Leah bat Yitzak, By the Numbers
Leah’s character sheet is shown across several stages of her life. Like many hermetic Jews, she is forced by the apprenticeship process to leave her religion of birth. But she returns. She begins under the hermetic name of Kourasméni.
Kourasméni - At Gauntlet
Characteristics: Int +3, Per -1, Str -2, Sta +1, Pre +2, Com +2, Dex -1, Qik -1
Size: -1
Age: 28 (28)
Decrepitude: 0 (0)
Warping Score: 1 (5)
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues and Flaws
Free: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Self Confident
Virtues: Flawless Magic, Book Learner, Minor Magical Focus (Disguising the Self), Affinity with Intrigue, Skilled Parens, Adept Laboratory Student, Deft Mentem
Flaws: Driven (Defeat Her Master, Major), Waster of Vis, Beloved Rival, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Small.
Personality Traits: Stubborn +3, Arrogant +2, Does not eat pork +2, Dislikes Christians +1.
Reputations: None
Dodging: Init -1, Atk n/a, Def +0, Dam n/a
Soak: +1 (Stamina)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–12), Incapacitated (13–16)
Abilities: Girona Lore 2 (Jewish community), Iberian Lore 1 (Tytalus), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2 (elder magi), Brawl 1 (dodging), Charm 2 (elder magi), Concentration 1 (Mentem), Etiquette 1 (elder magi), Folk Ken 2 (elder magi), Guile 1 (elder magi), Intrigue 5 (Iberian Tribunal), Leadership 1 (grogs), Language: Ladino 5 (poetry), Language: Spanish 1 (shopping), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (Tytalus), Jewish Lore 1 (baking customs), Profession: Cook 1 (challah), Profession: Scribe 1 (Mentem), Stealth 1 (while invisible), Artes Liberales 1 (reading), Latin 4 (reading), Philosophiae 1 (the human mind), Code of Hermes 1 (interfering with mundanes), Finesse 2 (Imaginem), Magic Theory 3 (spells), Parma Magica 1 (Ignem), Penetration 1 (Mentem)
Arts: : Cr 0, In 0, Mu 0, Pe 0, Re 0; An 0, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 5, He 0, Ig 0, Im 10, Me 8 (4), Te 0, Vi 0
Equipment: Siddur
Encumbrance: 0 (0)Spells Known:
Disguise of the New Visage (Muto Corpus 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Prying Eyes (Intellego Imaginem 5), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Ear for Distant Voices (Intellego Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Aura of Ennobled Presence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Disguise of the Transformed Image (Muto Imaginem 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Veil of Invisibility (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Wizard's Sidestep (Rego Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Words of the Unbroken Silence (Creo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Rising Ire (Creo Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (Intellego Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Tip of the Tongue (Perdo Mentem 5), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Trust of Childlike Faith (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Activities upon passing her Gauntlet. Kourasméni leaves her master’s covenant to found a Spring covenant in Southern Iberia. She focuses on protecting herself from her master’s attacks.
Kourasméni - +15 Years
Characteristics: Int +3, Per -1, Str -2, Sta +1, Pre +2, Com +2, Dex -1, Qik -1
Size: -1
Age: 43 (43)
Decrepitude: 0 (0)
Warping Score: 3 (5)
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues and Flaws
Free: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Self Confident
Virtues: Flawless Magic, Book Learner, Minor Magical Focus (Disguising the Self), Affinity with Intrigue, Skilled Parens, Adept Laboratory Student, Deft Mentem
Flaws: Driven (Defeat Her Master, Major), Waster of Vis, Beloved Rival, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Small.
Personality Traits: Stubborn +3, Determined +2, Careful +2, Does not eat pork +2, Dislikes Christians +1.
