OOC: Adventures


Sorry, I apparently don't get the point. The thing with tamed animals that do not belong to the covenant. Possible or not possible?

[tab][/tab] Sorry for taking so long to answer. You mean taming animals for your plans or schemes? Sure its possible. Again, rules-wise you 'owe' two seasons of work to the covenant, to support the character. What he does in the other two seasons is whatever you want him to do (train more animals in this case). In real time, all these are applied together (meaning those two seasons of work AND the extra things you go are sparced over one year time). this is different from magi, who have clear cut seasons of work.

Just in case you are not following Nicholas introduction story there is the opportunity to interact with him.

[tab][/tab]Mired again? Still waiting for the actions of Maia and Miklos (yes Miklos can spend 2 confidence and stay unshaken, no need to flee or any penalties)

[tab][/tab] A small ceremony of introduction of apprentices and then the group is off to return to the covenant

[tab][/tab]Pavo managed to transform and is now floating more or less. Maia was yanked back by a grog and lost her vision.

[tab][/tab] Close to wrapping up. People could potentially fight the worm, loot the cave, both or neither. Scylax will at some point research the cave and things he found, where additional info about safely harvesting the site will become available.

[tab][/tab] This has taken longer than expected, almost nine months. Partially my fault for taking so much time (especially this past hectic month). We are still not finished with the four adventurous but we are close for some. Because we got three new people coming in, and I have delayed them quite a bit, At the start of next month (around a week from now) I will be starting the next Winter season and the adventure of it, with the introduction of the new people. this will be a quest for all magi, with no companions (or cameo/incidental appearances). As a result:
-[tab][/tab] Wrapping up the four quests: Three have magi, one is companions only. Of the three only 1.3 has Pavo still doing things for some time. I think I can juggle the balls about advancement at this point.
-[tab][/tab] Seasonal activities. this will take us a while to figure the effects and advancements, but for the first weeks of the new adventure, I don't think there are going to be too many rolls and we will be on schedule.
-[tab][/tab] End of the year report. quite a bit of stuff to go in there.

Am I missing anything else?

Any chance the "new characters" could join during this period of time ?

Sorry about 1.3 taking so long, Pavo and Maia ended up taking on most of the travelling and investigating while the other took up shopping. Assuming we finish the faerie waterfall & pools encounter soon, you can always speed things up by giving us a quick description of what happens when we look at the Tymvos and whether or not the new noble is at home when we visit the castle.

_< Thats half the adventure Darwing...

New adventure for Winter of 1216 is Gone...(I). As stated all Magi, including new comers are automatically enrolled. Will post this week the prologue...

Phase 1 of Gone... is open.

(>_< I had it written early this week, but somehow I didn't post it. Was wondering why no-one had posted yet. Sorry)

On Gone....[I]

Seems we have fallen into a lull. I would suggest we pick up again, at just before the controversial (in my opinion) post by eldarin's character. What do others think?

The proposition while controversial is quite likely to happen as the character is afraid a sodales might be in danger. He might just use desperate measures despite potential personal cost (this is scrying and could lead to various punishment.) Characters who disagree (like mine) can just say so and don't participate in it while whose willing to take the risk can pretend to withdraw their proposal and do it in hiding.

If you think the proposal is that far off the road that not even the most reckless Tytalus would bring it up, I'd agree to remove it from history...

Not sure though, if Prometheus would bring up something similar again in the future...

I'm not fussed as to whether we keep going or rewind back to just before the suggestion. Pavo will probably still go to see the falconer while everyone keeps arguing about how to track our Criamon elder and find out what's happened.


[tab][/tab] In a lull again. Only four people posted... something. I need the following things to happen:

1[tab][/tab] Everyone needs to state his/her position on the matter in hand
2[tab][/tab] Which of the three new magi takes the oath now (Prometheus, Pertheus and Pierrick)? Who of the magi administers the Oath (Pavo, Raven, Aristocles or Scylax)?
3[tab][/tab] Does the conversation between Pavo and Nicholas happen? What are the results of that conversation?
4[tab][/tab] Who goes with Dimitris to Anastaj's laboratory? Who does what there? Does anyone go to talk to the scouts that have returned?
5[tab][/tab] What are your individual actions? Do your characters have any other ideas or plans on what to do?

I'll give it five days before I plod on without input...

Aristocles is happy to administer the oath to the new Magi. He will not enter the sanctum but once the oath is taken will seek out the scout.

Everything was said and done from my side.

Prometheus doesn't take the oath now, he leaves for his room. He should give Aristocles a response though...

Nicholas is in his room. I expected Pavo to get in at some point in time.

I am unsure what Prometheus will do next, but pretty fine with advancing time for a couple of hours or longer without doing anything in particular.

Plodded a bit through Gone...(I).
Maia has yet to post on Things Buried. Should I wait or deal with Pavo's inquiry?

So....what are other people doing in Gone? Only have Scylax and Prometheus so far

1 I did, I'm against blatant scrying.
2 Pierrick will take the oath later.
5 I barely speak any language here so I don't think I can really investigate anything by talking to people, I don't really feel like casting a scrying spell right now after all the fuss.

I'll post something..

Sorry for the delay, had stuff going. I guess we got 5 people on this adventure, judging by the posts: Pavo, Raven, Aristocles and Scylax are going into the mountain to find Anastaj, and Prometheus is staying behind right?