PDF Files?

I was going through character creation with a new player last night, and it occurred to me that it would be excellent to have printable PDF files on www.atlas-games.com of the Virtues and Spells indices from the main rulebook, similar to the appendces and character sheet that are already available. Might something like that be a possibility?

We should be able to do that. I'll see if I can create the files over the weekend here, and maybe Michelle can get them on the site next week.

Thanks in advance for taking the time , it would be most useful for myself also.

You know, that's why I'm glad Atlas Games took over Ars Magica after WW made a 'darkness' infested mess of it and WotC dropped it. You make a suggestion to do something, the president of the company responds, and then it actually happens. Thanks very much indeed!

Michelle got them posted -- this blog entry has the links:

atlas-games.com/2006/01/ars- ... extras.php

Off course, someone had to complain... :unamused: Oh well