More Perfect Objects

Lets say I have a crummy sword. I want to make it a better sword. (Okay, “Let’s say I have a crummy sword…”)

Now, I happen to remember that this falls into the realm of Creo. Turning to page 77 of the core rule book I read, “A magus can also use Creo to make something a better example of its kind, even if it isn’t actually injured or damaged.” Excellent. Clearly, I just need to creo the sword and it will be better.

Of course, as I turn to the Creo Terram guidelines, there is nothing there to cover what I want to do.

But don’t despair! Because I am told that there are guidelines for this sort of thing in The Mysteries. Thus I turn to page 96 of The Mysteries and read “New Spell Guidelines.” Hurrah, there it is… as a rego guideline with a creo requisite.

Now, I understand the logic. Craftwork falls under rego, and reshaping something to improve it would therefore require rego. But improving it requires creo.

Still… should it really require rego? I mean, if you just want to turn something that exists into something better, even if it is a complex form?

Any thoughts?

Simply use the Creo guidelines that already exist for Corpus and Animal and apply them to Terram.
Starting at Level 35 (base effect) you can add +01 to a characteristic
(and so on)
Edge of the Razor (page 154) is a Muto effect and not permanent.

If someone develops the spells and has the Vis for the rituals ,
i see no reason why you cannot add from +01 to +05
to any of the listed characteristics for weapons on page 176.
(Initiative , Attack , Defense , Damage)
These will be permanent , natural changes and not able to be dispelled.

At that point it would be easier to just create the perfect object from scratch.

I did a spell once that basically creates a platonic ideal of a weapon at the cost of increasing the magnitude of the spell. The advantage of a weapon like this is that you can easily make up for mediocre swordsmanship. The problem with enchanted weapons is that anything with magic resistance can potentially resist the weapon, and if the weapon is created through magic or altered by magic, it too can be resisted. The answer is to make it as a Ritual which with its Momentary duration means it won't be resisted.

The base would be a CrTe level 20 T, M, I (all rituals start at 20). From there add a Magnitude if it's a Great Weapon. After that simply add a Magnitude for extra bonuses, each +1 to one of the weapon's stats costs a magnitude, with a maximum of doubling a base weapon's stats. So for quite an expenditure of vis you can create a sword that is literally twice as good as a regular sword (or maybe just is twice as accurate), which can be helpful against creatures that are really combat powerful (which also mean they'll likely have a Might score).

You could also make this not as a Ritual, the problem then is that it would need to Penetrate if used against a creature that is magic resistant, and it would have a duration.

Which was probably the design intent to prevent lots of DnD type weapon enhancing spells.

Consider for a moment what you will do to improve weapon. For a sword you might make the edge sharper, causing it to do more damage, and improve the balance. Since there allready exists a spell to make a blade supernaturally sharp - which is better than you can ordinarily do, any ordinary sharpening would give a lower bonus. As for the balance, well, you might get a slight bonus to attack an defense, but I would imagine the standard weapon stats to be for well made weapons, and there is little stats-vise to be improved from those...
And after that, there doesn't seem to be much you could do to improve a weapon...

It occurs to me that characteristic increase to people or animals is not as easily removed as a weapon from someones hand.
The base guidelines for stat increase to weapons could be made lower for this reason.
This is House Rule area , and something i am usually loathe to do if a simpler solution exists.
Only problem with making more perfect objects , is applying it to non-weapons.
What is the base effect if you want a more perfect wheel or butter churn?

Before you can figure out that, you need to figure out what you define as a perfect wheel. In what way does this differ from a more "common" wheel?
Remember that a Creo spell allways makes perfect versjons of everything, and it should be similar to what can be made by a really good craftsman.