Official Dragons (SPOILER and long)

Age of Legend
Jiang Zemin - the original Dragon in mythological times. Legend tells how the Dragon Warriors under his command stormed the gates of hell itself and died protecting us all. It is said that he was the champion of the Jade Emperor when he created the order of the world. FS

Bao Chou, Avenging Ghost - SF
Bei Tairong, Transformed Tiger and Lodge Traitor - a tiger transformed into human, she wandered into 1996. There, she was discovered by the modern Lodge and became their main operative in HK 1996 and 2056due to her innate resistance to magical reversion. After discovering the ugly truth about the Lodge, she turned away. Tairong has now found refuge at the Dragons. FS
Five Crippled Heroes - No Foot Li (Martial Artist), No Tongue Chow (Spy), To Thumbs Chan (Big Bruiser), No Eyes Lau (Old Master) and No Guts Mui (Martial Artist) - 5 brave souls fighting the good fight despite horrible handicaps and mutilated bodies. FS
Li Mao, Martial Artist - He later becomes one of the Seven Masters. SF
Lin, Sorceress - SF
Spirit of Kongxiangsi, Ghost - SF
Ting Ting and the Brothers of the Green Wood - a legendary ninja and sword sage, the little girl with eyes much more older than her body became a leader of a band of fighters taking up the mantle of the Dragons in 69. While often helping in critical mission in all junctures, her main fight is still for the old China. FS
Wu Bin of the Turtle Island, Sorcerer - SF
Wu Ming Yi, Repentant Demon a man-eating thorn covered demon fighting his ... inner demons? Oh, that was bad. :wink: SF

Doctor Shen, Martial Arts Doctor - SF
Hoosegow Jackson, escaped criminal mastermind crime - caught - escaped- caught - escaped - caught -escaped - Dragons
Iala Mane, Leopard Spirit - a terrible and yet honorable spirit monster out of the deepest heart of Africa, Iala Mane joined the Dragons and their fight against time tyranny. He vanished during the battle of the Red lantern, but not before killing the mortal form the Thing with a 1000 Tongues. Presumed dead and yet survived the brutal assault barely. Now, he has gone undercover with the help of the Golden Gunman. FS
Joey Paz, Escrima Master - SF
Katie Kincaid, Gunfighter - a hard drinking hard, shooting hard riding D.O.B, Katie found her place in life in the chaotic world of the Dragons. SF
Kar Fai, Old Master - the lecherous and live-enjoying last living Grandmaster of the Shadowfist is called a rapist, thief and murderer by his enemies - and a great leader of the Dragons, powerful martial arts sifu and a man with a righteous heart helping everyone in need by his friends and allies. After discovering the netherworld and almost dying there, he teamed up with the Prof and together they founded the latest incarnation of the Dragons. Even terrible tragedies and a long list of lost friends did not stop him fighting the good fight and leading his Dragons into battle. Some stories tells that he died fighting Homo Omega, one of the most dangerous enemies of all living and good people across all time; stopping the sinister plan of this terrible abomination. FS
Lenny Wu - Karate Cop - SF
Senoritas, three killer sisters - "Brains, beauty, and a trio of Winchesters". SF
Six Bottles Hwang, Drunken Master - a funny old man with a lot of good stories - except if you disturb him drinking his favorite free time activity ... guess what that is. SF
Swift Eagle, Martial Artist and Hunter - SF
The Seven, Ronins - seven samurais on their quest for justice. Although a very independent group of Dragons, they still serve as is its their duty. SF
Yosef Halevi, Kabalist Sorcerer - SF
Zheng Yi Quan, Martial Artist - the oldest and most successful pupil of Kar Fai. A powerful martial artist with a knack of leading and finding good people to fight the good fight. Some stories tells us that far in the future he accidentally becomes the center of a world wide flash of attuned chi energy. FS

