Lucas of Mercere - Development

Wow, there's a wiki. I did not know that. :slight_smile:

I've known her since we were both apprentices. We were allowed to marry early because the house hoped (vainly, as it turns out) that I might father another magus. We probably married when Lucas was 21 or 22.

Ah well, a father could hope ...

I'd like to become a member. If the Redcaps I'm supporting are members, I should probably be too.

I'll make sure to put Vim research on the list. :slight_smile:

Well, I did go and take the major Flaw of Favors, didn't I. :wink: Of course, that's where the fun comes in, and it's what keeps life from getting boring.

So when do I start? :smiley: With his magic ring, he could join anyone anyplace by flying in as a falcon.

Here is a final (I hope) revised character sheet:

[size=150]Lucas de Mercere[/size]

Size: 0
Age: 35 (35)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (1)
Confidence: 1(3)
Sigil: The faint smell of parchment and books accompanies each of Lucas's spells
Voting Sigil: A small wand with the figure of a falcon on the top

Lucas was born into House Mercere of the Order of Hermes, and was destined to become a Redcap when he grew up - a fine fate for anyone. But destiny took over when he was seven years old and it was discovered that he was one of the few in his house with the Gift. From that point on, his future was set. He would be a magus of House Mercere, a symbol that magic was not lost to this noble house.

His apprenticeship began when he was ten years old, that being considered an ideal age to begin magical training. It progressed well, though not without its own peculiarities. First was the true gentle nature of Lucas’s Gift. It was clear to all who knew him that Lucas had been blessed with a Gentle Gift, for his presence inspired none of the uneasiness that usually comes with the Gift. But beyond that, Lucas seemed able to practice his magic without the need for strong gestures, and without the need to speak incantations. Aside from his wizard’s sigil, the faint smell of parchment or books that appears whenever he casts a spell, there was generally no indication that he was the source of the magical effects he generated.

Also of interest, when Lucas was just seventeen, only halfway through his apprenticeship, he fell in love with Cecilia de Mercere, a fellow apprentice, though one without the Gift. Generally marriage while serving as an apprentice was not permitted. But in this case, when Lucas asked it of his parens, his request was granted. There were few enough members of the house with the Gift. And it wouldn’t be long after his gauntlet that Lucas would start taking a longevity potion, and be rendered infertile. Although a married apprentice was unorthodox, House Mercere was willing to allow anything that might lead to another Gifted member of the house. Alas, this effort proved to be in vain. But most in the house think it was worth trying.

The last interesting occurrence happened as Lucas was entering his last year of his apprenticeship. At this point, his parens told him that he had shown great promise, and that as a result, he as being offered membership in the Milvi Antiquiti, a group descended from Mutant de Mercere, one of Lucas’s direct blood ancestors. The Milvi Antiquiti, or “kites of old,” his parens explained, were a group of Mutantes and their companions who sought to preserve and distribute knowledge throughout the Order. Upon hearing the goals of the Order, Lucas was proud to accept this offer, which lead to his parens teaching him certain techniques in his last year that were developed by the Order.

Ten years ago, Lucas finished his gauntlet and found himself a full-fledged magus. The following years were filled with study and family, leading to a total of four children before he first went through his longevity ritual. After that, he started to feel like he wanted to move. While he could certainly stay in his current covenant as long as he wished, something was driving him to get out and see some more of the world. As it turned out, his knowledge of the language of Catalan made him a perfect match for a new position the House wanted to fill in the Covenant of Andorra. They wanted a Mercere magus to help support a Redcap living there, and Lucas was offered that position. He quickly said yes and began to pack his family up for the trip.

