Maximilian of Verditius

Stats after 6 years of advancement.

Age: 33 (born 1193 A.D.)
Size: 0
Gender: Male
Confidence: 1 (3)
Characteristics: Int +4, Per +1, Str -2, Sta -2, Pre +2, Com 0, Dex +2, Qik 0
Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Verditius Magic (House), Affinity with Herbam, Free Study, Great Characteristic (Intelligence), Inventive Genius, Minor Magical Focus (Wood), Personal Vis Source, Puissant Craft, Puissant Magic Theory, Skilled Parens, Venus’ Blessing
Flaws: Ambitious (minor), Deficient Form (Aquam), Favors, Limited Magic Resistance (Ignem), Proud (minor), Twilight Prone
Personality Traits: Ambitious +3, Charming +2, Proud +3
Area Lore: Greece (legends) 2
Area Lore: Northern Morea (Baraïcus River Gorge) 2
Area Lore: Patras (Vodias Mountain) 1(1)
Area Lore: Polyaigos covenant (personalities) 1
Artes Liberales (arithmetics) 2
Athletics (climbing) 2
Awareness (listening) 2
Bargain (favors) 1
Brawl (dodge) 1
Charm (servants) 2
Concentration (lab work) 1
Craft: Woodcarving (wands) 5(2)+2
Etiquette (nobility) 1
Folk Ken (women) 2
Language: Romaic Greek (storytelling) 5
Language: Classical Greek (hermetic usage) 4
Language: Latin (hermetic usage) 1
Magic Lore (creatures) 1
Magic Theory (enchanting items) 4(8)+2
Order of Hermes Lore (personalities) 1
Parma Magica (Ignem) 4(15)
Philosophiae (enchanting items) 2
Stealth (hide) 1
Teaching (Artes Liberales) 0(2)
Verditius Cult Lore (history) 1(2)
Magical Arts: Cr 8, In 3, Pe 3, Re 3, Co 6, He 13(11), Ig 15(10), Vi 6

Wizard's Sigil: Complexity and swirling, in the appearance of many moving parts assembling to form the effect.

Warping and Twilight Effects
Warping Score: 1 (7 points total)
Twilight Scars: Scratches and wear on wooden objects in his vicinity slowly heal (over the course of weeks or months, depending on how often he handles them). They return within a year of being away from Maximilian’s presence.

Aegis of Unbreakable Wood (MuHe 15) +11
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10) +14
Heat of the Searing Forge (CrIg 10) +21
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15) +21
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20) +21
Extinguish the Raging Bonfire (PeIg 15) +16 -- Puts out a fire as large as a bonfire. [Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 size]
Ward Against Heat and Flames (ReIg 25) +16
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) +12
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10) +7
Wizard’s Sidestep (ReIm 10) +1
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5) +7
Unravelling the Fabric of Imaginem (PeVi 5) +7
18 pawns of Herbam vis
1 pawn of Vim vis
Enchanted wand (total capacity 15 pawns, used 4 pawns)
[list]* Description: The wand is made of hickory, with its handle forming a mesh of wood over a small capsule of silver containing a few drops of mercury. Any further enchantment into the wand has +3 to the lab total because of the Verditius Runes carved into the wand when it was opened for enchantment.
[*]Enchantment: Pilum of Fire (R:Voice, D:Mom, T:Ind, deals +15 damage), 24 uses/day, +30 Penetration

Personal lab texts (not translated) to enchant the following effects:

  • Pilum of Fire (R:Voice, D:Mom, T:Ind, deals +15 damage), 24 uses/day, +30 Penetration, to be enchanted into a wand

Just raising back the question, as it may have been lost in a rather long post. 8)

Looks good, I'm also coming up with 5 solid tokens, and if you wish to pursue action against Cathrine that could be either a token or shard depending on how the court goes.