Reputations: None
Dodging: Init -1, Atk n/a, Def +0, Dam n/a
Soak: +1 (Stamina)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–12), Incapacitated (13–16)
Abilities: Girona Lore 2 (Jewish community), Iberian Lore 2 (Tytalus), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 3 (elder magi), Brawl 1 (dodging), Charm 4 (elder magi), Concentration 2 (Mentem), Etiquette 2 (elder magi), Folk Ken 4 (elder magi), Guile 4 (elder magi), Intrigue 6 (5) (Iberian Tribunal), Leadership 2 (grogs), Language: Ladino 5 (poetry), Language: Spanish 1 (shopping), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (Tytalus), Jewish Lore 1 (baking customs), Profession: Cook 1 (challah), Profession: Scribe 2 (Mentem), Stealth 1 (while invisible), Artes Liberales 2 (debate), Latin 4 (6) (reading), Philosophiae 1 (the human mind), Code of Hermes 1 (scrying), Finesse 2 (Imaginem), Magic Theory 3 (10) (spells), Parma Magica 2 (Ignem), Penetration 2 (Mentem)
Arts: : Cr 5 (3), In 10, Mu 12, Pe 5 (3), Re 10; An 5 (3), Aq 0, Au 0, Co 7, He 0, Ig 0, Im 12, Me 12, Te 0, Vi 5 (3)
Twilight scars: People start arguments with each other as she passes.
Equipment: Siddur
Encumbrance: 0 (0)Spells Known:
Disguise of the New Visage (Muto Corpus 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Phantasm of the Human Form (Creo Imaginem 25), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Prying Eyes (Intellego Imaginem 5), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Ear for Distant Voices (Intellego Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood (Intellego Imaginem 30), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Aura of Ennobled Presence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Beguiling Appearance (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Childlike Innocence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Disguise of the Transformed Image (Muto Imaginem 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Veil of Invisibility (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Silence of the Smothered Sounds (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Wizard's Sidestep (Rego Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Image from the Wizard Torn (Rego Imaginem 30), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Words of the Unbroken Silence (Creo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Weight of a Thousand Hells (Creo Mentem 25), Mastery 1 (Multiple Casting)
Rising Ire (Creo Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (Intellego Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (Intellego Mentem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Mind of the Beast (Muto Mentem 30), Mastery 1 (Multiple Casting)
Tip of the Tongue (Perdo Mentem 5), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Trust of Childlike Faith (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Activities in the last 15 years: Kourasméni has established herself as an important, if young, maga in Tribunal politics. She was advanced with 33 XP a year, representing spending 1 season reading books and benefiting from her Book Learning virtue. As well, she has spent several seasons reading books designed to advance an Art from 0 to 5 in a season. Her focus on politics has caused her to choose to grow her Abilities more quickly than her Arts. She spends 8 seasons learning spells. She uses her political connections to get lab texts whenever possible, which means she has invented very few spells. All of her vis goes into purchasing a Longevity RItual.
Kourasméni - +30 Years
Characteristics: Int +3, Per -1, Str -2 (1), Sta +1, Pre +2 (1), Com +2 (1), Dex -1 (1), Qik -1 (1)
Size: -1
Age: 58 (58)
Decrepitude: 1 (5)
Warping Score: 4 (15)
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues and Flaws
Free: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Self Confident
Virtues: Flawless Magic, Book Learner, Minor Magical Focus (Disguising the Self), Affinity with Intrigue, Skilled Parens, Adept Laboratory Student, Deft Mentem
Flaws: Driven (Defeat Her Master, Major), Waster of Vis, Beloved Rival, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Small.
Personality Traits: Confident +3, Determined +2, Careful +2, Does not eat pork +2
Reputations: Notable Politician +3 (Iberian Tribuna)
Dodging: Init -1, Atk n/a, Def +0, Dam n/a
Soak: +1 (Stamina)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–12), Incapacitated (13–16)
Abilities: Girona Lore 2 (Jewish community), Iberian Lore 2 (Tytalus), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 3 (elder magi), Brawl 2 (dodging), Charm 5 (elder magi), Concentration 2 (Mentem), Etiquette 3 (Tribunal gatherings), Folk Ken 4 (elder magi), Guile 4 (elder magi), Intrigue 7 (10) (Iberian Tribunal), Leadership 3 (grogs), Language: Ladino 5 (poetry), Language: Spanish 2 (shopping), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (Tytalus), Jewish Lore 1 (baking customs), Profession: Cook 1 (challah), Profession: Scribe 2 (Mentem), Stealth 1 (while invisible), Artes Liberales 3 (debate), Latin 5 (reading), Philosophiae 1 (the human mind), Code of Hermes 2 (scrying), Finesse 3 (Imaginem), Infernal Lore (accusations), Magic Theory 4 (spells), Parma Magica 3 (Ignem), Penetration 4 (Mentem)
Arts: : Cr 10, In 10, Mu 12, Pe 5 (3), Re 10; An 5 (3), Aq 5 (3), Au 5 (3), Co 7, He 5 (3), Ig 5 (3), Im 12, Me 15 (6), Te 5 (3), Vi 5 (3)
Twilight scars: People start arguments with each other as she passes.
