Do you get the patron badge if your email address here is the same as your Patreon address, or do you have to log in through that account?
I think you need to log in to the forum with your Patreon account?
Documentation links (such as they are) are here:
Yes, it looks like changing my email to match the Patreon account and then logging in through that gets the badge while keeping my history. Great!
Hi all! Haven't been too active in the last couple of years. However, I have been a Patron since November 2019 on. My primary email, associated with my Patreon account, previously did not work. However, today I tried, and actually set it as primary (it's an outlook account). But even following the steps above does not provide the "Patron" badge.
•I have set my primary email to be the same as the Patreon account. Saved changes.
•I have logged out.
•Logged back in, clicking on the "with my Patreon account" icon.
•It takes me to Patreon and asks if I am ok with giving access to Atlas to some identifying element of my Patreon account, and I click "Allow"
•Site logs me in, but I see no badge. I may not need no stinkin' badge, but I sure would like it!
Hi Ignes, thanks for being a Patron! I'll look into the issue and get back to you as soon as I'm able.
Not sure if they changed something or not but I see your Patron badge.
EDIT: Never mind, you have the Patron tag but not the Patron badge. Which is weird since you should have the badge to get the tag.
RE-EDIT: And now both.
Well, I can see the issue, but not a solution, I'm afraid. I compared your profile to another patron's and all your settings are exactly the same, except that the badge isn't listed for you. The flair "money" icon is showing up on your avatar, though. So this is just really weird.
I tried manually granting you the badge, but it won't allow me to because they're granted automatically by the Patreon add-on we have installed in Discourse. Searching support tells me that the badge grant job runs once a day, so I manually triggered that.
I'd suggest trying to unlink Patreon from your forum account, and then add it back? I'm not sure how that works on the user end, though.
Thanks, Michelle, I did just that and it seems to have worked from my end, much obliged!