Hi amici,
I was developing some Mutantum spell using tamed and mutantum parameters (from HoH TL mercere part) but i want to be sure it's okay.
So my questions, in a little labtext:
Step 1 : take a book your target will need
Step 2: cast a spell, like CrVI 20 (touch, conc tethered) to give 2 warping points (or more), with the most penetration you can. The duration is there to only make the effect waiting. (Here, question 1 : CrVi to get warping don't admit duration on magus.. what about duration "waiting time"?)
Step 3: maintening this spell at moon, ReVi 30 (Question 2: is it possible to maintain a spell tethered on an item (so not yet "affected to a target"?)
Step 4: suppressing the wizard's handiwork ReVi 30 on your maintening the demanding spell. (question 3 You have to concentrate on both Concentrated spells (difficulty 15)?)
Step 5: your target enter the room and you stop the suppressing the wizard's handiwork (yes, it is totally useless : it was just to place question 3)
Step 6: your target take the book.
Question 4: does your maintening the demanding spell penetrates the magic resistance of the target, if any?
Question 5: the CrVi spell is tethered so affect your target. Penetration is: your penetration at the time of casting + (penetration + mastery (if penetration is one of them) ) x multiplier of penetration
Question 6: what if it's not your target (magus A with who you're in war) but grog X who takes the book: tethering or not?
Question 7: what about if the spell is some InMe (Peering into the mortal mind) how would it work?
An other example:
Step 1, take the bottle of wine
Step 2: tethering inside a Creo Aquam(Corpus) to produce poisonned blood
Step 3: your enemy drink... tethering: assuming penetration is okay: would the CrAq(Co) spell create poison blood inside your enemy? should the spell be at part Target (with a T for Cuchain )?
Thanks for your precious lights!
A related question: Tamed Magic includes the advantages but not the flaws of tethered magic and harnessed magic... But what about boosted magic? Is it a mistake/an omission and it's included in Tamed magic, or must the magus take it as a normal virtue in addition to tamed magic?