
Sure - the Rego Craft magic guidelines in HoH:S, pg. 60:

I'm extrapolating the difficulty of working with earth and clay from the Stone difficulty, and I'm assuming that the huts themselves count as prepared timber.

The ease factors for the finesse rolls are listed on another table:

I'm interpreting the digging of the ditches and making/packing of clay to be trivial, while actually stacking/building the walls to be Simple. Building the roof, in contrast, is probably Easy - for that last one, Failue just means it doesn't get set up right, whereas a botch indicates we've damaged the wood.

EDIT - ah, looks like I got the numbers wrong for dismantling the house, above - it will probably be a 9, rather than a 6, to do that.

I would assume so - that's the one I was thinking of. However, it would probably be better to /5 spont it as Individual (ie, cast it 10 times for 10 separate logs, rather than /2 spont for 10 logs). That allows you to avoid botching.

I have weak spontaneous magic as a flaw, so I can only cast it /5. and the level is only 5 anyway so I should easily be able to cast it with a +3 after dividing.

Ah - whoop. Spoke too soon. The actual guideline (now that I look at it) is "1: Create a plant" - the default volume is 3x3x3, so that's 27 cubic feet worth of wood, or, a skinny tree (1 foot diameter) about 30 feet tall. Or a more thick tree with a forked trunk, each ~15 feet long. Or something along those lines - basically, grow the tree, then chop it down manually, (at which point it becomes 'processed', and thus easier to work with.) Note that this only needs to be done if we don't have enough wood after salvaging the huts - I'm thinking there won't QUITE be enough, unless the huts are larger than I thought. However, the walls can be salvaged, as well as the roofs - mainly what's needed are struts strong enough to hold up adobe tiles for the roof.

I was assuming that the walls of the huts, if they can't be used to make support beams, could be used to make basic furniture and/or doors.

EDIT - and in reading up on Weak Spontaneous Magic - I'd argue that "digging a hole" and "growing a tree", all in the middle of a plain, with nobody else around, with no real time constraints, and no real consequences for failure, probably isn't stressful. As such, you probably don't need to roll for it (unless Pralix has other ideas, of course.).

EDIT II - Hm. In looking at Bastion's character sheet, I see you having an ability of Cr 12 + He 0 + Sta 0 + Aura 1 + Gestures/Incantations +2 = 15. Where are you getting the extra +10 to be able to /5 spont a lvl 5 spell?

That's round up if i'm not mistaken, so that's probably only +6 needed but still

Regarding the casting of an Aegis...

Con: We look paranoid.

If an aegis is cast substituting fatigue for vis, a -1 to all tribunal activities due to fatigue sounds fait to me. This isn't about "how much time is it until the tribunal", but more about "there's no free lunch". I don't really care if setting up your dwelling takes five minutes or three days (though not much longer), as long as you are enjoying yourselves. If you want to move on to bargaining and/or the tribunal proper, tell me, please - I suck at InMe spells with a WLAN connection.

ON the /5 thing, that was my bad I was under the impression you still added a simple die to the roll, in which case yes I"ll have to cast it as individual target.

I'm fine with moving on to stuff other than the setup - we've got a nice giant mud hut, and I think the roof will be fine. Does anyone know of a decent image-sharing site? I've got a MSPaint-based sketch of what the temporary covenant looks like, but Photobucket (that I last used, like 3 years ago) now seems to want to charge me a monthly fee.



Hm. How does the image tag work, anyway?


You ahve to get the direct image link: i.imgur.com/iUpPI59.png

(Right click select: "copy image address")

Note that we are 5 magi, not 4.

We also have 2 (male) grogs in addition to the 2 (female) servants.

Gah. Fair'nuff - we can replace one of the storage rooms with another magi room - and having split male/female rooms for servants isn't really an issue, I think. One room for them all is enough. (In terms of scale, it's as big as we want it to be - I was originally assuming each magi room was ~20 feet in diameter.

Busy day.Tomorrow!

I was seeing it at a smaller scale. Without any furniture nor labs, it will be just so much empty space. :wink:

EDIT: There are also the 2 teamsters who were handling the carts. So a total of 6 mundanes and 5 magi.

Bitter, what illusions did you end up putting over the temporary covenant? Ie, what does it look like now? I was imagining that it's probably just "nice rock and finished wood", by default, with maybe some illusionary guards walking around the rooftops, or something.

Well I was waiting for the buildings to be set up before making the illusion and I didn't see he was able to do it anyway using individual, I'll cast the same illusion as on the covenant so it will look like our pit when you're outside the circle, I'll also cast the illusion of a servant to welcome guests, tell them to wait and come to ask for us.

Actually, just had a thought - Bastion can grow magical trees, which if they are processed slightly can be turned into furniture just fine; St. Avery's issue with using magical wood as a construction material was its magical instability - the consequences of a support strut suddenly disappearing, for example. In contrast, tables and chairs and inner doors and bedframes can be made with magical wood just fine - at worst, someone takes a pratfall.

However, because the trees need to be chopped and minimally processed, this will probably take several days of work by the grogs to actually do - seeing as none of them are actually carpenters or woodsman or lumberjacks - but it's not THAT hard to chop a tree down, especially if it was magically created to be chopped.

Any tree Bastion creates would be rather pitiful, as a base individual for Herbam is one pace in each direction.

Doesn't Bastion have Weak Spontaneous Magic? He can only spont spells using Casting Total / 5, with no die roll added.

Creating a reasonably-sized tree that could be used to craft furniture would be CrHe base 1, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +1 Size = level 10.