Aside from the 2 tokens he received when he completed his apprenticeship, I don't see where he'd have gotten more. The services he delivered were to the covenant of Polyaigos, in exchange for staying there and using the library. I thought tokens were given for services to the Tribunal, not simply to a covenant?

As for Caterina, he's not going to pursue any legal action at this time. I don't think he would have grounds for that, but in any case he doesn't want to alienate her further, nor Polyaigos as a whole. And he has no intention of raising the child anyway. Relations may be strained with Caterina, but not hostile. It might also set the table for an interesting plot line in the future, if the girl proves to be Gifted and her particular abilities make her suitable for an apprentice to Maximilian. :smiley:

Are we starting the saga in 1220?

Tokens can be transferred, and I was assuming that someone in the Covenant was giving you tokens for service to the covenant- since you apprenticed there I assumed you were at the time a member, or considered such by the elder magi, who would see you ongoing education as an investment in training a usefull member... and the covenant has no shortage of tokens that they receive for educating future apprentices.

Not a problem then, 5 tokens it is. :slight_smile:

What of the saga's starting date? Is it 1220? I know you had Trogdor advance his magus by increments of 7 years, but that would bring us to 1214 or 1221, a Tribunal year.

If we start in 1221 (assumedly right after the Tribunal meeting) then I need to advance him one more year.

We are starting in 1220, in the spring. The tribunal was held at the end of 1219, which is when all the newly gauntleted magi became fully recognized magi and polite(citizen of the tribunal).

Any particular reason for the non-standard tribunal year?

TSE mentions the next tribunal meeting being in 1221 (just like elsewhere in the Order), with previous ones having been held in 1214 and 1207.

I didn't see that for one, the other being that 1220 is standard starting date and with all these newly gauntleted magi it made sense.
We can move the game to 1222, main difference is that means the whole issue about the Latin auras will be coming to an end instead of beginning (they got messed up when Geoffrey II was excommunicated)

I made some changes to the advancement previously posted to reflect the new date and adding one year of advancement. The changes are highlighted in red.

Stats after 7 years of advancement, current as of the end of 1221 A.D. The results of the changes are also highlighted in red.

Age: 34 (born 1187 A.D.)
Size: 0
Gender: Male
Confidence: 1 (3)
Characteristics: Int +4, Per +1, Str -2, Sta -2, Pre +2, Com 0, Dex +2, Qik 0
Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Verditius Magic (House), Affinity with Herbam, Free Study, Great Characteristic (Intelligence), Inventive Genius, Minor Magical Focus (Wood), Personal Vis Source, Puissant Craft, Puissant Magic Theory, Skilled Parens, Venus’ Blessing
Flaws: Ambitious (minor), Deficient Form (Aquam), Favors, Limited Magic Resistance (Ignem), Proud (minor), Twilight Prone
Personality Traits: Ambitious +3, Charming +2, Proud +3
Area Lore: Greece (legends) 2
Area Lore: Northern Morea (Baraïcus River Gorge) 2
Area Lore: Patras (Vodias Mountain) 1(1)
Area Lore: Polyaigos covenant (personalities) 1
Artes Liberales (arithmetics) 2
Athletics (climbing) 2
Awareness (listening) 2
Bargain (favors) 1
Brawl (dodge) 1
Charm (servants) 2
Concentration (lab work) 1
Craft: Woodcarving (wands) 5(2)+2
Etiquette (nobility) 1
Folk Ken (women) 2
Language: Romaic Greek (storytelling) 5
Language: Classical Greek (hermetic usage) 4
Language: Latin (hermetic usage) 1
Magic Lore (creatures) 1
Magic Theory (enchanting items) 5+2
Order of Hermes Lore (personalities) 1
Parma Magica (Ignem) 4(15)
Philosophiae (enchanting items) 2
Stealth (hide) 1
Teaching (Artes Liberales) 0(2)
Verditius Cult Lore (history) 1(2)
Magical Arts: Cr 8, In 3, Pe 3, Re 3, Co 6, He 13(11), Ig 15(12), Vi 6

Wizard's Sigil: Complexity and swirling, in the appearance of many moving parts assembling to form the effect.