Adam Running Wolf, Bountyhunter - a former Ex-"I won´t discuss it "-Special-Something in the US Army he grew tired of the deadly black ops way of life, especially after crossing a Lodge drug lord who still wants to settle the score. Constantly moving and making a living as one of the best manhunters in the southwestern part of the USA, it did´t take long for the Dragons to catch up with him (they remember Johnny Tenfeather too) and one thing lead to another. AS
Angus McDonald, Gentleman Spy - a former MI6 Agent now living in retirement in Scotland together with his wife, it seems that naughty Moira (his wife and investigative reporter) is very skilled to bring trouble home. Especially in the form of the secret war which is even raging the the shadows of the highlands. AS
April Ishihara (Kenjutsu Master), Big Brent Kogan (Big Bruiser) & Sheng Shen (1850 Sorcerer) - a cell of Dragons operating in HK 1996. As with many of the Dragon Cells they are quite self-supporting and pursue their own goals within limits. FS
Big Mack, Bar-Room Brawler - SF
Captain Jake Molloy -Daredevil Pilot - a daredevil two gun wielding pilot who loves to fly the old warbirds of the WW2. SF
Dr. Amanda Snow, Treasure Hunter - an archeologist on the seedier side profession (more in the direction of a treasure hunter) non the less she and Hayes has become more than just good friends and working colleagues. SF
Dr. John Hayes, Archeologist - a traveled scientist with a gun and a fist (and a golden heart). While not a full frontal warrior, he brings his intelligence, knowledge and pure luck into the battlefield, often providing more then crucial background information to his allies. FS
Edge - Batman Imposer - a masked avenger, Edge was caught in a superficial shift and lateral reincarnation. While Edge still lives in this new world (mostly in newspaper) his alter ego, Seattle computer programmer Scott Watson vanished - completely. Every photo, every database, every childhood friend - every ounce of his existence was erased. It was only until a Dragon explained him the special nature of the time war that be began to understand what happened to him. Now he is determined to solve the riddle why he was not completely reincarnated - because he has no memories of ever being into the Netherworld and for that he should not be immune to lateral reincarnation. AS
Golden Gunman, Killer - perhaps the most dangerous and competent gunman of his time, his gun-fu-art, the fighting with two pistols, had made him infamous. That or the countless acts of perfect hits against the enemies if his cause. He is considered dead, died during the battle of the Red Lantern, but he survived and retreated to 2056, waiting for new opportunities. FS
Hart King, Private Eye - once upon a time there was a patriotic US soldier fighting for the American way of life in the jungles of Vietnam, just to be crushed by the brutality and senselessness of the war there. Returning home he became a private investigator (and a very good one too) just to be dragged into the secret war after investigating some Jammer activities in San Fransciso. He has a history with Joe Munson. Black Ops etc. You know the stuff ... AS
Hiro Astaka, Ninja Hacker - SF
Isis Fox, Soul Sister - SF
Jack Hades, Motorcycle Velocity Addict- SF
Jake Donovan, Maverick Cop, RIP - one of the toughest and best vice cops of the LAPD, Jake naturally always had some/many problems with his private life, alcohol and superiors - the perfect candidate for Kar Fai to recruit. He became a central figure in the modern Dragons, especially the females ones, as it seems he had under his cynic and sarcastic skin a very sensitive heart intuitively touching the heart of ladies across all times - or he was simply a masterful seducer. Ask Madame Pei or the Ice Queen. His story ended with the battle of the Red Lantern where he died a heroes death. Of course there are rumors that his soul survived and simply does not want to vanish from this existence. And of course we all know that this rumor does make any sense, I mean who really does believe in ghosts? FS
Jan Joang, Thief - a freelance thief in modern HK, Jan has a habit of being very good in sneaking into a target mansion and very bad in sneaking out of it. On the plus side, she knows a lot of HK roofs, back doors and spots where you can loose your pursuers. FS
Jenny Zheng, Martial Artist - SF
Joe Munson, Ex Special Forces - a sociopath turned into a military weapon to do the really nasty stuff in the Vietnam war, Joe was blind to the corruption in his own unit while happy slaughtering Vietnamese man, women and children being suspected of aiding the ´kong. But sometimes even the blind see the truth. After the war he teamed up with Hart King, becoming a team of P.I.s working in San Fransisco. AS
John Tower, Pimp Bruiser - 7 foot of muscles, brain, black power and a good heart. SF
Johnny Badhair, Killer - a spy planted into the Dragons by the Jammers, JB is known for his ... artistic ... hair style. During his work with the Dragons, it seems that JB has forgotten that he was a Jammer spy - currently he sees himself more of an unofficial liaison between the Jammers and Dragons. FS
Johnny Chang, KarateCop - Mr Nice Guy stumpled almost by accident into the secret war. As a sword police officer in HK, and as a good man seeing bad things he didn´t think twice about joining the one group in the secret war who seems to care for the common people. AS
Johnny Ko, Gearhead - a modern Gearhead/Nerd/Geek, who build up a spy network in the netherworld reaching out into the 69 juncture. Most of the time JK can be found in his "nerve center" as he calls his small surveillance room. FS
Johnny Tso, Killer - a gunman, killer on the move and sometimes really unpleasant, JT is one hell of a Dragon if you find yourself on the right side of his custom made shotgun. FS
Lee - a very unfortunate Dragon, as he was captured and tortured by Big Brother Tsien, a Lotus controlled demon/triad mobster. FS
Louis (Thief), Danny Lau (Martial Artist) Mack (Big Bruiser) & Kyle (Ex Special Forces) - another cell of Dragons who had a very unfortunate meeting with Lotus sorcerers. Their fate is unknown. FS
Ma Mo Sen, Geomancer (Monarch Timeline) - a skilled and very calm geomancer, his expertise on geomantic energy is invaluable to the Dragons when it comes to Feng Shui sites and spiritual guidance. FS
