Hey there people
I am in the process of making a Magus who is going to be 30 years or so out of apprenticehood. He is going to be the rival of my verditius Magus. They are both locked in a vendetta.
Finding a magical theme/focus for him was rather hard (bit of creative block), but in the end I have settled on him creating, selling and using magical constructs - specifically statues made of Caen stone. The Saga takes place in the Normandy tribunal.
I looked at the Automaton in the Mystery Cults book and was frankly disappointed. It is insanely expensive, very slow and ineffective. I find it hard to believe this was a great secret the Verditius were sorry to see go... WIth a 10th level Rego Herbam effect it is possible to create a wooden servant that matches these automata in almost every way. Sigh.. I shouldn't get started on this virtue. Suffice to say that we are not going to be using it in the campaign and any players in my other game will have an easier time.
What the Virtue does give is the ability to create a servant with magical might, which is a powerful ability. It also has the "tie the threads that bind" spell, which is useful, but not necessary required (nothing in hermetic theory says you cannot make one spell follow the commands of another). Those are useful and fairly cool. My rival will have to do without them, or perhaps acquire them through a minor virtue... I dunno.
So, to finally arrive at my point: I am creating a handful of spells and enchantments that he will be using to animate statues, either through formulaic / ritual spells or through permanent enchantments. This should justify him having a small army of animated minions, as well as a thriving business of selling Statues and Gargoyles to other Magi. I will attempt to do it with existing spell guidelines, or at least by sticking very close to them.