Muto vim errata edit

My thoughts on that matter were already said.

and here:

in summary:
1- muto vim CAN'T target a spell. Because the spell is "magical energy brought to existence" and MutoVim is not able to affect an existing spell. Otherwise, the limitation on "can't affect an existing spell" has no reason and is purely artificial.
2- thus Muto Vim is: "acting on the magical energy", the magical energy being the process by which a magus casts a spell
3- MutoVim only work on formulaic spell, because it is the process to alter the substance of the magical energy. Since spontaneous is already an alterance of magical energy, it can't be altered more (no sense to transform a human into the same human - magic wouldn't work).
4- The magical energy is always momentary: it appears only at the moment the spell is cast, briefly and immediatly produce a spell. For that reason, momentary MutoVim is the only legit duration for MutoVim.
(If you are ceremonially casting, the magical energy is only really used during the last round of your casting, which mean that all previous time is used to gather a bigger magical energy; it may even NOT be possible to alter a ceremonial casting formulaic spell because from one hand it requires a mystery "mercurian magic" which is innately opposite to MutoVim (which is a "spontaneous" approach of magic) and on the other hand ceremonial casting is borrowed from spontaneous type of spell casting; it may even not be possible to alter a ritual or it could require a duration for those particuliar cases: RAW don't say that rituals may be affected by MuVi and only adress formulaic.)
5- Thus, with a temporary MutoVim, you transform the magical energy of a formulaic into the magical energy of a spontaneous spell, but without most of the downside of spontaneous (which is the reduction of power, meaning the /2 or /5 to casting total) - depending on the guideline, Muto Vim is either a little side effect (guideline 1), almost an application of flexible formulaic magic (guideline 2) - except that MuVi can modify the base, which is something FFM can't - or a fully spontaneous spell (guideline 3 and 4 [4 being the addition of Creo requisite]) during a few seconds... the seconds which precede the natural transformation of that energy into a spell. The spell is thus perfect and not unnatural (as are the excrements of a magus turned into a dog).