Mad Dog McCroun, Big Bruiser, RIP - an abused hulk, McCroun grew up in an orphanage, on of the meanest in the world. His personal hell continued when he was sold as a human slave and transformed into a brutal killing machine. He was not a bad man, but a confused child doing terrible things in illegal slave fights. When he was freed by Kar Fai and Jake Donovan (and his brainwashing removed) he became of the the toughest fighters for the Dragons, literally a bulwark against their enemies. The Prof had a special connection to him, seeing him as a son she could never have. When he died during the battle of the Red Lantern, her heart broke. Rumors that McCrouns stubborn soul did not vanished completely did not helped either. FS
Melissa Aguelera, Ex Special Forces - a commando veteran, Melissa is considered a jungle specialist. SF
Micky Yeoh - Magic Cop - a young woman, beautiful and clever, learning the tricks of being both a wife and a HK police officer with the usual tight schedule Micky thought that her life was finally become stable. But in Feng Shui, happiness is a rare thing and so it turned out that the dead husband seemed to be a wanted hitman trafficking with demons. Trained by one of the more experienced members of Section 44 in the ways of magic she continues to be both a magic cop and a Dragon while searching for her missing husband. AS
Mike, Ninja - FS
Nathaniel Bryan, Orphan - a young child not older than 8 or 9, Nath learned the hard way about the secret war by being lateral reincarnated and his existence erased from this version of the future. He is desperately trying to find a way to trigger a critical shift to bring back his parents. Until then he sticks with the Dragons. AS
Nemesis aka David Maxwell - Masked Avenger & the Man in Town - They are both sides of the same coin - a rich playboy and a masked vigilante, it was only natural that the Nemesis found its way to the Dragons. After all, all other factions have some serious problems with agents who withhold their identity. SF
Oscar Balbuena, boxing Cop - SF
Rick Jet, Gambler - He had everything and lost it. Rick learned the hard way that sometimes even Ascended are quite normal humans, especially when losing a fortune of his masters money. Escaping hit teams he later learned the terrible secret about his former masters and decided that a certain group with a fetish for sparkling metal and reptiles may be his best chance to survive. AS
Sam Malory, Lodge Killer - a transformed beer seeking refuge in the Dragons, Sam has taken the same path as Bei Tairong. SF
Simon Noone, Transformed Dragon and Mercenary Spy - a mysterious mercenary and spy well known in the worldwide black ops community (or better: his alias) Simon is a Transformed Dragon and yet not a member of the Lodge, despite some more than generous offers. The Lodge is currently unsure on how to proceed, after all Transformed Dragons are rare with a capital R and yet even the secret masters have no idea where he came from. The truth is that Simon is searching for his father, a very wealthy man who left now traces (except for a photograph of his mother and father) and he suspects that the Lodge may have their hands in the disappearance of his father. AS
Spencers Beauty - foxy heroines - Martial Artist, Ninja, Killer. Truly, the Dragons are blessed with these three beautiful angels. SF
Steven Mills, Magic Cop - Imaging that on your 18th birthday your father told you that you a) have magic (and you were already applying to the London police academy b) that your mother was Chinese, c) that both your Irish father and your mother are time lost warriors from the past living in the future d) that you must uphold the family tradition and work with a clandestine terror cell called "the Dragons" and e) that your mother still lives and fights against evil somewhere in the past, present or future. You can imagine that this birthday party was a really special day in the life of Steven. But as it seems he adapted quite fast to it and have made first contact to a certain cell of class A ass kickers. AS
Steven Wu, Zen Killer - SF
Taggert, Maverick Cop - I am quite sure that his captain knows his first name, but as it seems everyone else in the world just reacts to the name of "Taggert". SF
TJ Hodgkins, Techi - TJ has nightmares, about ruined villages, huge monsters attacking with guns and and deadly rays and a woman running away with him into something blue. He grew up as an orphan in the USA and become a proud alumni of the MIT where he graduated with honors. But his nightmares never let him go, especially when he discovered that in his few possessions left by him by unknown parents was a .. gun, completely unknown to every database he checked and made of a material not yet known to man. While researching the material of the gun, nicknamed "Gonvex", he run into the dragons, who, for the first time in his life, offered a completely insane and yet believable explanation for his nightmares - that he was a child of the future, brought back into the past to be protected from the horrors of his native time. AS
Tom Donovan, Hard Boiled detective and journalist - the brother of the late Jake Donovan, Tom has become on of most (in)famous investigate reporter in the modern world. After being informed about his brothers death (Red Lantern) he decided to dig deeper ... and hit into a Lodge jackpot. Of course they didn´t take these kind of news too well and so a new Donovan ended up with the Dragons. SF
Tricia Kwok, Karate Cop - a gorgeous chinese/american (female) undercover cop, she could have either opted for a life as a fashion model - or the life of a cop interacting with the worst of mankind. Luckily for the Dragons she choose the more dangerous fight and continues to watch modern HK, especially against the Lotus. FS
Tsan Wang, Old Master - old man Tsan was surely surprised when he, 14th grand master of the Dragon Blossom School, discovered that one of his pupils will found his school ... in the past. Unknown even to him, time traveling Dragons founded his school to scout for a) righteous man and women and b) man and women who can kick ass. Until now, the Dragon Blossom school was able to deliver and old man Tsang has no intention to disappoint the 13 generations before him. AS

