I just realized I have only one Flambeau who is neither a jerk nor crazy.
Uh thats 3! ...unless you already included Sinmore.
Don't forget, cute too!
Sinmore is totally crazy But I meant of my NPCs.
And, of course, by slapping the taste out of his mouth, I probably just confirmed his theory about why Georges didn't like Cygna. At least part of it anyway.
that doesn't make him any less of a jerk, though
Oh come on. She's got no Brawl! And she wants to slap a Crusader?
He said nastier things to Georges than to Cygna. And he's vaguely related-ish to Georges.
Yeah, her temper got the better of her, I'll allow that. But anyone who walks up to a woman, especially when she's obviously frayed to the hem, and calls her ugly and says she has a lousy personality? I kinda think he had it coming. Imo.
If you were a real girl, you'd have known that was nut-shot territory.
Iapetus is bad enough of a teacher that Shmuel would learn more by trial and error. Though he'd end up gauntleted minus a few limbs.
His corpus soak is ... impressive.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
That, or paraplegic
I thought about it, but then I realized that Focus has no balls.
What, have you looked?
So, is this what it feels like to friendzone a demon?
This is one of those things that is entirely situational, IMO. If a character is in the library researching it? Probably not a stress roll. If a player is out in the middle of the world trying to recall some facts, yeah, probably a stress roll. Of course, I don't have anyone searching into musty old libraries of recently deceased magi, yet, so this is all speculation.
In line for Diablo III. Y'all may not see me for a while.
I envy you. Have fun!
Errrr... But I thought you had only a mac? Don't tell me you bought a PC just to play Diablo III ???
If I'm right, that is either insane, or awesome.
Oh, and agree with peregrine about lore rolls.
BTW, taking a cue from Arya about Hiems
All Blizzard games run on Mac, with no need for a separate copy. <3 Blizzard <3
So. I get an email from the library Thursday afternoon, saying the position I had applied for was open again and to call them to set up another interview if I was still interested. Called them like two minutes after they sent the email, because that's pretty much all I do all day is perch, vulture-like, on my computer.
Anyway, just got back from the interview half an hour ago. I don't want to jinx it, but I have a better feeling than I did the first time. (Apparently, this is the first time they've had to do second interviews, and they weren't quite sure what to do.) The person they hired didn't work out (which I could have told them that - if you didn't hire me, you hired the wrong person ), I was pretty much at the top of "didn't make the cut" list, and I actually found out what some of my shifts are going to be.
So...I should find out by the weekend.
That's good news!
I mean it sucks for your pbp game posting rate, but all-in-all it is great news!