Malta, the long run

Is Marcus keeping a dual residency? I kind of thought he was, I also thought he arranged the building process.

We really just need basic servants, shield grogs, and I guess we can get a librarian (though we don't have many books). As long someone speaks Maltese it should be fairly trivial, since we built a site above-ground..

I think we have enough vis - keep in mind there is not a situation where we have paid-for but undiscovered vis sources, like there is in Bentalone.

I prefer this part to be, "we have the resources, so it gets taken care of". It's not particularly interesting to me to get deep into the details of mundane logistics. Julia becomes autocrat and in exchange the covenant allows her the wealth to be in society as a lady of means.

Huh? I don't see any hidden resources at Bentalone, nor any mention that the 30p/yr Vim source of the spring is undiscovered.

I thought there were unspecified vis sources that you wanted to search for. Never mind that, then.

Marcus would like to spend time at Malta from time to time, and help out if he can. As long as his name is on the deed, and the covenant is not recognised, he cannot just turn his back.

If we can recruit a scribe he offers to have copied some of the books that he has. The book on Africa lore is probably the most interesting.

When he leaves at the end of Autumn 1195, he will not be back for one year. After that, he is able to leap, and he will pay a visit after Pisa.

One question to settle ... the gift/fee to Guccio, for all his help.

Some percentage of our interest income seems the best way to do it. 10? 20?

We should have an agreement between us and him that formalizes everything and divides the property even if we end up without a covenant, do we need to write it up as an actual agreement?

Also, when is the next tribunal? We need to get to work getting support before then; that should probably be the next Malta story.

Re: Next Tribunal - Should be 1200, no?

Re: The gift/fee to Guccio - I feel like I should either recuse Taliha from that decision due to player conflict of interest or low-ball it though low-balling it doesn't seem much like her so I think, playing up her carefree attitude she would leave the decision to you all.

Re: Taliha's Seasonal activities - Anyway, then Taliha would like to spend the next year and a season like so:
1195 Winter - Study Intellego root (L5Q15)
1196 Spring - Take class in Maltese language with priest (probably with Julia? SQ12?)
1196 Summer - Explore Maltese Islands (practice Area Lore Q7+2) Also gather sand, see below.
1196 Autumn - Study Terram Summa (L17Q14)
1196 Winter - Practice Maltese (SQ8+2)

Re: Collecting Sand - I noticed there are at least two beaches in the Maltese Islands that have notable sand. One is in Ramla Bay where the sand is a golden Orange and I forget the other but will do a search for it. I was hoping collecting some of these sands could be the beginnings of a Terram Realia Collection. Does this seem acceptable?

Tribunal is 1200 by canon.

for Guccio? I'd vote for a one-off payment as long as he does not join as a partner. His discretion is only needed for five years, until the tribunal, and leaving a long-term entanglement just complicates things unnecessarily.

Paying him 10pvf is quite generous I think, and the covenant does not really notice. I think, previously, we talked about 5pvf. Of course, we could say 10% of the interest earned until the tribunal. That is probably in the region 10-15pvf.

Let's say 10 percent of interest, then. I don't see why we couldn't keep that relationship if we get recognized, it's a nice thing for a covenant to have set up. And if we don't get recognized (a serious possibility), we end up being two mage-errants with a vis trust fund.

I don't think he has a particular desire for a covenant home, he's living very well as things are right now.

Guccio is feeling his [redacted] swelling. Though he is not sure why since you have not told him yet.

This would have been in the agreement we made initially. I'm trying to avoid writing it up out of laziness, but maybe I have to. :stuck_out_tongue:

If Africa opens up (in what, 30 years?) he might jockey for that redcap position then want a covenant home in Malta as opposed to living at a Mercere House where he must pay rent.

I have drafted the vis accounts for 1195:

If you are happy with it, we can proceed to 1196.

I'm happy with it but I think it's too complicated. Part of the reason I did a simpler, condensed accounting was because it's going to end up with many years on it. We're not going to get audited, we just need to keep track of expenditures and income.

Edit: Never mind, I just realized that was a subpage from the simpler one. I think you're taking on work you don't need to, but if you want to it's fine.

The format is not really a lot of extra work, and it was necessary for me to understand what was going on in the first complicated year.

Problem with your format was that I could not easily see what the balance was.

When we fast forward, I am not going to make a tabular for every year.

I feel like a link to a google spreadsheet would be best/easiest. I can set one up tonight (only almost noon here now).

The spreadsheet is non-trivial to manage, since you have to keep track of the annual interest, and hence record the balance for every year.

A well-made spreadsheet can be good, but very uncommon.

I have made 1196 too. The annual interest is now 50pvf net, with 6p to Guccio. I have been rounding to the nearest pawn.

I worked at an accounting firm for a while so the best practice would be to just keep all the data in there and have a line or column per year. It's quite trivial.

I would also probably have one page for the "banked" vis and its interest income, where we don't need to record its art, and another page for the vis by art totals. though it could easily be done on one sheet.

You have 16 currencies and need to record incoming and outgoing amounts, with some sort of explanation. I can see how it works, but not how you make it legible.

a) @Plot_Device, @loke, do either of you have conflict with Taliha studying either of these books during that time period?

b) @silveroak, probably got lost in the shuffle, what do you think about beginning a Realia of different sands: