OOC chat

Again, with apologies to everyone and @silveroak - I've found over the last few months that I'm just too busy and need to bow out of the game. :cry:

It turns out, I don't have time to participate in a play by post and run an IRL Ars Magica game (which I enjoy writing up, and is quite time consuming in of itself), and stay on top of other real life obligations. I keep thinking that I'll have time, or make time, then find I just don't or can't. :frowning:

If you can find someone to replace my PC, that's fine. I'm sorry for the late realization on this and messing up the game for everyone else.

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Would Lothindal be interested in taking over Tastheus ex Tytalus?

Let me read the data about him. But, yes, I'm totally ok to take care of him. I'm sure that @temprobe will be happy to summarize me the current situation.

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@Lothindil this is great, and I'm happy there's someone interested and able to use Tastheus for this very cool story idea that @silveroak has put together. :smiley:

Had we finished locating our usual vis sources?

Hey, sorry I went quiet for a few days, had some IRL distractions that kept me quite busy. I'll be getting back into things today.

locating them was for the most part pretty straightforward. The main issue is that a lot of the Cathar's are nervous about harvesting the vis without the perfecti around to answer some doctrinal uestions about the situation, and the Cathars harvested most of the vis.

I need some times to find all posts of Tastheus to have a good idea about him and his current actions. I would certainly play him this week-end :slight_smile:

How do you guys wanna handle the addendum? Post poned for the moment or work it out?

So far Lothindil is taking over one character who is sitting in his lab or something until they say otherwise, and has a prospective character which is mid processing. Either way posting does not need to stop.

If I recall correctly, the decision was along the lines of, if those who care to amend the charter agree on a common amendment, the rest of the council can look at it again.

Would it be possible to pin threads with long-term information on it (Our spreadsheet for planning, our current library and vis stores, Covenant crafters, et cetera).


Yeah. It was certainly nice to have the website in the last game as a kind of library of the core info that changes slowly if ever.

@silveroak Would you be able to tell me what Virtues and Flaws does the lab have? I want to model it in Metcreator.

Was Tastheus part of the Vigil team? I don't recall.

Looking at the Excel, doesn't look like it

lab stats added to the bottom of Okeannetis' character sheet at the top of the development thread.

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Don't base on the seasonal files for now. I'm still working to compute all post of the former player of Tastheus to know what he did or didn't ^^

Am basing it on the Excel file mostly because all we need for a Aegis level 30, is 4 casters. The others can take time to up their MuVi to be able to cast Wizard's Vigil, and then we can cast a more powerful Aegis.

So, I've finished to read all about Tastheus, now :slight_smile:
And no, he wasn't part of Vigil team.

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