New to forum, Spec Ops. questions.

I've been a fan of Atlas Games since 1998, when I picked up Lunch Money for the first time, then Sticks and Stones and Beer Money. Recently I have lucked into a part time job at my local game store (20 hours a week). I have never seen or heard of a Special Ops. member in my area (Houston, TX) and am very interested in applying, but before I waste your time and mine I had a couple of questions...

  1. Does Atlas Games have a policy prohibiting an employee of a game store from becoming a Special Ops. member? Your link doesn't say either way.

  2. If not, does knowledge and ownership of a certain number of your games give me greater odds of becoming a Special Ops. member?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Hi there. We'd love to have you in Special Ops! However, you're right that Special Ops isn't really intended for store owners/employees. If you were to join, you'd need to be doing demos on your own time, not while being paid by the store, and we'd rather have you doing them at local conventions and suchlike than in the store. There's no requirement as to owning copies of our game ... we expect that you're likely doing demos in order to earn Hazard Pay that you can use to get more of our games, and then use those games for demos, after all. There's no obligation, so the thing to do is join and see how you like it!

Thank you very much for responding in a timely manner. I will be sure to apply soon, just need to pick up some/become familiar with some more of your product line ASAP. With my work schedule only being three days a week it should be no problem to demo on my off time at other stores and conventions!