Hi there!
Before you point me to a page in ROP:Faerie, I have to say taht I have given my RO:F book to a fellow player, so it is not readily available to see if faerie adoration would be sinful, or HOW sinful.
We are in the process of investigating the Isle of Mann right now. Laura, one of the players IMS (she plays Severin from Fall & Rise) is thinking about rounding up the character with some weird beliefs. Since infernal and divine auras detract from hermetic magic, and the auras of faerie and magic realms support it, Severin will not be sure if Magic is sinfgul or not. TThe idea is that Severin will recognize God as a Great Power, but not as the only great power. After all God is a god for sure, but not necessarily the only god out there. After all, Odin helps him when he asks for help, and the christian god does as well, but not as much since the christian god opposes his magic.
So far so good.
Now, how heretical are those ideas? I guess the ansswer is "100%" and that a bishop would be terifyed from such ideas, but just to be sure. Take in mind that in Mann the official religion is still that of the Norse, even if the church has a high presence in the island.
Would those ideas justify the flaw of "pagan"? Severin will also try to honor the christian god, but will still think that he is not the only god, but one of the many gods that need to be honored in life. The more I think about it, the more I think the OoH would follow similar lines of thought: the power of God is clear in ME, but not that he is the only power out there.... or that after the christian god there will not be another power on the rise, like happened with the greco-roman or norse gods before....