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Yeah if it ever happens it will be in the future since currently he's still maneuvering to become Holy Roman Emperor, then he'll be in Palermo so it will take time for news of your wondrous creations, spread by scholar visitors who visit Triamore, to reach him. Then he goes on Crusade... etc

I was just sketching an idea for a companion soldier type who might protect our Frere. Does anyone know when the recent crusade started? I know the year, but I need to sort out timing to see if things make sense. I was thinking of a knight with a Guardian Angel who wouldn't left him sack the Christian cities for money, so he became somewhat of a deserter by returning home alone.

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Or am I mixing up the 4th and 5th Crusades. So hard on a phone, plus I'm a physics/math/coding/engineering type who czould never keep dates and names straight.

The 4th Crusade was the one that sacked Constantinople in 1214.

The 5th Crusade will be the one headed by Frederick II and successfully takes Jerusalem, at which point he adds King of Jerusalem to his titles.

Thanks. Yes, I was mixing up the two. The timeframe could work with the 4th Crusade, though, since the sacking of Constantinople was only a few years ago.


Constantinople got sacked 1204.


Mea Culpa!

He can be a veteran of the Albigesian crusade. Plenty of civilian massacres, killing sof Cathars and catholics and lootings there. It is still an ongoing conflict.

I should be able to post Wilhelm tomorrow. He has some potential hooks, and a bit of a twist, but I want to keep everything in context so not gonna get specific yet.

Many of the pariticipants in that crusade spent 'only' 40 days crusading to get an indulgence.

Imagine a really contrite knight out to atone, who then finds himself pillaging and burning a village. What does that do to him?

If he was not sick in the head or a fanatic? It will mess with his mind for sure.

To top that they were killing people who looked and spoke the same as they did except they said Oc instead of Oui when saying yes.

Pope Innocent III was very ironically named. Most of the Pope Innocents were, actually.

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Thanks! This was where I was trying to go with the idea. Religious but now disenchanted with things after seeing what was actually happening in person, and led to see this by his Guardian Angel so not disenchanted with God, but with the mundane leadership.

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Just discovered that our archenemy is very made up. Seems that the Namur people were emperors of Constantinople!!!

There is contention over Namur according to this, and looking at the map I can see how the bishopric of liege contests suzerainty.

You can find the Courtenay, as they really were, used in sub rosa #18 p.12ff Ermelina: The Beggar of Stories.

Life is feudal :laughing:

A cool map of the area. Loon belongs to Liege according to wikipedia.

Edit: click to open the map

Aparently Philip II, the count of Namur had to fight off Henry IV of Luxembourg (as Henry I of Namur) and Waleran III of Limburg during our immediate time frame. Phillip was actually the son of the emperors of Constantibnple (at a time where the Empire had desintegrated into successor states).

I think that Daria and Rremi are quite keen to have you all on board.


The history of Namur is crazy between 1180 and 1250. I love it. It was actually independent (a margraviate) from Brabant, but we will ignore this fact and make it a loose subject of the Duchy, suince it depended on Brabant economically.

The counts of Limbourg, Flanders, Hainaut, and Namur are all heavily intermarried. So each one has claims to the titles of the others and have fought A LOT of wars for poseession of lands in this corner of the world.

Philip II of Namur (the current count) is the grandson of the former Count of Luxemburg, Flanders and Namur (the last through marriage). Philip inherited Namur through his father, the count of Hainaut, Flanders and Namur (he got Namur and Flanders by marriage to the sister of the previous count). Now Philip II is fighting for control of Namur with his aunt (once removed) and her successive husbands, the counts of Limbourg AND Luxembourg.

Now add to the mix the wars of the German kings. And the bishops of Liege.

And then we have Triamore in the middle of all that.

The ArM4 book is considerably LESS violent than reality.

ArM 5th ed has a lot more historical accuracy than the previous editions, especially 3rd ed. So it's not surprising that the Triamore book glosses over the smaller details of the political situation and focuses on what will affect Triamore directly.

After reading the current situation (much better than Game of Thrones), I think I will change some of the background of the area. I will post a review of the situation in character. Daria will explain it to you in the council. But for triamore the situation will be as dire as ever.

In general I will adhere a little bit more to history than the triamore book.

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