Concourse Godard, Renegade Supersoldier - a renegade freelancer working for the dragons - ALONE! SF
Elvis Presley - Netherworld Gangster - surviging the first onslaught of the Buro in the late 2040s, ex-gangster/hitman and now freedom fighter Elbert Chesleigh fought the good fight from the hills of Tennessee to the Netherworld and beyond - as a sould reincarnation of the one and only King of Rock´n´Roll. AS
Jason X, Supersoldier, RIP - an enhanced supersoldier, trained to and above the limit of the human body and spirit and personal bodyguard to Johann Bonengel, Jason become a tragic Dragon, dying very soon in service of the greater good - just to be found and resurrected by Homo Omega, a fate far worse than simple death. FS
Julenne Wong, political mastermind - SF
Little Jim, Rebel Abomination - SF
Malloc() hacker - a dis-timed hacker from the future, Malloc() is considered one the the best hackers in modern and future times. Watch out for his metallic/silver cyberarm. SF
The Prof, Techi - every scientist dreams of the one true discovery which will change the world and make his name immortal. Einstein, Guttenberg, Hawkins. Well, the brilliant and young scientist Anita Dao made this discovery and changed everything in the 2020s - into a dead hell with her formulation of arcanowave, the scientific basic of sorcery and chi. Forced into the exile of the netherworld 30 years ago she adopted the nickname of "the Prof" and watched how her pupil Curtis Boatman turned the world, her world, into a playground for abominations, tyranny and perhaps the most dangerous force in the time war: the United Nations Buro of Tactical Management. Helping sometimes the Jammers in their battle against the Buro with her supertech, she kicked the revolution into overdrive when she teamed up with Kar Fai as Leader of the Dragons. A woman of many mysteries (she doesn´t really age, was cursed by the court jester of Huan Ken and survived a tribunal of all four Monarch, just to name a few) she continues to lead the Dragons even after loosing her adopted son, McCroun, after the tragic ending of the battle of the Red Lantern. FS

