OOC Discussion

Sorry to derail, but does anyone know how to change your password? My password stopped working and I had to reset it, and now the site has given me an auto-generated string of unmemorizable letters and numbers. This means every time I need to re-login I will have to force a password reset again to get another new one.

User Control Panel -> Profile -> Edit Account Settings

Recommend a password manager. I’ve not remembered most passwords for years.

I can remember my passwords, just sometimes they fail and I wind up having to change them anyway.

Favorite*: When the website refuses to let me log in, saying my password is wrong, so I go through the rigamarole to reset it and the system says "You can't use the same password that you already have."

  • Not favorite

Do you need a lab to study a spell lab text?

Yes. We should have the one that used to be Stephen's available after Autumn 1228, though, so as long as multiple people don't want to use it at once there shouldn't be a major problem. Plus at some point Tasia's may become free.

Does Viola want Timaios to tutor her apprentice for one season in something as a favor? Magic Theory perhaps? Will accept a favor later in return. :slight_smile:

I do not have an answer for you right now. I guess we don't have a specialist who can be called on to do that, can we?


Not as far as I've seen. Getting a Latin and Artes Liberales tutor should be manageable with the covenant's resources, but Magic Theory isn't the kind of thing the village scholar can teach.

I have just added up Wishbones character sheet it is short 10xp. When I look at my original design I had the 10xp in second sight, a virtue that did not make it in to the final version. Are you OK with me raising my awareness from 1 to 2 to spend the points or would you suggest another option?

No - the closest we have is Sophia, who has picked up various Lores, but no Magic Theory.

That seems reasonable to me.

She's going to need to learn Latin first, anyway. Viola should actually be able to teach relatively well (for a maga with Com -2)--that's one of the purposes of the quill talisman. That doesn't mean she's not open to someone else doing it better, and freeing up a lab season, but it depends on what the bargain is. I think in any case she'd want to do the first season of MT instruction (or whatever magical instruction takes place) herself.


Just a TMI update: the past few weeks I've been through a period of high stress, meaning that, once I sit down at night after work and taking care of children, I don't have a lot of energy left. I'm going to try to catch up on a variety of things this week and over the weekend, including:

  • Revising Viola's advancement log to reflect the apprentice situation
  • Adding new house rules/interpretations
  • Getting a new story started. What are the magi planning to do next, explore the caves or go after the Amazons?
  • Strech goal Revising the cave maps

Is there anything else that needs doing?


Thanks, will update now.

Sorry to hear that - hope things improve soon.

From my point of view - right now Gregorius thinks he's explored everything he can about the lake regio (he did spend a fair amount of Spring 1228 when he wasn't doing other things exploring the tunnels around the lake). Exploring the caves further would therefore require either someone (Timaios or Fray?) developing suitable magic (probably to explore the lake more thoroughly) or some other sort of breakthrough / event / clue in the notes Stephen deciphered. Shout if there's an obvious avenue I'm missing.

The amazons is probably the more obvious route. Gregorius has mostly only not pursued this further already because Tasia in particular and the quaesitors in general seemed to be warning him off it (well, that and the fact that he's been focusing on getting to the point he can bind Alcimus - he's probably due some trouble for not focussing more on skills that would help him scout the amazons). So it would be fairly easy to trigger him doing something.

I'm going to run the finale of the Halia story for Viola of course, but are there other individual magi stories that people want to either play or run? I think Ironboundtome mentioned that Fray was going to want to look for a familiar a while back, and I know Asena has a similar project in mind. Ironboundtome also mentioned running a high combat story for John Graham 52's proposed new Flambeau - don't know if people still want to do that for Wishbone instead?

For additional stretch goals, there's probably updating the covenant finances and vis stocks (and the wall). Note that Gregorius will probably rethink the switch of the quarrying to income generation if we have got the faerie regio toys working, and keep the stone pointed towards building the covenant instead.

Would it be possible to repost the active magi in the magi section so we all the active magi all together. It has taken me awhile to understand which characters are being played and which not. I am happy to do it if I have the permissions.

The currently active magi are:

  • Viola (MTKnife)
  • Gregorius (Salutor)
  • Fray (Ironboundtome)
  • Timaois (JesseHeinig)
  • Asena (Pralix)
  • Wishbone (John Graham 52)

I think what would work better than reposting the sheets (which may make them hard to edit later, depending on who does it, and will make things even harder to find in future) is to create another thread or two for NPC / defunct magi, and move those character sheets to there. I'd like to still have them available to reference, so please don't delete them completely.

I'll try to do that when I get a chance.


I've move the last few posts to Covenant Development (https://forum.atlas-games.com/t/dungeoneer-two-newbie-questions/573/1), which is where they belonged in the first place.
