OOC Discussions and Table Talk

Workload has been even heavier than I expected this week, so I won't be posting today or tomorrow.

I'll try to post something this weekend (I'm at home for a change), but I make no promises. :wink:

What do you think all?

Personally, I think we are full, as any additional players would spread my time even thinner... So unless one of you want to act as beta storyguide on the saga, I'll have to turn him down.

Yeah, if you are feeling overworked, then best not add players.

Sorry, I've had some health issues the last couple of weeks and that's kept me offline. I should be back to normal now.

Well, I have been swamped at work anyway, so I couldn't do much. Trying to get back into things.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out. My dad is seriously ill, and it's sucking all leftover energy. I doubt it's going to get better any time soon.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad and wish him the best. I am still recovering from pneumonia and work has been a struggle, so I can understand.

At this point, I am not sure about continuing this saga. I wish I had more energy and inspiration, but unfortunately both are in short supply at the moment. I'd like to hear from the other players -- are you still motivated and on board for the saga to continue?

I'm certainly still interested in the character of Konrad. If the saga were to go on, I'd still be interested in playing.

Seems that this saga is destined to die at this point. So, Trogdor, would you be interested in moving your character to the sister saga, The Price of Knowledge?

The background of the saga is the same, and I desgined the saga so that it would be much easier to introduce new magi (or have them leave gracefully). However, it has one drawback for your character -- the chapter house doesn't have the proper space to create a health center for mundanes. The nearby town of Walsrode might be a possibility for this, however, if you don't cross the line of interfering with mundanes.

Anyway, take a look at the other saga and let me know! 8)

I like the idea of joining Price of Knowledge. But I'm not sure that Konrad has the background for that. I designed his background to specifically want to turn his back on the establishment, not join them. And he's not exactly the magus I'd have chosen for Price of Knowledge. Close, but I'd have designed his stats and background a bit differently.

I'm also concerned that I'm starting at zero again after all the time spent with Konrad in this saga. It's frustrating to see all that effort in the character go for naught when he has to start all over again from scratch.

Let me look over PoK in more detail and think it over and I'll let you know.

He wouldn't exactly start from zero. The in-character play we've with has helped us both learn about his capabilities as well as his personality. And I'd allow you to advance him a few seasons (or even a few years) to represent what would have happened in this saga that would resut in his leaving and wanting to join Fengheld -- or simply set down at the chapter house as a peregrinator (at least initially).

Another possibility is to design a new character (based on Konrad or not, as you wish) or slightly modify Konrad to be a better fit for The Price of Knowledge.

So yes, take a look at the other saga and let me know. :slight_smile:

That actually sounds like it would work well. I'd probably want to alter Konrad's motivation slightly to make him fit in The Price of Knowledge. Make him motivated to become a physician and perhaps start a medical facility, but allow that it could be covenant-based and for covenant members (all, not just magi) rather than something as ambitious as making a hospital. But I think the character in general is sound if a few things are modified.

I'd probably want to tweak the design on Konrad to fit PoK a bit better. Nothing major, but swapping a Virtue or Flaw or changing his spell choice a bit.

Having looked at the PoK forum, I think that would be a fun game to join. Let me know what the process would be to get Konrad in shape and I'll be happy to proceed.

I am very sorry that I could not and did not carry my weight in this game.
I have concluded that this format is probably not right for me.
Arthur, you did a tremendous job, and I wish I could hold up my end.

Don't worry about it, Joel. The PbP format is indeed something that is very slow and not suited to everyone.

Your character was interesting and it would have been fun to play with you further. I hope you keep having fun playing Ars Magica!

I just created a character creation topic for you in the PoK forum. You can put the new version of the character there and we can proceed from there to discuss the evolution in the background and what happened since Konrad arrived between PoF and PoK.
