Some more Flaws & Virtues that I am debating
New flaws
Poor Communicator (minor, general)
In a specific area, such as speech or writing, you are unable to communicate properly - you gain a -3 penalty to all activities. You must be able to undertake the activity in question e.g. You must be literate to be a poor communicator with writing.
Easily Distracted (minor, personality)
Whenever you are undertaking any task you are easily persuaded to leave it. You need to succeed an opposed personality roll to remain focused. You have a -3 penalty to all concentration rolls involving multiple activites or overcoming interruption.
Owe resources (minor, story)
You have a debt to someone, for magi it is resources, for companions it is money. This is a large amount, and if you cannot pay it at once you need to make regular payments. If you leave the area, or stop paying you will be hunted down. Examples are 25 pawns of vis fine to a tribunal, 2 pounds of silver to a moneylender.
Dishonest (minor, personality)
Whenever the opportunity presents itself you will do a dishonest deed. You may rob people you meet, lie at every opportunity, or betray secrets. You don't have to be any good at the deeds, but you will attempt them.
Honest (minor, personality flaw)
You cannot lie or mislead someone. You expect everyone you meet to be the same. Experience may lead to to distrust certain people, but you will always trust first. If something causes you to break your word you will be overcome with guilt and attempt to make amends. This may mean paying extra, donations to the church, or acts of charity. You will also lose a confidence point.
Poor teacher (minor, general)
Delicate humours (minor, general)
Your 4 humours are more delicate than most people. You receive a -5 to all rolls to resist ilness, and a -3 to wound recovery rolls.
Religious minority (minor, story)
You belong to one of the minor heretical religions. You are devout in your worship, and will attempt to convert anyone you meet. During the religious crackdowns (Cathar heresy etc.) You will be probably be targetted.
Searching for (Lost/Stolen thing) (major, story)
You are travelling the lands searching for something which has been stolen from you. This could be a family heirloom, or a beloved snatched by the fey. You cannot settle down to lead a normal life until you have regained what was lost. You may occasionally be driven to despair by your daunting task, but you quickly resume the trail. Your journey will often lead you into danger, and could take most of your life.
Careless (minor, general)
You never quite take the time to make sure that things are as they should be. You leave important things lying around, doors unlocked and windows open. You are always mislaying things that you need. Whenever you have had a crisis of some type you become careful for a few weeks, but quickly fall back to your old ways.
Runaway (minor, story)
You ran away from home at a young age and was forced to make your way in the world. You often think of your brothers and sisters, languishing at home, and you are overcome with the desire to find them. However, you aren't quite sure where your family live.
Wanderlust (minor, personality)
You find it hard to live in one place for any length of time, you are always itching to be on the road. If you are forced to remain in the same place for more than a season you gain the personality trait irritable. Each passing month adds 1 experience point to it. When you set off on a journey again, each day of travel gives 1 exp towards reducing the trait.
Barren, minor , story
You are unable to conceive a child. This could be the result of a curse, some supernatural entity, or a magical spell. Depnding on the exact cause of the disability it may be cureable.
Town dweller (minor, general)
You have been raised in a town and have never ventured outside its walls. If you have left the town, it was in a wagon or on a boat. At character creation you cannot take wilderness skills, and outside of towns you have no sense of direction.
Shaolin Monk (major, general)
You were raised in a Shaolin monastery and are a dedicated budhist - thus forbidden to take any life. However you were trained in how to defend yourself. You start with a score of 1 in the ability Kung-Fu. You are recognizably different, and your strange religious beliefs cause mockery and distrust in those you meet.
Mistress (minor, social class)
You are the mistress of a fairly prosperous man. You can occasionally influence him in his area of expertise. You have a house in town and a small income as well as the "gifts" he lavishes upon you.
Mistress (major, story)
As with the minor social class, but your provider is a powerful and influential person. You may have a larger house and servants, income and more influence over him. However, the more care the man lavishes on you and the more influence you have over him, the more chance his in-laws will find out. You must take the Dark Secret (Mistress) flaw, and if discovered it may turn into Enemies (in-laws).
Arranged Marriage (minor, general)
Your future has been assured with a prosperous family. When your betrothed comes of age the ceremony will take place. For now, the family treat you as one of their own, giving you what assistance they can. Depending on what you troupe decide you may have to settle down in one place after you wed.
Night vision (minor, supernatural)
You can see perfectly in almost pitch black. As long as there is some type of light (outdoors, open window etc.) you can see as normal. However, your eyes turn an unnatural colour in darkness. It takes your eyes a moment or two to adjust between states.
Bewitching beauty (minor, supernatural)
You are more than beautiful, men will give up anything for you - wealth, power, it is all yours. All women are put in your shadow, and they know it. This virtue confers the ability Bewitching Beauty with a starting score of 1. Use this score to coerce men into doing things for you. The score acts as a negative when dealing with women. (See Entrancement for some guidelines)
Dedicated upbringing (minor, general)
You were raised for a specific profession, and a lot of expense was invested in your education. For ages 6 - 20 you undergo strict training and you gain an extra 10XP per year for use in abilities relevant to your trade. Due to the intense training, you have few skills outside of your area. At the end of your training you have a good career ahead of you, and a +3 reputation in your trade. However, you incur a debt of half a pound of silver for each year of training. You must take the "Owe resources" flaw, though there will often be little hurry for the debt to be repaid. During your training the Poor and Wealthy virtues do not effect you.
Interfering arts (minor, hermetic)
Due to the way you were trained, two of your arts interfere with each other. They both have to be of the same type i.e both form or both technique, but when you use one, the other effects it. The dominant art (highest score) is lowered by half the weaker art (rounded down), where's the lower art is raised by half of the stronger (rounded down). E.g. Ignem & Aquam, Creo & Perdo. These modifications effect the art itself, and so take place before other modifiers.
Income (minor, general)
You receive a regular income from a reliable source. It could be a regular payment from your family or a business that you own but do not manage. Your income does not amount to more than 2 pounds of silver a year.
Well known (minor, general)