Can you make a temporary enchanted (lesser or invested) object usin a Lab Text for an enchantment that don´t have this? Or is this a sufficcient different object that need exactly a different text?
And I have "Magi of Hermes", and i have a doubt.... the similar effect lab bonus is ussed to in lesser enchantments effects since you have created other similar effect/object in the case of Tlides, he used the bonus for a similar enchantment to other, it is explained. That means that any similar effect bonus is aplied to other similar procces but not the exatly? Like enchant a Familar first to become human in the Bond, and after make the opposed effect to become you to the same animal class?
I'm sorry - don't have what? What does "this" refer to?
And what do you mean by a "temporary" enchanted object?
The rules for gaining Similar Spell bonuses are on page 101, and they do not mention enchanted "similar items", nor even "similar effects" - only "spells". So having created one item does not give you a bonus for creating a "similar" item. The mage doesn't "know" that item the way they know a spell, and the Lab Text only helps with re-creating that exact item.
But these rules do use the phrase "...similar to the effect he is creating" - and an "effect" is broader than a "spell". So I believe that knowing a Formulaic Spell could aid in Enchanting an Item if the Effect falls under "similar spell" guidelines regarding a Formulaic Spell known by the creator.
OK, but in the case of Tolides use the bouns betwen the encahntmen of two objetcs, no one spell and one object. I don't have the book right now, but i remember it.
If so, my understanding is that, RAW, it can only be applied to Invested Items. In any case, I feel that adding Expiry is too great a change to the enchantment for a Lab Text to still be valid.
You are correct - that's what it says. But that's not how the rules read.
Similar Spells (p 101) very clearly refers only to spells and knowing spells - not to enchantments or items, which are not spells (and you cannot "know" an enchantment).
(And a Lab Text bonus can only be used for an identical effect, "no features... may be changed" - that is explicitly stated (p 102).
A SG or Troupe (or editor?) can expand that if they wish, but it's not how the rules read. Don't know what else to say.
Each new effect added to an Invested item gains a lab bonus for previous effects sharing a Technique or Form. Spells and enchantments are different. (When learning a new spell, a magus gets a bonus for knowing a similar spell but not for knowing other spells with the same Form or Technique.)