Gus Andropolous - IKTV reporter a journalist and middleman to IKTV Gus is using his extensive Netherworld contacts to further the cause of the Dragons. SF
Justinian, Techi - always a little bit in the shadow of the Prof, his contribution the the Dragons is still visible as he is the engineer how build and shaped the Dragons Lair in the Netherworld, a feat of engineering still impressive especially considering the Dragons resources. FS
Li Han, Kung Fu Prodigy -SF
Marisol, netherworld Mercenary SF
Serena Ku, Vengeful Hero - not much is known about her. She likes it that way. SF
Silver Fist, Everybody Hero - SF
Silver Jet, Husband - to one of the most powerful sorceresses ever walked Earth and the Netherworld: the Queen of Ice.
Suong Xa - Netherworld everyman hero - a female commoner, Suong has no extraordinary power, demonic abilities or supernatural edges - just a righteous heart and the indominable will to prevail. SF
Zebediah & Jenna - two Dragons with connections to the "Mysterious Stranger", a powerful sorcerer. Much is not known about them, except that Zebediah may be Zebediah Paine, a priest lost in the Netherworld. FS

Special Cases:
Billy Choe, 1996 Martial Artist - a former Dragon who had all and lost everything. Trained by Ting Ting in modern Hong Kong, she lost everything she hold dear after a superficial shift which removed her entire "known life" from her surroundings. When she wanted to return to the Dragons, everyone was gone and she started to hear the rumors of the battle of the Red Lantern. FS
Bronze Sentinel It is said that each of the legendary Dragons in the Age of Legends died a horrible death, facing the hordes of hell alone. It is also said that one Dragon soul survived in the hull of a bronze statue brought to life through pure willpower. It is also said that this statue is now a weapon of terror for the Lodge in their battles of the Netherworld. Of course it is said that this statue would need to witness a heroic act of self sacrifice to awaken ... and remember. FS
Dirk Wiseley, Everybody Hero - a whole library could be written about his adventures through time and space - and a whole filmography could be made about them too - and even then the (mis)adventures would be too many to be described in their fullest. Enough to say that Dirk is always on the righteous side, and that means Dragon side.
Ricky Chou, 1996, Killer - now, the Dragons have their share of socially challenged people. You can´t fight a brutal war for the survival of a dozen billion souls across time and space and still always be nice, polite and adaptable. But Ricky was way over the top, a psychopath too extreme event to be used as a one shot bullet. So Kar Fai had to kick him out of the Dragons. Literally. FS

FS = Feng Shui, even if infos are added from other sources like background material from Shadowfist
SF = stolen from Shadowfist and "interpreted" for FS
AS = Alternate sources like the "almost made it" excepts by official authors

This is an attempt to bring you the "offical" Dragon characters with some of the official background. Now, "official" is a little bit problematic, due to the differences between the original Shadowfist TGC and the Feng Shui RPG. Honestly, we have no Pulp Juncture in the RPG. I tried to bring the characters as good as possible into FS, if not able to port them directly, at least their "archetype". Some of the infos here are quite "invented", lets be honest, the history of FS and SF is a little bit chaotic. So please don´t sue me. Added are "inofficial" official Dragons from former authors where characters were cut out and never made it into official books (they were on the "almost approved" status, and don´t we love dragons the underdogs) :wink:

The spoiler text for Johnny Tso in the Shadowfist database, with his Heroic Gunman title and his Assassinate ability against Lotus characters make it pretty clear that he's a Killer.