[table][tr][th][left]Characteristic[/left][/th] [th]Value[/th] [th]Cost[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Int[/td] [td][center]+3[/center][/td][td][center]6[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Com[/td] [td][center]+2[/center][/td] [td][center]3[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Dex[/td] [td][center]0[/center][/td][td][center]0[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Qui[/td] [td][center]-2[/center][/td][td][center]-3[/center][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][th][left]Virtue[/left][/th][th]Points[/th] [th]Level[/th][th]Type[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Mutantum Magic[/td] [td][center]0[/center][/td] [td][center]free[/center][/td][td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Gentle Gift[/td] [td][center]+3[/center][/td] [td][center]major[/center][/td] [td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Quiet Magic, x2[/td] [td][center]+2[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td] [td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Subtle Magic[/td] [td][center]+1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cautious Sorcerer[/td][td][center]+1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Affinity with Muto[/td] [td][center]+1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Personal Vis Source – Co[/td] [td][center]+1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Book Learner[/td] [td][center]+1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]general[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][th][left]Flaw[/left][/th][th]Points[/th] [th]Level[/th][th]Type[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Driven - to build a new Great Library[/td] [td][center]-3[/center][/td] [td][center]major[/center][/td][td][center]personality[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Favors - House Mercere[/td] [td][center]-3[/center][/td] [td][center]major[/center][/td][td][center]story[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Busybody[/td][td][center]-1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]personality[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Ability Block - Martial[/td] [td][center]-1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]general[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Disjointed Magic[/td] [td][center]-1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td][td][center]hermetic[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Close Family Ties[/td] [td][center]-1[/center][/td] [td][center]minor[/center][/td] [td][center]story[/center][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]Curious[/td] [td]+2[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Friendly[/td] [td]+2[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Driven[/td] [td][right]-3[/right][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][th][left]Ability[/left][/th][th][left]Focus[/left][/th][th]Score[/th] [th]Cost[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Artes Liberales – Latin and Arabic alphabets[/td] [td]rhetoric[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Athletics[/td] [td]grace[/td][td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Awareness[/td] [td]alertness[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Bargain[/td] [td]magical supplies[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Brawl[/td] [td]alertness[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Burgundy Lore[/td][td]personalities[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]0[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Charm[/td] [td]being witty[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Chirurgery[/td] [td]binding wounds[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Code of Hermes[/td] [td]tribunal procedures[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Concentration[/td][td]spell casting[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Dead Language: Latin[/td][td]hermetic usage[/td] [td][center]4[/center][/td][td][center]45[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Etiquette[/td] [td]magi[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Finesse[/td] [td]Corpus[/td] [td][center]3[/center][/td] [td][center]35[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Folk Ken[/td] [td]townsfolk[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]10[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Guile[/td] [td]fast talk[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Intrigue[/td] [td]gossip[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Living Language: French (native)[/td] [td]Bourguignon[/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td] [td][center]0[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Living Language: Occitain[/td] [td]Catalan[/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td] [td][center]50[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Magic Lore[/td] [td]magical traditions[/td][td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Magic Theory[/td] [td]inventing spells[/td] [td][center]3[/center][/td] [td][center]30[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Medicine[/td] [td]physician[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Order of Hermes Lore[/td] [td]personalities[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Parma Magica[/td] [td]Corpus[/td] [td][center]3[/center][/td] [td][center]30[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Penetration[/td] [td]Corpus[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td][td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Philosophiae[/td] [td]natural philosophy[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Profession – Librarian[/td] [td]caring for books[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Profession – Scribe[/td] [td]illumination[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Ride[/td] [td]staying on the horse[/td][td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Stealth[/td] [td]sneaking[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Swim[/td] [td]staying afloat[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Teaching[/td] [td]Muto[/td] [td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][th][left]Technique[/left][/th] [th]Value[/th][th]Cost[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Creo[/td] [td][center]7[/center][/td] [td][center]28[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Intelligo[/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Perdo[/td] [td][center]4[/center][/td] [td][center]11[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Rego[/td] [td][center]8[/center][/td][td][center]40[/center][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][th][left]Form[/left][/th] [th]Value[/th][th]Cost[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Aurum[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Corpus[/td] [td][center]10[/center][/td] [td][center]56[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Herbem[/td][td][center]2[/center][/td] [td][center]4[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Ignem[/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td] [td][center]15[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Imaginem[/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td] [td][center]16[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Mentem[/td] [td][center]6[/center][/td] [td][center]23[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Terram[/td] [td][center]5[/center][/td] [td][center]16[/center][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Vim[/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td] [td][center]1[/center][/td][/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]Spell[/td] [th]CT*[/th][th]Level[/th] [td]Description[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Doublet of Impenetrable Silk[/td] [td]+20/+25[/td] [td]MuAn 15[/td] [td]Animal-based cloth gets +3 Soak[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cloak of the Duck's Feathers[/td] [td]+11/+16[/td] [td]ReAq 5[/td] [td]Keeps water off the target[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Chamber of Spring Breezes[/td] [td]+10/+15[/td] [td]CrAu 5[/td] [td]Keeps the air flowing in a room[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes of the Cat[/td] [td]+23/+28[/td] [td]MuCo 5[/td] [td]Grants target ability to see in all but total darkness[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Improved Shape of the Woodland Prowler[/td] [td]+20/+25[/td] [td]MuCo 25[/td] [td]Turns target and what he's carrying into a wolf[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Improved Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand[/td] [td]+21/+26[/td] [td]ReCo 10[/td] [td]Causes the target's hand to spasm[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Touch of Warmth[/td] [td]+14/+19[/td] [td]CrIg 5[/td] [td]Keeps the target pleasantly warm[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Improved Lamp Without Flame[/td] [td]+14/+19[/td] [td]CrIg 15[/td] [td]Creates light on item touched[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Improved Disguise of the Transformed Image[/td] [td]+17/+22[/td] [td]MuIm 15[/td] [td]Changes the target's appearance[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wizard's Sidestep[/td] [td]+15/+20[/td] [td]ReIm 10[/td] [td]Magus looks like he's one pace away from where he really is[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Whispering Mind[/td] [td]+15/+20[/td] [td]CrMe 15[/td] [td]Allows caster to speak into the target's mind[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hex of Slumber[/td] [td]+16/+21[/td] [td]ReMe 15[/td] [td]Puts target to sleep in a few seconds[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Improved Unseen Arm[/td] [td]+15/+20[/td] [td]ReTe 10[/td] [td]Allows user to manipulate things at a distance[/td][/tr][/table]

    • The first CT is basic; the second is inside the covenant.