Equipment: Siddur
Encumbrance: 0 (0)Spells Known:
Disguise of the New Visage (Muto Corpus 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (Muto Corpus 25), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Cloak of Black Feathers (Muto Corpus 30), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Ward Against Heat and Flames (Rego Ignem 25), Mastery (Fast Casting)
Phantasm of the Human Form (Creo Imaginem 25), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Haunt of the Living Ghost (Creo Imaginem 35), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Prying Eyes (Intellego Imaginem 5), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Ear for Distant Voices (Intellego Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood (Intellego Imaginem 30), Mastery 2 (Quiet Casting, Still Casting)
Aura of Ennobled Presence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Beguiling Appearance (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Childlike Innocence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Disguise of the Transformed Image (Muto Imaginem 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Veil of Invisibility (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Silence of the Smothered Sounds (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Fast Casting)
Wizard's Sidestep (Rego Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Image from the Wizard Torn (Rego Imaginem 30), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Words of the Unbroken Silence (Creo Mentem 10), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Fast Casting)
The Far-Speaking Voice (Creo Mentem 20), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Weight of a Thousand Hells (Creo Mentem 25), Mastery 3 (Penetration, Multiple Casting, Quick Casting)
Rising Ire (Creo Mentem 15), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Multiple Casting)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (Intellego Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (Intellego Mentem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Enchantment of the Pedestrian Pigeon (Muto Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Mind of the Beast (Muto Mentem 30), Mastery 1 (Multiple Casting)
Donning the Mask of Another (Muto Mentem 35 Ritual), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Tip of the Tongue (Perdo Mentem 5), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Trust of Childlike Faith (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Burning Issue of the Day (Rego Mentem 30), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Activities in the last 15 years: Kourasméni has become a valued member of the Tribunal, frequently having a voice in the debates held every seven years. She has a famous debate with her former master at the most recent Tribunal, in which she narrowly defeats him, though some wonder if he allowed it to happen that way. She was advanced with 33 XP a year, representing spending 1 season reading books and benefiting from her Book Learning virtue. As well, she has spent several seasons reading books designed to advance an Art from 0 to 5 in a season. She has started to exhaust the lab texts commonly available, and has spent some time inventing spells. Despite the cost she has created her Talisman as well, a diadem that she innocently insists is not a crown, but clearly is. She spends 12 seasons in the lab and learning spells. She also suffers a crisis and must remake her Longevity Ritual.
Talisman: Kourasméni’s Diadem
Kourasméni chose the design of a gold diadem because she wanted to have a symbol of control and hoped that it would be less obvious than a crown. The diadem is in an ancient Greek style, as befit the great kings and queens like Alexander and Helen. Because of her difficulty using vis carefully she has not added too many effects into the item.
(opened with 10 pawns of vis, of which only 4 pawns have been filled)
+3 control people
+5 gain authority
+5 gain respect
The Vanished Tytalus
Perdo Imaginem 18
Pen 0, 6/day
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind
Kourasméni’s image vanishes when she touches the diadem and says the word “vanish”
(base 4, +1 Conc, +1 changing image; +5 item maintains concentration, +3 6 uses per day)
Even Her Shadow
Creo Ignem 13
Pen 0, 6/day
Kourasméni’s shadow vanishes when she touches the diadem and says the word “vanish”. If the ambient light is brighter than a torch this effect is not strong enough to erase her shadow.
