OOC chat

It should be noted in going back over Tastheus and investigating his lab that one of the agreements made at the beginning of the game is that there would not be a comprehensive list of lab notes for any of the characters- I was not doing 100+ years of advancement season by season for 6 characters, not did the rest of the group wish to wait for me to do so, so a "comprehensive" list as such is not possible.

Also the Libram campaignus thread is NOT to be used for discussion. I am unable to delete your post there, please do so yourself. The books in individual labs are not on library lists, you can write them under the drop down or just note them in your individual character development thread.

oh, ok for the lab' notes, I agree. It was more about eventual personal summae (like the one about the Code of Hermes) that other things and a way to explain the "absence" of the characters since a time.
And Ok for the thread, I'm deleting the post.

I was always a bit too quiet, because I wasn't involved in certain conversations, but the last couple of months I have been dealing with a nasty family situation where I no longer had access to the internet except if I went to a public library or something like that, and I didn't really have any advance notice to warn anyone that I was going to be offline. I have a place and a computer now, but if I've been dormant too long and can't come back, I understand.


Glad to hear from you, Panopticon. I hope your family situation's better now. I don't feel we've done so much that you can't resume playing with us, no. We're essentially just concluding the first season, and haven't started the summer yet, so it's a fairly easy spot to resume from. Next step would be finalizing your study for the season basically.

Welcome back!

Yeah, we haven't done much yet, so I don't see any problem.

Another thing: are we ready to move on to the next season?

Kind of feels like we're at that point.

I wouldn't be opposed to treating Summer as an administrative season that isn't role-played/story driven and move to Fall. With the critical need around Vigil and Aegis, I'm not sure that Argentius will be thinking about adventuring.

I don't have a lot of experience, though, on how one paces an ArM game (online or not).

It does seem like adventuring is being put off until advancements can be made, so lets go ahead and advance to fall, discuss summer activities and fall plans in the long narrative thread.

Would anyone be interested to play a Companion for Aetherius, perhaps an Arab part of the egyptian seeker's guild, conveniently outside the covenant ground if our gamemaster agrees to introduce such a character?

I would explore that with you. I was thinking Egyptian connections might be interesting to explore. But if others want to, that's ok too.

Sorry guys I have been very busy with new work. Hopefully I will back to daily posting from now on.

Extra sorry about not giving proper warning beforehand.

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I just realized - Aetherius was designed with a Magical Being Companion story flaw. I do have a familiar, but I don't recall if we've had a conversation saying such story flaws would be converted into familiars, or if it means that story flaw was missed?

As I recall you put in a magical animal companion as a trait to be developed- during your missing time you found your magical animal companion and they became your familiar.

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Thank you for confirming.

Are you okay with introducing a companion along the lines below?

I would be fine with that. Obviously the companion will have been a companion for the pre-rejuvenated Aetherius...

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Let's talk in the next few days?

Sounds good. Totally open to ideas and suggestions. I'll look around in the books a bit. I could see going down a merchant "dealer in antiquities" path or a noble of some sort.

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@silveroak Roughly where is Al Kufra located?

I'm reading in Between Sea and Sand and looking at the maps on p. 41 and 43. I'm not entirely sure where we are. Are we more western side or the eastern side?

@silveroak would you prefer we keep making companions for later, when we recruit more individuals, or can we make a few more that have been away from the covenant?