Ring of the Soaring Falcon MuCo (An, He, Te) 35
This ring allows the caster, along with what he's wearing, and any small items he's carrying, to assume the form of a falcon, hawk, kite, or other small raptor for as long as he wishes. This ring was made for Lucas, so he suffers no warping from using it.
(Base 20, +1M Conc., +5 device maintains concentration, +10 unlimited uses/day = 40)

Wand of the Entwining Vines
This wand allows the user to cast the spell Trap of the Entwining Vines at will.
(Level 15 spell, +10 Unlimited uses = 25)

Longevity Ritual: level 50

Mutare Naturam Magicam: Andronicus of Mercere (Muto Summae, L20/Q11)

Catalogus Plantarum Mysticum: Johann of Mercere (Herbam Summae, L18/Q13)

Ad Operationem Corporis: Petrus of Bonisagus (Corpus Summae, L20/Q10)

To be determined when Lucas gets to the covenant.

Okay, a few final changes. First, I corrected the mistake with the spell levels. I dropped a few spells, and added a few different. It occurred to me that if he's going to be changing shape, it might be nice to have a spell that would allow him to speak telepathically to people and perhaps manipulate his environment. Normally casting spells while transformed is a bitch because you can't speak or make gestures. But Lucas doesn't have that problem. :slight_smile:

I also fixed his mustering out selection, swapping in a book on Herbam. I also added a book on Corpus, and changed the falcon ring to unlimited uses. (I can't imagine he'd need more than 24 uses a day. But at the cost of 1.5 vis for the option, I figured I'd take it. That only leaves him with 5 vis. But what the heck. He'll make more in the seasons to come.

And while I may regret this the next time I have to make a Concentration check, I dropped Conc. to 2 and added Profession (Librarian) 2, since that seemed like something the character really ought to have.

[size=150]SPELL BOOK[/size]

[size=120]Improved Shape of the Woodland Prowler [/size]
MuCo 25

R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind. (Harnessed, Tethered)
Req: Animal
The target changes into a wolf. The target may change back at will, ending the spell.
(Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

[size=120]Improved Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand [/size]
ReCo 10

R: Sight D: Conc. T: Ind.
One of the target's hands spasms, causing him to drop anything he is holding in it. It keeps spasming for as long as you concentrate.
(Base 2, +3 Sight, +1 Conc.)

[size=120]Touch of Warmth [/size]
CrIg 5

R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind.
Maintains the target at a warm temperature.
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

[size=120]Improved Lamp Without Flame [/size]
CrIg 15

R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind. (Harnessed, Tethered)
This spell creates a steady light as bright as daylight on a cloudy day. The light has no apparent source but illuminates an area about
ten paces across, centered on a point indicated by the caster. This point may be a mobile item.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

[size=120]Improved Disguise of the Transformed Image [/size]
MuIm 15

R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind. (Harnessed, Tethered)
Make someone look sound. feel and smell different, though at least passably human. The target can end the illusion at will, ending the spell.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

[size=120]Whispering Mind [/size]
CrMe 15

R: Sight, D: Conc, T: Ind.
This spell lets the caster speak directly into the target’s mind for as long as he maintains concentration.
(Base 3, +3 Sight, +1 Conc)

[size=120]Hex of Slumber [/size]

R: Sight D: Mom T: Ind
The target becomes sleepy and falls asleep within a few seconds.
(Base 4, +3 Sight)

[size=120]The Well-Swept Chamber [/size]
ReTe 10

R: Touch, D: Mom. T: Room
Sweeps all the dirt out of a given chamber.
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Room)

[size=120]Improved Unseen Arm [/size]
ReTe 10

R: Sight D: Conc. T: Ind.
Slowly moves a nonliving thing, like a mug instrument, or small pouch of coins. It cannot oppose intentional resistance. Magi use this spell to manipulate things at a distance, but the spell cannot he used to pull something from a persons hand or to move something that is held. Casting requisites of an appropriate form for the target are required.
(Base 2, +3 Sight, D: +1 Conc.)



