Edit: rewritten a different version, see below.
Immortality of the Realms (New Major General Supernatural Virtue)
The character's life force is sustained by the power of sympathetic supernatural auras. The most common form of the Virtue requires the character to have The Gift, or a supernatural affinity of comparable strength with either the Magic realm or the Faerie realm. For each year in which you remain completely within a Magic or Faerie aura, you do not make an Aging roll, but instead gain one Warping point. This does allow moving from one aura to another, as long as the two auras overlap. You may venture in mundane areas and retain your longevity by eating a pawn of Creo or Corpus vis per week, while there. You are also allowed to enter other areas in days of great mystical power for your realm(s). For the Magic and Faerie realms, this generally means equinoxes, solstices, and the mid-point days between them. If the character has equally strong affinities with two realms (e.g. Faerie Magic) or an exceptionally strong attunement with one realm (SG's call), he may safely enter mundane areas, or auras of other realms, for seven consecutive days, or a total of 28 days maximum, every year. This Virtue is often Initiated by mysteries that include a quest for immortality in their practices (e.g. many mystery cults that focus on alchemy, faerie magic, spirit magic, or theurgy), as a temporary solution. It requires Unaging as a prerequisite, or comparable Virtues such as a Minor Magical Focus: Aging or Minor Potent Magic: Aging. Characters who have a significant mystical affinity with the Infernal realm (e.g. diabolists, Chthonic mages) may draw sustenance from any type of supernatural aura but the Dominion, but they have to pay a gruesome price: a human sacrifice must be performed every year. Characters that have an attunement with the Divine Realm do not age if they remain in the Dominion, Magic auras, or Faerie auras, but their immunity fails if during the year they committ a mortal sin, or suffer a tragedy of hubris. Both infernal and divine characters may still benefit from affinity with magic or faerie auras, even if they fail to comply with the requirements of other realms. This Virtue does not protect from Aging that is caused by mystical sources (such as Warping).
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