Just occurred to me to make a nasty enchanted item. A middle ages toy that dates at least to the Roman era, called a "sounding box". These boxes were typically small and extensively carved and ornately decorated. Within the box were thin slats of wood or metal foil, arranged in a similar fashion to a "rain stick" so that the beads or seeds within the box bounce down through intricate layers making an extended rattling sound.
These boxes were sometimes placed with the dead on the off chance they may not be quite so departed, and so the unfortunate person would rattle and shake his box.
The item when used will cause a room full of individuals to endlessly dance about the toy until they collapse of exhaustion or duration runs out.
The Captivating Carol of the Un-Christened
ReCo level 40
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Room
(possible Req: Im to create the sound of the ghosts howling and screaming from beyond the tomb)
Any person, within the room when the spell is cast, dances a carol until the spell expires or they pass into unconsciousness from Fatigue. If individuals resist the control, the dance becomes discordant and possibly dangerous as the abrupt, flailing attempts to stop dancing jolts the person violently.
When the vile and harrowing necromancer Belanor ex Tytalus designed the spell, he purposely chose not to control the voices of those caught in the spell, so that their own voices could join in the cacophony of his wizard's sigil, that being the keening and wailing of the dead.
The variety of possibilities for the item is fun and interesting. Giving triggers or conditions, ect. I simply imagine it being used a either a method of escape or a means of trapping intruders, but I am limiting myself thinking as such.
There are probably many holes in this item and/or spell so if you see something then by all means pound away. Questions being wondered: would the spell affect anyone entering the room after it began? And if someone passed out and then awoke, would they still be affected? Should the targets get a roll to see if they can force their body to perhaps step on and possibly crush or break the box?
When I finally develop this for my table top group I think they may be just a horrified of the implications. Of course there is the matter of Penetration... dah dah duuummmm.