magical makeup

RTFM - Enchantment bonuses are the "Shape & Material" (5e) or "Form & Effect" (4e) bonuses.
They are mentioned in the description of the Lab system for creating enchanted devices, and there's a table of things/substances and the bonuses they give, together with the areas to which those bonuses apply.

Now - go back and read the Lab chapter, and look down the F&E table in your free copy of 4e!

Using the "Mortals can sell/trade magick items" loophole in the Code, I would suspect that an enchanted makeup kit w/ Re-Te/Aq that would keep the rain and mud off you would be very popular amongst the nobles.

Nobles don't need makeup to keep the mud off them, they've got peasants for such things... But a light ReMe effect would be very appropriate.

ReMe? To make people think you look better? Sorry, still a bit noobish to Ars.

To enhance any positive feelings towards the wearer, or a CrMe to instill a sense of lust or desire. Something like that. :slight_smile:

Hmmm... maybe I should consider this for sale...

Perhaps MuMe to change negitive feelings about the wearer to positive ones?