Ring of the Soaring Falcon

This ring allows the caster, along with what he's wearing, and any small items he's carrying, to assume the form of a falcon, hawk, kite, or other small raptor for as long as he concentrates.
(Base 20, +1M Conc., +5 device maintains concentration, +10 unlimited uses/day)
Total cost: 54 qpv

Wand of the Entwining Vines
CrHe 25
This wand allows the user to cast the spell Trap of the Entwining Vines
(Level 15 spell, +10 Unlimited uses = 25)
Total Cost: 30 qpv


Mutationes in Corpore Humano: Andronicus of Mercere (Muto Summae, L20/Q11)
Total Cost: 31 qpv

Catalogus Plantarum Mysticum: Johann of Mercere (Herbam Summae, L18/Q13)
Total Cost: 31 qpv

Ad Operationem Corporis: Petrus of Bonisagus (Corpus Summae, L20/Q10)
Total Cost: 30 qpv


Longevity Ritual: level 50 (35+50/2) = 60 qpv

TOTAL QPV SPENT: 54 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 60 = 236

20 qpv left over = 5 vis (3 An, 2 Co)

The wiki has the current library. I'd give you a link, but I'm posting from my phone.

Wow. This is a great character. :wink:

Yes, you're right.

Fightmaster was pointing that, if using wolf skins, you don't need the harness, but, well, this'd require a lot of wolf skins :laughing:

For your ring, 3 notes:

  • It was made for you. You should write it, because it means you don't suffer warping from powerful effect, although if you lend it to someone, he will
  • IMO, it was made with the requisites, so you should write it as MuCo (An, He, Te)
  • I love it

Thanks. And it looks like I'll have to adjust my book buying a bit more. There are a few other books that overlap my purchases. It seems that the list I was looking at was sorely out of date.

That was my thought as well. It occurred to me that the covenant might want to use guards transformed into wolves to stand guard. Those sensitive noses, combined with human minds could be very handy. Also (once I get my Terram up so that swords and metal armor can get transformed), it might be nice for rapid troop movement. As I understand the rules, wolves are good for long-distance running. (And it's only level 25, so no warping, right?)

Thanks. I made the corrections.

Also, can it be that you don't have a magus acting as librarian? If so, Lucas will be happy to remedy that!

Vocis is the covenant librarian, which is why I caught the Rego book issue. :slight_smile:

Ah, I didn't see that noted anywhere.

Is he looking for an assistant?

Some more questions (because they keep cropping up):

1.) How do you go about finding an animal to become a familiar?

2.) How do you determine how many botch dice to roll when you potentially botch in casting a spell or doing lab work?

Yes, there is a Light of Andorra Wiki. Fixer set it up and maintains most of it. Fightmaster maintains the library. And we all contribute bits.
Things are supposed to be up to date here, and it is my fault that they are not. I have quite the project ahead of me :smiley:
I have started on the basic covenant info, and I got hung up on residents and expenses. Library comes after that. I will make a place holder and move on with the update.
As for your questions:
If you want a low/medium powered familiar, we can just hand wave it. If you want a more powerful familiar, that requires a story.
Botch dice depend on various circumstances; stress, danger, risk, mastery or lack thereof, etcetera.
To jump in, jusp post your introduction in the sandbox thread (Chapter IV, 1234-1240). You pop through the Mercere Portal from Harco when it opens in Fall 1234.

I was looking at a low/medium power one - a falcon, to stay in keeping with my background so far.

Low powered magical animal, Magic Might of 10 or less. You met while you were flying around in magical areas? Either bind together during development, or in game just dedicate a season to coincidentally meeting then bonding.

I notice that all of the current adventure threads are dated Spring 1234. Will coming in during the Fall cause me any trouble in that respect?

One of them is for summer, and anotheris a prelude that covers four seasons. Falll means that you come in at a time I know everyone else will be here :wink:

Does that mean I should plan out other activities for Winter, Spring, and Summer of 1234? That might be the perfect time to get a familiar.

Good idea :slight_smile:

BTW, what exactly is Upkeep in pounds/year? According to page 110 of Covenants, it's 1 pound/year +1 pound/year for each +1 Upkeep. But it seems like you use numbers that are a bit higher than that. I just want to make sure I don't go over budget when it's time to plan my lab.

I also don't see an officer roster compiled anywhere. Here's a summary...
Pontifex - Carmen
Artifex - Vulcanus
Inquisitor - Solomon
Marshal - Alexandro Pedro Perez
Warden - Arachne
Herald - Fedora (I think)
Librarian - Vocis
Treasurer - Carmen

Not actively, but given Lucas's interests/obsession he's not likely to turn down the opportunity.

The officers' positions are listed by the magi's names on the wiki page. Vibria is currently Warden. (She wanted to be Treasurer, but the others were all, like, "Ah, hell naw!" :laughing:)