As for Tricia, she's listed as an undercover cop, though I'm not sure whether she's a Karate Cop or a Maverick Cop.

I go for Karate - the Dragons have already some Mavericks at their disposal. Thanks for the Info :slight_smile:


Are Johnny Ko and Johhny Tso two diffrent characters or the same chacter is something I've been trying to figure out. Some of the signature characters had spelling or name changes in some of the Atlas books, and in some cases the backgrounds were changed a bit.

The Tim byrd had written up some Dragons that were going to be in the Daeadalus version of Golden Comeback. They didn't make it into the Atlas one for some reason, but you could get their stats and bios, etc on Tim's old page.

They were:

Adam Running Wolf, Apache Manhunter
Angus McDonald, Master Golfer
Edge, Man of Mystery
Elvis Presley, The King of Rock n Roll, Netherworld Gangster
Hart King, Private Eye
Joe Munson, Ex-Special Forces
Micky Yeoh, Magic Cop
Nathaniel Bryan, Secret War Orphan
Simon Noone, Transformed Dragon Mercenary

For the Shadowfist ones listed Silver Jet needs to be added, he is in the Dragons and is also the Ice Queen's husband.

I've got a master NPC file that I was woking on that has all the character stats with the corresponding Shadowfist artwork if you want a copy let me know. i got burnt out working on it.

They are, as it seems. Ko is a Gun-Techi in the adventure "Burning Shaolin", Tso is decribed as a killer.

Do you have a link?

Sure, I would be very glad to read this :slight_smile:

Shoot me an email and I'll send you the latest version of my NPC list. I've sent you my email adddress via PM.
Tim Byrd's site is non-exhitant, but I did manage to pull all the Feng Shui stuff he had on it via wayback machine, I can send you the pages I recovered that has the write ups for those characters Haven't typed up those NPCs into my master NPC list yet. I'm currently needing helping getting scans or art for some of the characters I haven't done.
I'm still missing 2 of the "official" magazine articles for the game. One was an adventure so I'm not sure if any other Dragons or characters got stats in tt.
No clue on what Dragons were going to be in the UK book that was planned, Blowing Up London. The rough info for the Jammers and Architects of the Flesh were the only two factions that I've seen any material for it.

There was a blowing up London book? cries

I'd like that nearly as much as I'd want an official Pulp 20's-40's Feng Shui supplement

The Blowing Up London book was never finished and published. It did get announced in a cople of places.
Ken Walton the author did post some of the stuff he wrote on the Jammers and Architects of the Flesh on his now dead website from the draft.

When I first read the stuff, before my old computer, house, etc. got destroyed by Katrina his site was still up. I did manage to thanks to wayback machine and lots of searching in the old FS mailing list archieves manage to reget the material, but a lot of other "official" or "semi-official" FS material is unfortunetly permanetly lost it seems.

A supplement called Pulp! was in the works by Jose Garcia and Tim Byrd. That never got published. It would have added a 1938 juncture. Tim was going to post the material that was done for it. All that ended up getting posted on his now dead site was the Jungle Lord and Magician archetypes.
Tim also had a Scout archetype he did for the unpublished Daedalus Games version of Golden Comeback on his site.

Some more Dragons.
Just about all of them are Shadowfist characters. One or two may have been mentioned before.

The Chimpshack and Inner Kingdom Games Shadowfist) sites is where I got them from. Links are bellow.

