My current character was designed using influences from Ranulf in MoH. Figuring out how to use metamagic turned up lots of confusion.
The concentration rules in ArM5, p.82 are unclear on whether casting two non-fast-cast spells in a round is actually possible with a high concentration roll.
Previous threads have already addressed the issue:
with a popular conclusion being that the rules' unstated original intent was to have any combo of a standard spell and a MuVi metamagic spell have to be cast in two successive rounds, the casting of the first being automatically "extended" to be released at roughly the same time as the second, because two non fast-cast are simply not cast in a single round and the p.82 concentration table's "Continuing situation" refers only to activities to be attempted while maintaining a Concentration spell.
The MuVI Guidelines (ArM5 p. 159) state that metamagic spells are an exception to the concentration difficulties, their target being 9 rather than 15, making no mention of the 2 spells' relative timing.
Now comes the MoH book, with new spells not covered by these discussions.
Consider Ranulf's Boreal Flames & Patient Spell (MoH p.111 and p.113). Basically, since Boreal Flames is NOT MuVi, it has to succeed a 15+ concentration if cast with Pilum of Fire, but the Patient Spell holds it until a second round changing the Concentration requirements to two rolls of 9+: Once to cast simultaneously Boreal FLames and Patient Spell (I assume that is what is meant by "in conjunction"), and one to keep concentrating on Patient Spell while casting Pilum of Fire.
Thus, MoH implies:
That casting two spells in the same round is possible, even two spells when none of them is an actual Mu Vi metamagic. This begs to follow up with: can you cast two unrelated spells in the same round? Can you take any spell and "design it for combo casting"? If not, what makes a spell legal for combo casting if a Mu(Pe)Ig is alright?
That a metamagic spell is supposed to be cast in the same round as the spell it modifies.
That to extend the casting of a spell over a second round is not a routine free choice, it requires the Patient Spell or equivalent
That the "casting another spell" line in the ArM5 p.82 table DOES refer to two spells cast simultaneously, bringing into doubt what the whole section of the table actually means. (Answering a single yes/no question requires COncentration 12... in the same round as casting a spell? LoM indicates a ten-word sentence as a free action...) The accompanying paragraphs really are unclear as well: what activities are impossible to do while casting? Does the (3 X wound penalty) concentration penalty apply only on the damaging round (in addition to the 15 target?) or for as long as the injury remains?
That maintaining the Patient Spell while casting PoF is a 9+ concentration feat "because the spell is designed for this use", while the Arm5 p.82 table makes this target 12 or 15, depending on how you read it. Should they have clarified that only metamagic MuVi CAN benefit from the "designed for this use" principle? Because Boreal Flames is also clearly designed specifically for use with PoF and doesn't have the benefit...
How do you people understand these issues? How should we read the infamous Concentration table AND its accompanying paragraphs?