Stats after 6 years of advancement.
Age: 33 (born 1193 A.D.)
Size: 0
Gender: Male
Confidence: 1 (3)
Characteristics: Int +4, Per +1, Str -2, Sta -2, Pre +2, Com 0, Dex +2, Qik 0
Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Verditius Magic (House), Affinity with Herbam, Free Study, Great Characteristic (Intelligence), Inventive Genius, Minor Magical Focus (Wood), Personal Vis Source, Puissant Craft, Puissant Magic Theory, Skilled Parens, Venus’ Blessing
Flaws: Ambitious (minor), Deficient Form (Aquam), Favors, Limited Magic Resistance (Ignem), Proud (minor), Twilight Prone
Personality Traits: Ambitious +3, Charming +2, Proud +3
Area Lore: Greece (legends) 2
Area Lore: Northern Morea (Baraïcus River Gorge) 2
Area Lore: Patras (Vodias Mountain) 1(1)
Area Lore: Polyaigos covenant (personalities) 1
Artes Liberales (arithmetics) 2
Athletics (climbing) 2
Awareness (listening) 2
Bargain (favors) 1
Brawl (dodge) 1
Charm (servants) 2
Concentration (lab work) 1
Craft: Woodcarving (wands) 5(2)+2
Etiquette (nobility) 1
Folk Ken (women) 2
Language: Romaic Greek (storytelling) 5
Language: Classical Greek (hermetic usage) 4
Language: Latin (hermetic usage) 1
Magic Lore (creatures) 1
Magic Theory (enchanting items) 4(8)+2
Order of Hermes Lore (personalities) 1
Parma Magica (Ignem) 4(15)
Philosophiae (enchanting items) 2
Stealth (hide) 1
Teaching (Artes Liberales) 0(2)
Verditius Cult Lore (history) 1(2)
Magical Arts: Cr 8, In 3, Pe 3, Re 3, Co 6, He 13(11), Ig 15(10), Vi 6
Wizard's Sigil: Complexity and swirling, in the appearance of many moving parts assembling to form the effect.
Warping and Twilight Effects
Warping Score: 1 (7 points total)
Twilight Scars: Scratches and wear on wooden objects in his vicinity slowly heal (over the course of weeks or months, depending on how often he handles them). They return within a year of being away from Maximilian’s presence.
Aegis of Unbreakable Wood (MuHe 15) +11
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10) +14
Heat of the Searing Forge (CrIg 10) +21
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15) +21
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20) +21
Extinguish the Raging Bonfire (PeIg 15) +16 -- Puts out a fire as large as a bonfire. [Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 size]
Ward Against Heat and Flames (ReIg 25) +16
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) +12
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10) +7
Wizard’s Sidestep (ReIm 10) +1
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5) +7
Unravelling the Fabric of Imaginem (PeVi 5) +7
18 pawns of Herbam vis
1 pawn of Vim vis
Enchanted wand (total capacity 15 pawns, used 4 pawns)
[list]* Description: The wand is made of hickory, with its handle forming a mesh of wood over a small capsule of silver containing a few drops of mercury. Any further enchantment into the wand has +3 to the lab total because of the Verditius Runes carved into the wand when it was opened for enchantment.
[*]Enchantment: Pilum of Fire (R:Voice, D:Mom, T:Ind, deals +15 damage), 24 uses/day, +30 Penetration
Personal lab texts (not translated) to enchant the following effects:
Pilum of Fire (R:Voice, D:Mom, T:Ind, deals +15 damage), 24 uses/day, +30 Penetration, to be enchanted into a wand