Something that would be cool is if old games could get resorgences. I would love to see old games like OTE CCG get a come back, it is one of my favorite games. I keep teaching new people who get there clicks to join in on a game here and there but to get it to go big would be awesome. Any ideas on how to do this? The game is fair priced and there still enough out there to buy but to get it promoted at any larger scale is the issue.

  1. Still promote it at cons where a dealer carries it. I do the occassionaly at Dragon Con.
  2. Anyones ideas?

I don't know if it will ever make a come back, but there are things we can do to keep them alive; three ideas come to mind.

(1) Play By Forum, we're trying to get a game started over on the board game geek forums :

(2) I've been thinking of running a free booster league at a local con sometime, I have enough boosters on hand to do this a few times

(3) Try to organize an event at one of the big yearly cons - Gen Con Indy or Origins - for next year, and then get out the word about it. Been a while since I've been to either con, but I've been thinking about trying to get to one of them next year. Coming up on the 20th anniversary of a couple of great old games, like On The Edge and Mythos (for Mythos I'm thinking of Necronomicon 2015), so that's a good tie-in.

So this interesting, because Cam and I have been brainstorming an idea for something new and exciting in the On the Edge department, after nearly 20 years, and we've gotten a thumbs up from Jonathan Tweet soon.

Sorry to be coy at the moment, but I'm hoping it won't be too long before we have something more informative to say. :slight_smile:

John, that is excellent news. I was hoping On the Edge would see the light of day again. Can't wait to hear more about what you're planning. I'm still disappointed that Wetworks never became a real On the Edge expansion.

Hello everybody !

After all those years, I too am still an Al Amarjan citizen. On the Edge was by far the most fascinating CCG, in the most fascinating background.
I remember having read in a RPG magazine at a time that a TV series set in Al Amarja was planned. Never heard of it again, and I still wonder if there really was such a project ?

I would love to see Wetworks and Chaos Plague cards : maybe as a complete box (like the INWO factory set) ? Maybe as a book (like the Magic encyclopedia) ? Maybe as a PDF ? Maybe in my dreams ??? :wink:

I'll watch this thread to see what's coming. :open_mouth:

Be seeing you !

I have a vague recollection of John and Robin working on a series bible for an interested TV producer waaay back in the day. As you might imagine by the length of time that's passed, nothing (to my knowledge) ever came of it. Having since that time lived in Los Angeles, spent a lot of time personally beating against Hollywood's gates, and written a truckload of script coverage for production companies, I'm not surprised that this particular pitch didn't get picked up, especially at the time it was written.

I'd watch that show, though!

So would I ! :open_mouth: It would have been a instant cult series, just like Twin Peaks or The Prisoner.
Too bad that kind of project is often doomed. As if any attempt to bring crowds beyond Reality was resisted by antibodies (or antiminds !) from our society. That effect also prevented Jodorowsky's Dune from seeing the light of day ...
But that's good to know there was an attempt, thanks ! :smiley:
And who knows, maybe someday the stars will be right, we will outnumber the normies and Al Amarja will rise again, just like R'lyeh (when the stars are right, definitely !) or good old Atlantis ! :wink:

... and by the way, Al Amarja would have been (and can still be !) a great setting for a MMORPG : create any character (really any !), interact any way you like, try setting up your own conspiracies with fellow players, to understand what's happening around, or just surviving (on the edge ...), all this while being probably an unwitting pawn of several other players' conspiracies ... a passionating surrealistic mess renewed everyday by everybody's creativity. Well, I'm probably dreaming but who knows what a successul rebirth could bring ?
Over the Edge and On the Edge had probably the same problem the series Profit (and Vincent Van Gogh !) encountered : being ahead of their time.

A year on, is there any news on this? An chance this will be coming back in the LCG format?

Also, as someone who has just bought a stack of cards (coming in late; sorry!), could someone answer me a stupid question:

Can conditions be placed on members of another player's conspiracy, or just on your own?

A year on, is there any news on this? An chance this will be coming back in the LCG format?

Also, as someone who has just bought a stack of cards (coming in late; sorry!), could someone answer me a stupid question:

Can conditions be placed on members of another player's conspiracy, or just on your own?

A year on, I'm still interested too !

And as far as I know, Conditions can be called on any character on the table. Some are even made specifically for characters not your own (such as "The Squeeze" from the Shadows expansion) !

Still interested ! Suspense ...

And suddenly ... here comes an idea : :bulb:
Since Wetworks was ready to be published (as far as I know), as well as the Plague of Chaos (as far as I know too !), why not publish them now via Kickstarter ?
If enough people pre-order, then they can be printed and distributed risk-free.

Not many CCGs have die-hard fans still playing 20 years later, and maybe on that occasion On the Edge could raise from its ashes ?