Mythic Judaism

Josef ben Yitzhak, Bored City Guard

Mythicly Plausible - This post describes a Jewish soldier. Later in the Middle Ages Jews started to be forbidden to carry weapons, but in 1220 they served as members of the town militia, mercenaries, and even (extremely rarely) knights. For instance, the below is from the front matter of a siddur from Worms dated to c. 1300.

The city of Worms, like many medieval cities, maintains a small professional guard. This guard is responsible for keeping the peace and serving as the backbone of the civilian militia who are called up in times of crisis. The guard and militia are pulled from the different communities of the city, with the general principle that each community should be responsible for policing and defending its own population.

Josef’s father Yitzhak is a moderately well off cobbler in Worms, with a handful of sons. As is the duty of every Jewish father, he paid for the education of his sons at the local beit midash. Moses, the eldest, was a fair student who, upon reaching the age of 18, married and returned to his father’s shop. Shimshon, the middle son, excelled at the beit midrash and was accepted as a student of a local rabbi, to the great honor of his family. Josef, the youngest, was drummed out of school at the age of ten, never having even grasped the needed skills in Hebrew.

The problem is not that Josef is a poor student - though that is certainly true - the problem is that Josef was far more interested in visiting the practice ground where the guard trains. Yitzhak eventually threw up his hands and accepted the inevitable, allowing the boy to join the Jewish component of the guard.

Josef was at least willing to attend trainings with the guard, though he found the actual work of standing a post to be dreadfully dull. He did have a knack for thumping a drunkard on the head. And when a local lord made war on Worm’s bishop Josef distinguished himself in the siege. After a mine collapsed the tower that Joseph was defending, killing everyone in the tower except him some said that Joseph was under Hashem’s protection. Yitzahk said that Hashem didn’t know who Joseph was, any more than Joseph know who Hashem was. The boy was just lucky.

After the siege a long period of peace put Josef to the test, which he failed. He took to the road, looking for adventure. Joseph his hired by the covenant, who has recently lost a member of the turb and is looking for a replacement. The covenant has less concern for his Jewish faith than most employers. And Joseph is excited to learn more about these strange wizards and face down mythic threats.

Josef ben Yitzhak
Characteristics: Int -3, Per -1, Pre +1, Com +1, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +2
Size: 0
Age: 23 (23)
Decrepitude: 0 (0)
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws
Free: Covenfolk
Virtues: Warrior, Puissant Single Weapon, Luck
Flaws: Outsider (Minor), Reckless, Poor Student
Personality Traits: Brave +5, Does not eat pork +3, Keeps Shabbat well enough +3, Impatient +3, Suspicious of the Evil Eye +2, Dislikes Christians +1.
Reputations: Jewish -2.
Dodging: Init +1, Atk n/a, Def +6, Dam n/a
Fist: Init +1, Atk +5, Def +5, Dam +2
Club: Init +2, Atk +12, Def +11, Dam +5
Short Spear: Init +3, Atk +13, Def +11, Dam +7
Javelin: Init +1, Atk +9, Def +7, Dam +7
Soak: 8 (Partial Chain & Stamina)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
Abilities: Worms Lore 2 (Jewish community), Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 2 (guard duty), Brawl 3 (dodging), Carouse 3 (Purim), Charm 1 (young women), Craft: Shoes 2 (repair), Folk Ken 1 (Christians), Language: Yiddish 5 (military terminology), Rabbinic Law 1 (Shabbat), Stealth 2 (In armor), Hebrew 2 (Torah), Single Weapon 6+2 (spear), Thrown Weapon 5 (javelin)
Equipment: Short Spear, Javelin x 2, Partial Chain Mail.
Encumbrance: 1 (7)
Customization Notes: Josef’s background could be changed to almost anywhere else in Mythic Europe. In the Rhine Yiddish is the appropriate language. If the covenant is in Normandy or Provence he would speak Zarphatic (a Hebrew / French language). In Iberia he would speak Ladino. In other Tribunals he would speak the local vernacular. Magi are unlikely to speak the Jewish languages, but a German, French, or Spanish speaker can communicate with a speaker of the corresponding Jewish language at -2. Joseph would not fit well with Christian Iberia or the Levant, where Jews were denied many privileges, but would work in Islamic Iberia or the Levant. If he were from an Islamic region his name might use “ibn” rather than “ben”

Story Seed - The New Grog
Joseph is a grog, and as such he should not be the focus of stories. He could be introduced by a troupe if their covenant has recently had some casualties in the turb. The next story would simply include Joseph, who has been hired by the turb captain during downtime. Joseph is likely to generate trouble for the covenant when he charges into battle, in the grand tradition of grogs from time immemorial. Joseph may also generate some moments of humor when he refuses to eat the pork given to the grogs as rations or when he fails to report for duty on Shabbat. A magus utilizing the Curse of Circe on him would be a particularly ignoble punishment.