Off topic

I'm trying to figure out a good Celtic god who would be appropriate for singing and who would fit into the Faerie side of gods. I'm just much more aware of the Greek gods and don't know the others nearly so well. There are lots of Celtic gods. It's looking like Brigid or Brig would be good since she was supposed to have invented keening and was patroness to poets. While not for certain, Brigantia may have been her continental counterpart. So I was thinking of Brigantia. I'd also spotted that Arduinna is quite local, but doesn't seem to have had much of anything to do with singing.

Bran the Blessed

The first thing we need to decide here is, when that Imperial Charta got promulgated, and by which then living Emperor. It could not have been Frederick II in 1217.

Otto IV might have very well released the charter between 1209 and 1215, but for all his life his titles were contested - and in 1220 his victorious opponent Frederick II would just have sacked it and be done.

Henry VI, father of Frederick II, might have promulgated it between 1191 and 1197. 1192 would have been a good year for this, since Henry VI was then involved in the succession of the archbishop of Liège, where he imposed his Imperial chancellor.

If we make the manorial charter that much older, it can be Imperial, as written in Triamore. But we have the foundation of Triamore anticipated by about 15 years.

Wasn't the manorial charter given by Frederick Barberossa, Frederick II's uncle, when he was emperor?

Basilian monks are an Eastern monastic order centuries older than the Benedictines. They stick to their monasteries just like Benedictines, but are not the cliché Big-Bellied Beer-Brewing Benedictines. They are an important remnant of Greek culture in Catholic Europe, when many other links broke down following the great schism of 1054.

So you best design your monk and beer brewer independent of Frère Sulpice. If I find time, I write a few lines on the runaway Basilian in the character thread of Frère Sulpice.

Just that @Xavi wanted the foundation of Triamore to be much more recent:

Triamore - as in the book - is consistent and could be used by us.

Frederick II was declared of-age and ascended the throne of the Kingdom of Sicily in 1208. He was only elected to King of the Romans (King of Germany) in 1211, crowned in 1212, and elected and crowned again in 1215.

He was crowned Emperor of the HRE only 1220.

He had Henry VII succeed him as King of the Romans (King of Germany) while retaining the Kingdom of Sicily and ascended to Holy Roman Emperor in November 1220.

That ended very badly - with leprosy in an Imperial prison and suicide - for poor Henry.

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Yannis is mechanically finished. Just need to fill in the physical description and stuff.

And waiting on @Xavi to decide if I can get Shroud and/ or Crafter of Vim

Starting the saga 1210 would force me to rebuild Frère Sulpice from scratch - perhaps as an Augustinian canon from Armagh: there were no Franciscans in France then.

EDIT: Sorry, I misread "end of the decade of 1210-1220" completely! Playing in 1220 I quite expected. The then-Emperor should still take several years before he finds time to think about Triamore, while his son Henry (VII) tries hard to keep the German princes friendly and peaceful.

OK. We will settle for 1218 as the starting year. The charter of Triamore will be disputed as of having been signed by the Emperor, and right now there is no Emperor (yet) and it is a direct imperial fief, so the Dukes defend that the death of an emperor invalidates the charter. That the argument holds or does not hold water in a legal court is irrelevant to the realities of people living in Triamore.

After years of political jockeying, the political situation in Bravant is deteriorating for Triamore, The Augustan magi of the covenant think that the current situation is way over their heads and want mystical and legal reinforcements in case the situation comes to a head with the duke or his cronies, so they invite several mystical users to the covenant (cue entry music for the PC).

Okay... changing birth year to 1197.

Arduinna, genius loci of the Ardennes

Magic Might: 40 (Herbam)

Locus: Magic Aura 6 (forest +2, preternatural tether +4)

Virtues & Flaws: Magic Spirit, Daimon, Ways of the Forest

Magical Qualities & Inferiorities: Focus power (x 6), Greater Power (x 2), Ritual power (x 2)


Crafter of Herbam , variable points, Init: (Qik-Might cost), Herbam: duplicates any non-Ritual Creo Herbam or Rego Herbam spell no greater than 40th level at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. (Focus Power x 2)

Guide, 3 points, Init +1, Mentem (Greater Power)

Manifestation, 4 or more points, Init (Qik–Might cost), Animal or Herbam (Focus Power x 2)

Master of Herbam , variable points, Init: (Qik - Might cost), Herbam: duplicates any non-Ritual Muto Herbam or Perdo Herbam spell no greater than 40th level at a cost of 1 Might point per magnitude of the effect. (Focus Power x 2)

Presence, 0 points, constant, Mentem (Greater Power)

Shroud, 2 points, Init: (Qik - 12), Mentem. Provides an effect similar to The Shrouded Glen. (Ritual Power x 2)

Vis: 8 pawns of Herbam Vis, 4 pawns a year can also be harvested deep inside the forest.

The Arduenna Silva

When Julius Caesar set about expanding the boundaries of Rome, the Hercynian Forest was not the only magical forest the Cult of Mercury encountered. In 57 B.C. Julius Caesar set out to conquer northern Gaul and in the region of what would be called Gallia Belgica was another vast, ancient forest the Romans named Arduenna Silva. Once again the Cult of Mercury set out to empower the limes and yet again their efforts lead to the fragmentation of the main spirit Arduenna into many, smaller genii locorum.

Sounds about right.
If nobody has anything to add or comment about this design, this is what we will be using for Arduinna, the spirit of the Ardennes forest. The aura at the higher locus of Arduinna will be higher. Aura 6 qand her might will be 40.

I'll flesh out the powers and bookmark this.

Okay... so she now has Magic Might 40? For the Magic Aura 6, that would mean (forest 2, preternatural tether 4)

Power 35-40 sounds about right. These are likely her aprocimate powers. There can always be variation, but it is what a connected person like Yannis can infer from his direct experience dealing with the forest. Maybe it has some othe rpowers like granting flaws that you do not know about.

No objection to the character build.

You should read RoP:M p.88f New Virtue: Spiritual Pact, especially the transfer of Might points to build Yannis' Might Pool, how that Might Pool works, and then Arduinna'a Powers and their limits.

So far I found only, that by RoP:M p.38f boxes Common Magic Powers the effect levels of Crafter of Herbam and Master of Herbam are each limited to 25. Nothing big - such things are quite unvoidable when designing a complex character. But they should not come up during play and mess up plans and projects.

Based on the sample genius loci in RoP:M and because @Xavi increased Arduinna's Magic Might to 40, Yannis can channel non-ritual spells up to 40.

I was happy with a might of 30 to be honest