New Storyguide Advice

My only thought - understand that build points for Covenents are, well, cheap. They represent only the general guideline for what you want the covenant to look like at day 0 of the campaign. Magi are VERY good at rejecting the reality around them (either social, political or physical), and replacing it with their own.

Boons and Hooks are there only to get the campaign started - it may very well veer off wildly in another direction, once (say) the Rego Terram specialist decides that this paltry fortress they live in is much too small, and spends a season or two deciding to build the largest, self-sustaining castle in all of Mythic Europe. Or someone else decides that the library is much too small, spends a few season harvesting vis, and splurges it all in the book trade.

Of course, if those are the stories you built into the covenant (poor defenses, or no points in the library), then that's no problem - those are the kind of stories you WANTED to tell. But if they weren't specifically hooks, it's still not a problem: they're functionally boons now, so you may as well work them into the story of your Covenent.

So, really - if you've been a GM before you probably know this, but it bears repeating - just roll with what your PC's do, and tell stories based on that.

Oh - and if you're looking for a good place to start a covenant library, here's the Book of Roaming: [url]] - basically the list of "every spell a starting covenant should have, as roughly determined by us, the forum-goers".