(base 3, +1 Conc, +1 changing light source; +5 item maintains concentration, +3 6 uses per day)
Kourasméni - +45 Years
Characteristics: Int +3, Per -1, Str -2 (2), Sta 0, Pre +2 (1), Com +2 (1), Dex -1 (1), Qik -2
Size: -1
Age: 58 (58)
Decrepitude: 1 (8)
Warping Score: 5 (25)
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues and Flaws
Free: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Self Confident
Virtues: Flawless Magic, Book Learner, Minor Magical Focus (Disguising the Self), Affinity with Intrigue, Skilled Parens, Adept Laboratory Student, Deft Mentem
Flaws: Enemy (Her Frater Peritheus, Major), Waster of Vis, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Small. Heir
Personality Traits: Confident +3, Determined +2, Careful +2, Does not eat pork +2
Reputations: Influential in the Tribunal +4 (Iberian Tribuna)
Dodging: Init -2, Atk n/a, Def +0, Dam n/a
Soak: +0 (Stamina)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–12), Incapacitated (13–16)
Abilities: Girona Lore 2 (Jewish community), Iberian Lore 2 (Tytalus), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 3 (elder magi), Brawl 2 (dodging), Charm 6 (elder magi), Concentration 2 (Mentem), Etiquette 3 (Tribunal gatherings), Folk Ken 4 (elder magi), Guile 4 (elder magi), Intrigue 8 (3) (Iberian Tribunal), Leadership 5 (grogs), Language: Ladino 5 (poetry), Language: Spanish 2 (shopping), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (Tytalus), Jewish Lore 1 (baking customs), Profession: Cook 1 (challah), Profession: Scribe 2 (Mentem), Stealth 1 (while invisible), Artes Liberales 4 (debate), Latin 5 (reading), Philosophiae 2 (the human mind), Code of Hermes 3 (scrying), Finesse 3 (Imaginem), Infernal Lore (accusations), Magic Theory 6 (spells), Parma Magica 3 (Ignem), Penetration 4 (Mentem)
Arts: : Cr 10, In 10, Mu 12, Pe 5 (3), Re 12; An 5 (3), Aq 5 (3), Au 5 (3), Co 7, He 5 (3), Ig 5 (3), Im 12, Me 17 (6), Te 5 (3), Vi 5 (3)
Twilight scars: People start arguments with each other as she passes. Her face is always illuminated by a light appropriate to the environment.
Equipment: Siddur
Encumbrance: 0 (0)Spells Known:
Disguise of the New Visage (Muto Corpus 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (Muto Corpus 25), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Cloak of Black Feathers (Muto Corpus 30), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Ward Against Heat and Flames (Rego Ignem 25), Mastery (Fast Casting)
Phantasm of the Human Form (Creo Imaginem 25), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Haunt of the Living Ghost (Creo Imaginem 35), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Prying Eyes (Intellego Imaginem 5), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Ear for Distant Voices (Intellego Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood (Intellego Imaginem 30), Mastery 2 (Quiet Casting, Still Casting)
Aura of Ennobled Presence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Beguiling Appearance (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Childlike Innocence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Disguise of the Transformed Image (Muto Imaginem 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Veil of Invisibility (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Silence of the Smothered Sounds (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Fast Casting)
Wizard's Sidestep (Rego Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Image from the Wizard Torn (Rego Imaginem 30), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Words of the Unbroken Silence (Creo Mentem 10), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Fast Casting)
The Far-Speaking Voice (Creo Mentem 20), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Weight of a Thousand Hells (Creo Mentem 25), Mastery 3 (Penetration, Multiple Casting, Quick Casting)
Rising Ire (Creo Mentem 15), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Multiple Casting)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (Intellego Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (Intellego Mentem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Enchantment of the Pedestrian Pigeon (Muto Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Mind of the Beast (Muto Mentem 30), Mastery 1 (Multiple Casting)
Donning the Mask of Another (Muto Mentem 35 Ritual), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Tip of the Tongue (Perdo Mentem 5), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Trust of Childlike Faith (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Burning Issue of the Day (Rego Mentem 30), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Activities in the last 15 years: As she nears the forty fifth anniversary of her Gauntlet word reaches her that her old master has vanished into Final Twilight. This victory is bittersweet, as she finds she misses him. The rivalry is replaced by her frater, Peritheus, who is a rival claimant to their master’s Hermetic inheritance. As such her flaws have been adjusted.