Marisol - netherworld Mercenary - killed in Flashpoint
Wu Ming Yi - Repentant Demon - killed in Netherworld 2
Oscar Balbuena - Karata Cop - killed in Dark Future
Little Jim - Rebel Abomination - killed in Dark Future
Doctor Shen - Martial Artist - killed in Dark Future
Joey Paz - Escrima Master - killed in Dark Future
Silver Fist - Cosmopolitan Hero - killed in Dark Future
Bao Chou - Avenging Ghost - killed in Dark Future
Hiro Astaka - Ninja Hacker - killed in Dark Future
Concourse Godard - Renegade Supersoldier - killed in Dark Future
Johny Badhair - Wild Man - killed in Dark Future

Bronze sentinel - Righteous Automaton
Big Mack - Bar-Room Brawler

Katie Kincaid - Gunfighter
Six Bottles Hwang - Drunken Master

John Tower - One Bad Mother
Spencer's Beauties - Foxy Heroines
Taggert - Streetwise Cop

Bei Tairong - Lodge Traitor

Captain Jake Molloy -Daredevil Pilot
David Maxwell - Man About Town
Dr. Amanda Snow - Treasure Hunter
The Nemesis - Masked Avenger
Tom Donovan - Hard-Boiled Detective

Hosegow Jackson - Desperate Outlaw
The Jackson Gang - Heric Outlaws
The Seven - Roving Heroes
Yosef Halevi - Kabalist Sorcerer

Julenne Wong - Political Mastermind
Lenny Wu - Martial Artist Cop
Li Han - Kung Fu Prodigy
malloc() - Reseructed Hacked - Note the "()" is part of his name
Zheng Yi Quan - Master of the World

Dirk Wiseley - he's mentioned in both the Feng Shui RPG & in Shadowfist. They have a series of novels about about the character Wisely and the Feng Shui RPG, Atlas version page 247, talks about 2 of the movies based on the novels.

Any Dragons in Empire of Evil and the older Shadowfist card sets aren't on the list and any others I might have missed.

Also, note the dead list on the ChimpShack site and the Shadowfist compared to the Feng Shui RPG sections he has.

Several Drgaons and other characters are dead or MIA, like Kar
Fei, that are alive in the RPG. Jason X is suppossed to be dead but in Back for Second we learn he is alive. In the Shadowfist world he is brainwashed and turned into Jason Seven. He dies for good in Dark Future.

Iala Mane isn't a Ghost, but he was built using the ghost archetype to reflect the supernatural powers he has.

Thank you. Are there any informations about the juncture they are from?


This is all in rough note format and I'm sure I forgot some stuff.

The junctures for some aren't known.

If you look at the card you can roughly figure out the juncture for a few. The Shadowfist site has a card gallery that you can look at to see the cards in various sets. Some are obvious.Katie Kincaid and The Jackson gang are 1800s obviosly.

Some aren't. Bei Tairong isn't from just looking at the Shadowfis card of her. More on her in a second.

The Shadowfist & Feng Shui fiction can help in some cases. Bei Tairong is in the chapter fiction in Seal of the Wheel and she is 69AD. This isn't obvious from her card and it doesn't show up in the Shadowfist fiction. Fiction has been done for some sets and all that was done was rough synopsis notes for others. Some of the fiction that was on the Shadowfistisn't on the Shadowfist site now. The ChimpShack site has good story summaries of all the sets and is the only place you can get some info on them.

The Shaowfist setting had a 1970s and a Pulp juncture too.
The 2056 juncture in Shadowfist was changed due to a critical shift so futuristic characters can come from one of two tiimelines.
I didn't type up any junctures as that isn't clear for many of the cards and I didn't have time to check them.

What follows is some rough notes:
Bronze Sentinel is in Seal of the Wheel name is slightly diffrent.

Pulp Juncture:
Captain Jake Molloy -Daredevil Pilot
David Maxwell - Man About Town
The Nemesis - Masked Avenger
Tom Donovan - Hard-Boiled Detective

1970s Juncture
John Tower - One Bad Mother
Spencer's Beauties - Foxy Heroines ( 3 of them)
Taggert - Streetwise Cop

Hosegow Jackson - Desperate Outlaw
The Jackson Gang - Heric Outlaws
The Seven - Roving Heroes

malloc() shows up on the Hacker card in a slightly diffrent form. Exactly what the diffrence between the two is isn'y known. He is aso in Out For Blood.

The Shadowfist decription of John Hayes is diffrent from the way he is descibed in some Daedalus internal material. See the ChimpShack site section on card design for more info.