Warping and Twilight Effects
Warping Score: 1 (7 points total)
Twilight Scars: Scratches and wear on wooden objects in his vicinity slowly heal (over the course of weeks or months, depending on how often he handles them). They return within a year of being away from Maximilian’s presence.

Aegis of Unbreakable Wood (MuHe 15) +11
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10) +14
Heat of the Searing Forge (CrIg 10) +21
Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10) +21
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15) +21
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20) +22 -- Mastery 1(5) (Magic Resistance)
Arc of Fiery Ribbons (CrIg 25) +21
Extinguish the Raging Bonfire (PeIg 15) +16 -- Puts out a fire as large as a bonfire. [Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 size]
Ward Against Heat and Flames (ReIg 25) +16
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) +12
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10) +7
Wizard’s Sidestep (ReIm 10) +1
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5) +7
Unravelling the Fabric of Imaginem (PeVi 5) +7
5 tokens
26 pawns of Herbam vis
1 pawn of Vim vis
Enchanted wand (total capacity 15 pawns, used 4 pawns)
[list]* Description: The wand is made of hornbeam, with its handle forming a mesh of wood over a small capsule of silver containing a few drops of mercury. Any further enchantment into the wand has +3 to the lab total because of the Verditius Runes carved into the wand when it was opened for enchantment.
[*]Enchantment: Pilum of Fire (R:Voice, D:Mom, T:Ind, deals +15 damage), 24 uses/day, +30 Penetration

Personal lab texts (not translated) to enchant the following effects:

  • Invested Item, CrIg 40: Pilum of Fire (R:Voice, D:Mom, T:Ind, deals +15 damage), 24 uses/day, +30 Penetration, to be enchanted into a wand
  • Charged Item, CrIg 60: Cleansing Bolt of Fire (R:Sight, D:Mom, T:Ind, deals +20 damage), +60 Penetration, to be enchanted into a wand tipped by a small ruby

looks good

Updating the Magi thread, without the highlighting.

I hate to be a butt, however hickory is errata'd out, as its actually an american plant not a european wood.

Good point, I'll make changes accordingly and remove that material from my list of those possible. Thanks! 8)

i play a verditus in my table top game or id have never noticed the switcheroo on it.

Questions for the storyguide: How easy is it to get access to stat-boosting rituals in this saga? What about lab texts of such rituals?

Considering Maximilian's low Stamina, this is certainly something that he would look at eventually. If lab texts aren't too hard to obtain, he might even ask Orion to invent a version attuned specifically to Maximilian, so that he does not get Warping from it. The basic spell to raise a characteristic by 1 (up to +1) is only level 40, so even if a lab text is hard to obtain it could still be invented from prime principles after 2 seasons (with his familiar and apprentice helping).

Lab texts tend to either be bundled with summae as an afterthought or left lying around their covenant of origin. You can put he word out but due to the low value the redcap network would not make it a priority unless you were offering an exceptional price for it. Finding someone to trade with directly at the next tribunal is your best bet for finding such texts.

Well, I seemed to remeber something in HoH:TL in the Mercere chapter about stat-boosting rituals not being circulated as much. Something about the Cult of Heroes using them a lot, too. I don't have the book with me, though, and in any case I was wondering if there would be any kind of restriction on acquiring such lab texts.

What would be considered an 'exceptional price' for lab texts? A pawn of raw vis? (As opposed to trading them for other lab texts) More?

Just trying to gauge how much access he would have, and if it is accessible, what the price for that is considered normal for this saga. Once I have an idea, Maximilian will probably approach Aureliano and/or Agapitus about it.

A pawn of vis for one lab text would certainly be exceptional.

And what would be a 'normal' price? I'm not necessarily in a hurry to get this done.

I just thought this might be an alternate service to be traded with Orion -- inventing a version of the ritual attuned to Maximilian.