The following enchantment is added to her talisman:
The Subtle Diadem
Muto Imaginem 10
Pen 0, 2/day
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Part
Kourasméni’s image is changed so that her hair is pulled back by a ribbon rather than held by a diadem. This happens when she touches the diadem and says the word “conceal”
(base 1, +1 Conc, +1 Part, +1 changing image; +5 item maintains concentration, +1 2 uses per day)
Leah bat Yitzak- +60 Years
Characteristics: Int +3, Per -1, Str -2 (2), Sta 0, Pre +2 (1), Com +2 (1), Dex -2, Qik -2
Size: -1
Age: 58 (58)
Decrepitude: 2
Warping Score: 6 (10)
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues and Flaws
Free: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Self Confident
Virtues: Flawless Magic, Book Learner, Minor Magical Focus (Disguising the Self), Affinity with Intrigue, Skilled Parens, Adept Laboratory Student, Deft Mentem, Puissant Mentem (Twilight)
Flaws: Outsider (Jewish), Waster of Vis, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Small, Powerful Yetzer Hara
Personality Traits: Confident +1, Determined +3, Careful +3, Cowardly +2, Does not eat pork +3, Aspiring to be a better Jew +2
Reputations: Influential in the Tribunal +5 (Iberian Tribuna), Lax in Jewish Observance -2 (Barcelona Jewish community)
Dodging: Init -2, Atk n/a, Def +3, Dam n/a
Soak: +0 (Stamina)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–12), Incapacitated (13–16)
Abilities: Girona Lore 2 (Jewish community), Iberian Lore 2 (Tytalus), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 3 (elder magi), Brawl 4 (dodging), Charm 6 (elder magi), Concentration 2 (Mentem), Etiquette 3 (Tribunal gatherings), Folk Ken 4 (elder magi), Guile 4 (elder magi), Intrigue 8 (14) (Iberian Tribunal), Leadership 5 (grogs), Language: Ladino 5 (poetry), Language: Spanish 2 (shopping), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (Tytalus), Jewish Lore 3 (baking customs), Profession: Cook 1 (challah), Profession: Scribe 2 (Mentem), Stealth 4 (while invisible), Artes Liberales 4 (debate), Latin 5 (reading), Philosophiae 2 (the human mind), Code of Hermes 4 (wizard’s war), Finesse 5 (Imaginem), Infernal Lore (accusations), Magic Theory 6 (spells), Parma Magica 6 (Ignem), Penetration 6 (25) (Mentem), Dominion Lore 4 (Jewish), Rabbinic Law 1 (leniencies), Roman Tribunal Lore 2 (Tytalus), Provence Tribunal Lore 2 (Tytalus), Normandy Tribunal Lore (Tytalus), Hebrew 2 (siddurim)
Arts: : Cr 10, In 10, Mu 18 (6), Pe 5 (3), Re 15; An 5 (3), Aq 5 (3), Au 5 (3), Co 7, He 5 (3), Ig 10 (5), Im 12, Me 20+3 (7), Te 5 (3), Vi 10 (2)
Twilight scars: People start arguments with each other as she passes. Her face is always illuminated by a light appropriate to the environment. Pigs dislike her.
Equipment: Siddur
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells Known:
Sudden Tznius (Muto Animal 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Disguise of the New Visage (Muto Corpus 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (Muto Corpus 25), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Cloak of Black Feathers (Muto Corpus 30), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Pilum of Fire (Creo Ignem 20), Mastery 2 (Multiple Casting, Quick Casting)
Seven League Stride (Rego Corpus 30), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Ward Against Heat and Flames (Rego Ignem 25), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
False Window (Creo Imaginem 5), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
An Enemy Awash in the Pure Sigil of the Maga (Creo Imaginem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Phantasm of the Human Form (Creo Imaginem 25), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Haunt of the Living Ghost (Creo Imaginem 35), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Prying Eyes (Intellego Imaginem 5), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Ear for Distant Voices (Intellego Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood (Intellego Imaginem 30), Mastery 2 (Quiet Casting, Still Casting)
Aura of Ennobled Presence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Beguiling Appearance (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Aura of Childlike Innocence (Muto Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Obfuscated Casting)
Disguise of the Transformed Image (Muto Imaginem 15), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Veil of Invisibility (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Silence of the Smothered Sounds (Perdo Imaginem 20), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Fast Casting)
Wizard's Sidestep (Rego Imaginem 10), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Image from the Wizard Torn (Rego Imaginem 30), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Words of the Unbroken Silence (Creo Mentem 10), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Fast Casting)
The Far-Speaking Voice (Creo Mentem 20), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Weight of a Thousand Hells (Creo Mentem 25), Mastery 3 (Penetration, Multiple Casting, Quick Casting)
Rising Ire (Creo Mentem 15), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Multiple Casting)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (Intellego Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (Intellego Mentem 20), Mastery 1 (Imperturbable Casting)
