Hi there!
After working around several NPCs for our saga, I have seen that there are quite a few "tricks" that can be done by people withouyt the Gift but that would look magical to the untrained eye and that do provide magic-like (or even real magic) effects.
Looking at this I have started toying around the idea of what a Gift-less person could achieve, and thinking about what abilities a potential court wizard could command. So far I have detected the following methods in the rules. More abilities would be appreciated: I am sure I have forgotten several on my way here
Mythic Herbalism: Supernatural virtue, true, but the effects are not truly spectacular. It enters in the category of "quasi magic.
Mythic alchemy (HMRE). Same case as M. Herbalism. Basically an improvement over normal alchemy. Those 2 are the most powerful abilities being considered, but all those are borderline assumptions
Touched by Realm (C&G): Allows you to make wondrous items. Also supenatural, but minor
Ligatures (A&A):
Achievable with any of the 3 philosophical arts (medicine, artes liberales or philosophiae).
A few hours to create
Provide a bonus of +1 +2 or even +3 to a single roll
Formulae (A&A)
These exist for all 3 philosophical arts as well (medicine, artes liberales or philosophiae).
The names and effects are as follows:
Inceptions (art lib). Info on the present, past or future
Reagents (phil). Alchemical stuff. greek fire, vitriol, calorific stone, alchemical steel, cement, protector
Theriac (medicine, apothecary). Restore fatigue, help recovery, antivenom, poisons
Enrichment (RoP:M)
The best thing in the unGifted repertoire since our founder destroyed a Djinn in his final battle. grants supernatural abilities and bonuses for the meagre price of your Ethernal Soul and... wait, this is The Other guys. Only triggers a constant muystical effect on you so you are saying "welcome!" to warping.
[u]Forest Path/u
A way for humans to acquire communion with the Forest Spirit and gain supernatural abilities out of it. It requires sacrifices by the one that has undergone the Path, but he also gains from it after a successful quest. There are several (unlimited?) different forest paths, all with their advantages and drawbacks.
Superior and Excellent Items (C&G)
Those are items made exceptionally well. They add bonuses to certain activites or totals. Not magical, but certainly preferred. If the bonus is large enough (say, +5) the effect might look magical to the untrained.
Anything more methods I am missing?