I love it.
So I was sitting back and working on personal stories and settings when the idea of making an island came to me. Which then led me to Ars Magica. Which then led me to going to my home office and looking through my Ars Magica books. Which then led me to designing multiple spells to create a vast assort of islands and towers and all such things.
Which once again brought out my love of Ars Magica.
Which led me to creat ea list of things I like, things I dislike, and things I would want.
Which then led me to sharing it.
These are my thoughts and of course yours might vary and such. So feel free to comment on my thoughts while also sharing your own.
PS. Though Ars Magica might have stopped being produced on an active level when I look at my collection of books (everying of current edition plus a few fromt he previous) I am nothing but happy.
Things I Like
o Mythic Europe and its sibling Mythic Earth.
o The Gift as a special trait that separates those with magic from those without it.
o The Order of Hermes and the structure of its Tribunals. The Hemetic Houses. The suppremacy of the PC group.
o Covenants.
o Magic Auras, Magic Regiones.
o The Arts. The Forms and Techniques. (A thousand this.)
o The presence of Spontaneous, Formulaic, and Ritual spells.
o Spell Guidelines. (A thousand this!)
o Spell Mastery Abilities.
o Familars, Magic Items, Longevity Rituals, Laboratory Projects
o Parma Magica.
o Aegis of the Hearth
o Vis to be used to empower spellcasting.
o Supernatural Virtues that grant access to certain sideways powers.
o Breakthroughs that can enhance and change Hermetic magic.
o The stats of characters. Attributes, Willpower, Virtues, magic.
o The multiple ways one can get Experience and how they can overlap during a season.
o The way non-Hermetic powers are mapped to Hermetic Arts.
Thinks I Dislike
o How mundanes react to the Gift. o Warping. Especially the fact that those with the Gift can get warping from being around certain magic things.
o That Formulaic Spells are restricted up to Level 50.
o The Finesse Ability. (A thousand this)
o Hermetic Magi cannot serve as court wizards. (A thousand this)
o The Rules of Combat.
o The supremacy of the Divine and the inability to know the Infernal.
o The way dice roll works. Including simple and stress die.
o The PACE as a unit of measurement in spells, please just use feet or whatnot.
o The way Virtues need to be balanced and how some things are Hermetic when they shouldn't be.
Things I Want
o Space enlarging magics.
o Aura and regio creation magics made easier.
o The ability to change the Art to which raw vis is attune. (This doesn't have to be easy, it could be a laboratory project.)
o The ability to restore Fatigue and such.
o The ability to know and overpower things of the Infernal.
o The ability to manipulate Aging in more ways.
o Potential to travel beyond the Earth if wanted.
o Ways to make certain rituals easy and simple to cast. (Perfect example the Aegis of the Hearth).