Swap the Inscribed Memory of Bonisagus (Muto Mentem 10), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Quick Casting)
Enchantment of the Pedestrian Pigeon (Muto Mentem 15), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Mind of the Beast (Muto Mentem 30), Mastery 1 (Multiple Casting)
Past of Another’s Month (Muto Mentedm 30), Mastery 1 (Precise Casting)
Donning the Mask of Another (Muto Mentem 35 Ritual), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Vision of the Haunting Spirits (Muto Mentem 40), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Tip of the Tongue (Perdo Mentem 5), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Trust of Childlike Faith (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit (Perdo Mentem 10), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Press the Enemy into Dreams (Rego Mentem 10), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Quick Casting)
Aura of The Curious Student (Rego Mentem 25), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Burning Issue of the Day (Rego Mentem 30), Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Invisible Sling of Vilano (Rego Terram 10), Mastery 1 (Precise Casting)
Activities in the last 15 years: Kourasméni has discovered the limits of political power in her conflict with her frater, Peritheus. He nearly killed her during the first Wizard’s War he initiated, she barely escaped from her covenant with her life. Sheltering at a different ally’s covenant every few years, she kept ahead of Peritheus while keeping a low profile in the Tribunal and building her own magical power. But when he unleashed a Mystery Cult fueled curse on her all seemed lost. The dim memories of Kol Niedre caused her to return to the Jewish community, and a miracle saved her. She has returned to the name of her birth, Leah, and has returned to the Jewish fold. More or less. Leah has left Iberia, and her frater, behind, as she begins her search for a Jewish community that will accept her as a maga, and an Order of Hermes that will accept her as a Jew. Once again her flaws have been adjusted. She has paid for ritual magic to increase her Stamina back to zero after suffering from aging.
Swap the Inscribed Memory of Bonisagus
Muto Mentem 10
R: Eye, D: Diam, T: Ind
You swap the target’s understanding of two Latin words, either the names of two Forms or the names of two Techniques. These words are used in spell casting in Bonisagus’s system, so the swap makes it more difficult to cast spells. The target still remembers the other words that power their spells, and they still have the ability to gesture, so they can still cast, but at a -5 penalty. In addition, because of their magical confusion, if they do cast a spell using words they must use a stress die and they must roll 5 additional botch dice when checking for a botch.
Needing a way to fight her frater, Kourasméni devised this spell that can cripple a magus’s ability to do magic for a short while. She wanted it to be as easy to cast as possible to have the best chance of penetrating a Parma Magica, and to use her highest Technique and Form. This spell modifies Inscribed Memories (HoH:S 69), which is a process that is not well defined, so I hope it's a valid spell. It uses the level 4 MuMe guideline “make a major change to a person’s memory of a period of their life” being their training.
(Base 4, +1 Eye, +1 Diameter)
Press the Enemy into Dreams
Rego Mentem 10
R: Eye, D: Diam, T: Ind
You force the target into sleep, which is magically maintained for the duration of the spell. The target rolls against an ease factor of 9+ with an appropriate personality trait to resist the spell, based on what they were doing before they were compelled to sleep.
Kourasméni devised this spell to disable her frater for a few precious minutes. Unfortunately given the magnitude of his desire to kill her and his strong will she found this to be mostly useless.
(Base 4, +1 Eye, +1 Diameter)
Past of Another’s Month
Muto Mentem 30
R: Eye, D: Moon, T: Ind
As Past of Another, Arm5 p 149. The target’s memories are completely rewritten. Kourasméni reinvented this so that it would not be a ritual because of her tendency to waste vis.
(Base 10, +1 Eye, +3 Moon)
Aura of The Curious Student
Rego Mentem 25
R: Eye, D: Moon, T: Ind
The target of this spell is strongly inclined to view you as a good student who is worthy of careful instruction, even if you are disobedient and arrogant.
Leah found that Aura of Rightful Authority did not create the attitude rabbis expected to have towards a female student, especially one who had strayed so far. She created this spell as an alternative.
(Base 5, +1 Eye, +2 Moon)
Sudden Tznius
Muto Animal (Terram) 15
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
The woolen garments you are wearing, including any metal fasteners, shift into a modest outfit suitable for a pious Jewish woman. The quality of the materials does not change, only their form. So long as the caster obeys the laws of shatnez there is no need for an Herbam requisite.
Leah discovered that the fashionable clothing she typically wears does not fit in well when visiting a Jewish Quarter.
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +1 requisite)