comment and suggest error corrections directly in the gdoc. But let's have main discussion in this thread.


Here’s my one page take on the same idea. I do have a house rule that you can do lab activities of different TeFo combos.


Thanks, I'm going to make a few edits and give that to my players tonight.
Right now the party is having the longest season of the saga (in real life game time), as they are scouting the middle Rhine to pick which the future location of their Covenant, but the plan is for them to get back to Durenmar to winter there and that will be a helpful guide, since they are first time players.


Ooh I like this one. This is more what I would like in the new Rule Book :slight_smile:


Thanks, these are an amazing resource and reference especially for beginners like me!