Johny Badhair - The Shadowfist Players Guide indicates he is a Dragon/Jammer. The character is Phil Hale's John Badhair character that ran in EPIC magazine according to the Player's Guide. Phile Hale did the artwork for the Shadowfist card by the way.

I don't play Shadowfist, but I do keep up with the Fiction and have the old Player's Guide as it has lots of background info in it.

Quick correction on my last post the brainwashed version of Jason X is Jack Seven.

Missed a few characters.

The missing ones are:

Melissa Aguelera - Comando Vet - she is in the Flashpoint set
Serena Ku - Vengeful Hero - she's in the Netherworld set & I haven't seen the card art.
The Silver Band - Legion of Supporters
Gus Andropolous - He's in the Red Wedding fiction. Some of the old Shadowfist newsletter sections were written by him so the character may be based and/or have the same name as a real person. The Shadowfist newsletters say he is an IKTV reporter in the articles he's credited with.
Suong Xa - Netherworld Hero

Sam Malory - Lodge Killer. He's with the Loge in Flashpoint & was planned to become a Dragon in a later set.

The Shadowfist decription of John Hayes is diffrent from the way he is descibed in some Daedalus internal material. See the ChimpShack site section on card design for more info.

Johny Badhair - The Shadowfist Players Guide indicates he is a Dragon/Jammer. The character is Phil Hale's John Badhair character that ran in EPIC magazine according to the Player's Guide. Phile hale did the artwork for the Shadowfist card by the way.

I don't play Shadowfist, but I do keep up with the Fiction and hae the old Player's Guide has lots of background info in it.

Yupp, thats the list i am currently checking, thanks for my downloader I have now some several thousands card pics on my PC - hurry for going some links to deep to leech everything.

Check my first post :wink:

What follows is some rough notes:

Yes, in FS he is captured by the Lodge and has not yet awakened.

Tom Donovan has become a journalist in FS and I will move the pulp juncture to 1996 (I Think), since the Shadowfist timeline is not included in the Feng Shui timeline.

According to his picture and the shadowfist magazine he should be Netherworld with Jammercontacts or 2056 - the arm looks very cybernetic to me, either hardware schtick oder arcana arm.

He is, he is described in Gorilla Warfare as spy planted by the Jammers into the Dragons (and who forget that he is a spy).

Hm, I think that this will be a nice list, with some few sentences to almost all official dragons in FS and SF. :slight_smile:


These are the quick play characters that are in the 6 page FSCharacters.pdf Atlas released. See that for background, stats, etc.

Tsang Wan - Old Master - 1996
Johnny Chang - Karate Cop - 1996
Rich Jett - Gambler - 1996
TJ Hodgkins - Techie - 1996?
Steven Mills - Magic Cop - 1996

Also, what downloader are you using to get the card pics. I still need to get around grabbing all the ones on the Shadowfist site that I didn't snag before.

Might be 2 Tom Donovans in the Shadowfist world. The pulp one I belive is an ancestor to the journalist one.

Flashgot. Nice Addon for Mozilla

Right now I have 1535 Scans of Shadowfist cards, last updated in november 2010.


One scan was of a minigun.


Why was a a minigun ninjalinked in my shadowfist card scans?

If someones wants the scans, its 42mb. I assume with some mails and/or FTP it shouldnt be any problem sending this data.


Thanks I'll be sure and check out Flashgot.

The only FS specific I don't have that might have some characters in them I mentioned before is the Greg Stolze short story and the Bruce Baugh adventure. Both of these were ran in long out of print and near impossible to find magazines and I've been trying to find a copy of them or a scan of the material for a few years.

Just thought I'd say I'd be happy to get the list any and everytime it's updated!

Updated with some characters from alternate sources

And finished. I really hope that I didn´t forget anyone/thing. If you have any updates, notes, critics or ideas, please don´t hesitate.

awesome :slight_smile:


I just cut & pasted the text into a word file.

I might have 2 more to add to the list that I might have missed mentioning from the Shadowfist ones.

Got to try out Flashgot and found it a great help to snag those Shadowfist card images. :smiley: