Virtues and flaws
Peacock heartbeast (0)
Flawless magic (+3)
Clan Ilfetu (+1) HoH:MC p37
Great Presence x2 (+2)
Improved Characteristic (+1)
Independent Study (+1) HoH:MC p86
Minor Magical Focus (healing) (+1)
Puissant Bjornaer House Lore (+1)
Difficult Longevity Ritual (-3) Hermetic
Disjointed Magic (-1) Hermetic
Mentor (-1) Story
Proud, Major (-3) Personality
Temperate (-1) Personality
Weak Scholar (-1) Hermetic
Peacock default (as per pheasant from lords of men, with mental characteristics of a bird) Size -2, Int n/a, Per +2, Str -4, Sta 0, Com 0, Pre +1, Dex +3, Qik +4
Human Size 0, Int +2, Per 0, Str 0, Sta +1, Com 0, Pre +5, Dex 0, Qik 0
Pavo in peacock form Size -2, Int +2, Per +2, Str -4, Sta +1, Com 0, Pre +5, Dex +3, Qik +4
Qualities: Vocal, Imposing presence x2. (Peacocks get quite loud, and they are one of the most physically impressive of creatures. As Pavo has such high Presence in human form, anything from imposing presence 1 to 4 will make no difference)
Cr 8 In 0 Mu 6 Pe 0 Re 0 An 6 Aq 0 Au 0 Co 6 He 0 Ig 6 Im 0 Me 0 Te 0 Vi 0
Total xp (arts) 120 xp
Romaic Greek (expansive vocabulary) native 5
Awareness (alertness) 15 2
Athletics (running) 15 2
Area Lore:Thessaly (villages) 15 2
Total (early childhood) 45
Brawl (dodging) 15 2
Charm (first impressions) 15 2
Chirurgy (wound treatment) 15 2
Folk Ken (villagers) 15 2
Leadership (villagers) 15 2
Swim (revisers) 15 2
Total (pre-apprentice) 90
Classic Greek(writing) 50 4
Magic Theory (Creo) 30 3
Parma Magica (ignem) 5 1
Artes Liberales (ceremonial magic) 5 1
Concentration (maintaining spells) 5 1
Penetration (ignem) 5 1
Finesse (aiming spells) 5 1
Code of Hermes (Theban) 5 1
Hermes lore (Theban) 5 1
Philosophiae (ceremonial magic) 5 1
Total (apprenticeship) 120
Gothic (rituals) 15 2
H. Bjornaer lore (self-initiation) 30 3+2
Magic lore (great beasts) 5 1
Total (Clan Ilfetu) 50
Heartbeast free 1
The Voice of the Bjornaer Magus MuAn 15 mastery 1(still casting) HoH:MC p36
Form of the Sanguine Heartbeast MuAn 20 mastery 1(still casting) HoH:MC p 36
Bind Wounds CrCo 10 mastery 1(still casting)
Purification of the festering wounds CrCo 20 mastery 1(still casting)
Disguise of the new visage MuCo 15 mastery 1 (still casting)
Lamp without Flame CrIg 10 mastery 1 (still casting)
Pilum of Fire CrIg 20 mastery 1(multiple casting)
Aura of Ennobled Presence MuIm 10 mastery 1 (still casting)
Casting sigil: an iridescent hue shimmers over the target