Newest Subrosa?

Hey Everyone,

I just ordered issues 18 and 19 of Sub Rosa (I was a little behind). Is 19 the most recent issue? That's ll I could find after a couple of forum searches (heck project Redcap lists 18 as the most recent).


19 is the current and latest issue.

I have the files for issue 20 open on my desktop right now and I think we have a couple of pieces of art we're waiting on (and a map) and then we're about done.

And as a tease for things to come... issue 21 is themed Heaven & Hell.

Thanks!, good to know. I ordered my copies yesterday morning, hopefully they will show up soon?

Cannot open the URL

I get a DNS error:

You're quite right. We don't use that site anymore. We're all about Facebook and Google Plus these days.

That's so bad.

I kinda gotta agree.

Noted. All feedback is useful.

Hey. I wonder why you don't put SubRosa in DriveThruRPG as Peripherical Code has done. Its really more accesible and easy to acquire. Another advantage is that you have reviews and comments right there and not buried in a post. I will definitely buy it if they were there. Thanks!

Allow me to second this suggestion.

That might affect the price though.

RPGNow dominates the PDF gaming market. Major publishers like Evil Hat (Fate) have shown their internal data and despite offering their PDFs on multiple locations — Paizo store, Warehouse23, etc — RPGNow vastly outsells all those rivals. With the addition of DM’s Guild and similar exclusive ventures, I don’t see that changing.

However, they take 30% of your sales. That’s a big chunk, and few publishers are happy about paying it. But it’s the price of doing business.

Mark and Ben can correct me on this, but I suspect their current sales method costs them a very small amount. This allows them to spend more money on art, which is the primary expense of publication. Moving to RPGNow would increase costs, which could be addressed by a) raising prices, b) reducing the amount of art in each issue or going with less experienced (and therefore less expensive) artists, or c) simply paying more out of pocket.

This last is an important point. Publishing a fanzine is a net loss. Peripheral Code costs more money to produce than it generates in sales. I suspect Sub Rosa is the same. The question is never, “How much profit are we going to make?” The question is always, “How much of your own money can you afford to spend?”

Just to reinforce this point GFF breaks even because I price my time and equipment at zero. This actually makes it ridiculously financially successful by RPG standards.

This is why art quotes like $250 for my Cornwall maps are so extreme. You'd think that's nothing, because I have a couple of hundred regular readers, but actually that's two years GFF budget. There's no margin here, because there's no profit here. In RPG terms I'm doing really well because my out of pocket is zero. That means a 30 percent take off the top is just impossible.

Fanzines are not a business. They are a community arts project or a gift.

So it would have to take a price hike of about 1/3 of it's current price, just to stay even.
Selling it via e23 might be slightly less expensive, but possibly still not viable.

We're very nearly done with issue 20...

Very much looking forward to it!
