Most beautiful ladies-Russians!

Whereas tequila clearly takes the form of Mentem.

If we really want to discuss this we can do better with a thread dedicated to that purpose, and a tone perhaps more productive than merely amusing (as amusing as this has been to read!)

Drop back and punt. Bad precedent otherwise. :wink:

looks like a single-botch on the spell casting...


  1. Don't feed the troll.
  2. Don't slag off people with autism spectrum disorders while slagging off the troll.

(I realise he gets you worked up, but you are shooting wild, here.)

I think you are being overly sensitive to those who genuinely have such disorders.
Please feel free not to read "slagging" of them into my written words.
You have had people "read" other than your genuine intent into statements ,
i would think more care in throwing such accusations at anyone would be considered.


I know from other threads that you dont believe in Abe's sincerity, but consider giving him the benfeit of the doubt. Or if you do not, at least refriain from using medical conditions in your critique of him - I agree with Timothy that it comes off as something I do not believe were your intentions. And this is not a question about reading anything into it or not.

Depending on the circumstance I dare say!

But on the other hand it only goes to show how horribly wrong a single-botch can be, and what an ensuinging embarrasment it can cause... :blush:

Will this Magus ever again be able to meet his sodalis face to face...? When will we get the sequel? I wonder if Maxim25 will return with it?

No claims of mental and/or physical problems ,
so i am automatically the bad guy. :imp:

You are all so keen not to be seen possibly saying or doing anything bad to someone on the internet! ,
who makes outrageous and so far unproven claims.

It is still just words , with no factual basis.

If this were being run as an Ars Magica Tribunal ,
i would laugh at the lack of logic on the part of those involved.

Defending rights is all very well ,
but trampling on the rights of someone like myself ,
who has not in the past proven disruptive ,
due to statements claiming mental problems by someone else ,
strikes me as utterly absurd.

No. Has nothing to with it. What I responded to was your tone and not who has or hasn't got what conditions. Nor where you claimed "evil", only that the wording of your post could offend. Even more as it seems that the meaning that I read into them wasn't unintentional.

No. Has nothing to do with being seen. In fact my experience from forum and internet games is that one often meet a sadly disregard for other people simply bc there are not next to you. I have my doubts myself, but nothing justifies - whether you believe a person to have them or not - attacks on medical conditions.

The internet is nothing but words. It is an illusion and not factual. The only thing factual is how we use those words. The only thing we can judge each other on.

Well, luckily it isn't. Frankly I like playing Ars but I would not like to live in society controlled by Hermetic Law and Tribunals.

No one is trampling your rights - be real - I am only using my right to tell you that your words offended me. Just as I several times have used it to tell Abe that he needed to listen to the people trying to help him and stop spamming endless questions. I am not speaking up against your post because of Abe or anyone else - I did so because it offended me. And what is it with this board becoming all about rights?? Why can't we discuss things in a decent calm tone without digging ditches?

Maybe we should get Ravenscroft his own thread where he can attack Abe and won't bother anyone else. ;D

Newsflash- you do NOT have a right to pick on someone. You voiced your opinion- several times - so move on. Any further action should be through the Admin.

You also are stepping way over the line, imo, by calling Abe a liar- which is exactly what you are doing when you claim (psychically, apparently) that his statements are "utterly absurd". What is judgement that based on exactly - your own long years of medical practice and a thorough examination of the person in question? Or some less defendable (or admirable) reasons?

And I (and others, apparently) don't see a continued harangue defendable, so please don't try. Just drop it, best bet.

You've said your peace, you claim to be "ignoring" Abe, so please do so. Your choices are simple- leave him in peace, or continue to act like a bully. (Because that's what you'll look like if you go there, intentionally or not. Just that simple)

The alternatives are to put you on an "ignore" list, and that would be a loss for any forced there, imo.

CH out.

I figure that i am as entitled to my opinion , as anyone.
Or so people claim anyway.

I have not personally attacked Abe by calling him a liar ,
except that i don't and won't believe any claims of severe mental and physical problems ,
as an excuse to troll the fora.
(I have stated my disbelief , asked in a reasonable manner for confirmation of these claims ,
to Admin , not the forum in general)

At this point , the more complaints that go in to Admin about how evil i am for
picking on a poor defenseless social cripple who was "dropped on his head as a baby" ,
the sooner this matter will be resolved.

I'm not really interested in encourageing this thread but I don't believe Ravenscroft is attacked Abe. He is stateing opinions and asking questions, an option we all have at this sight. Ravenscrofts comments are no more out of line than anything Abe has posted.

Having said this, I do agree that we are begining to discuss nuanced semantics and it is likely that further discourse will resolve nothing, and generate frustration and anger in the process.

We can all ignore Abe if we like. This board is nearly maitenance free and I would not want to burden the hosts with another duty. I'd rather see that time be put into Ars Magica Products.

I won't change my name on this board ever!



I said I wouldn't say anymore.


Yes, I'll hold my tongue.

Quoth the Raven : Nevermore! :wink:

very noble of you.