Miraculous Kol Nidre
Mythic Historical - The practices and legends around Kol Nidre are historical, though of course the mythic effects are not.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the Jewish year and falls in September or October. The theme of the day is repentance - it is a chance to repent from sins against Hashem and to reflect and ask forgiveness from others for sins against your fellows. The halakic practice, in addition to many hours of prayer, is to refrain from eating or drinking from sundown to sundown - twenty five long hours when Jews emulate the practices of angels and seek to be closer to Hashem.
Divine Auras in Jewish communities are strongest on Yom Kippur, climbing as high as five or six at key moments of the service when the whole community is in prayer. A key point of the service is the very the start, Kol Nidre
Kol Nidre is the annulment of vows. Judaism is very concerned with vows because vowing by Hashem is binding and very difficult to break. Many acts of speech can be considered vows - it is easy to accidentally swear a halachically binding vow. As a safety valve, of sorts, the Kol Nidre was created, which cancels vow.
The exact language and custom varies across the Jewish world, and is a subject of halakhic innovation in 1220. The earliest language annuls vows “from last Yom Kippur until this one,” retroactively canceling vows. The Tosafists have changed that to a future looking “from this Yom Kippur until the next,” which cancels vows that will be sworn, preventing them from taking halakhic effect.
This is a much debated issue - in general France and Germany have adopted this new language while Spain, Provance, and Italy retain the old language. But there is a great deal of regional variation - some communities use both formulations as they repeat the phrase three times. Others repeat the annulment up to seven times, or only two, mixing and matching the exact phrasing. Sages agree that the Tosafists are halachically correct - the annulment of a vow can’t happen without a Jewish court. But the populace tends to prefer the retroactive variation, and they resist the halakhic correctness of their rabbis.
Kol Nidre is a powerful and miraculous time. The theme of annulment of vows extends to general renewal and starting anew. Jewish characters who attend Kol Nidre services may find that any ongoing magical effects they are under are miraculously canceled.
Kol Nidre Miracles
Using the Dispel magic, infernal, or faerie effects guideline (RoPD 48) with Adjuration Merkavah has a +6 bonus during the Kol Nidre service. Even those without Holy Magic may find magical effects they labor under canceled. At congregations that use retroactive formulation fo Kol Nidre the Each Jewish congregation at services may roll a stress die + the Divine Aura (generally 6) + Judaic Lore + 6 if they have True Faith.
Botch, you gain your choice of the Powerful Yetzer Hara or Powerful Yetzer HaTov flaw for the next year.
18+ Any bargains you have struck with a creature with Faerie, Magical, or Infernal might are canceled.
24+ Any detrimental ongoing effects you are subject to with Faerie, Magical, or Infernal sources are canceled.
A Jewish Merinita with a Faerie Familiar (if such a character exists) should be cautious going to Kol Niedre!