[Peripheral Code] Updated: Issue #2 is Out!

Great. Going to get it today!

I'm honored to have written for this. (I wrote the 'Court of Roses' section with Lord Marance). FYI, this is my very first submission and publication. Turns out it's pretty hard. Writing some notes to myself as a DM for a scenario, even pretty detailed ones, is pretty easy, as I can flesh the rest out during roleplaying in the actual session.
Translating that into a format where anything I want to communicate in the adventure, must be written down, as no one will be able to ask me questions about what I mean or what will happen next, is a good deal tougher. (I salute Tim, Mark, David, and all the others, who do it at much greater length, with much higher quality, for a living). It was a highly enjoyable process though. Looking forward to submitting for the next time!

Solo Play (not sure if this is better here or in the original thread)

Playing the lone wandering hoplite, I feel the covenant Aegis should be taken into account so:

No Aegis: Major Adventure Source (aka 3 dice)
Aegis less than 20: Minor Adventure Source (aka 1 dice)

Aegis Lvl30+ : +1 Covenant Defence
Aegis Lvl50+ : +3 Covenant Defence

I also initially tried to utilise the alternative library rules from Issue #1, but they didn't quite gell with the solo play rules, so will need further work to integrate them properly, so I've currently reverted back to standard library rules.

Really enjoying Peripheral Code so far :slight_smile:

Thank you both!

I find the solo rules very interesting. I'm an old fan of the Pendragon RPG, and there's a wonderful little minigame built into Pendragon so that, if you don't think your knight would do what the adventure needs you to do ("No, sorry, not fighting a dragon today, thank you very much. You all go and have a good time!") your character is "Out of the Story." But there's a whole set of random encounters for "Out of the Story," and in theory while everyone else is fighting the dragon, you can be doing your thing at the crossroads, rolling up random enemies and fighting them. And, of course, it's a handy tool for players who jus miss a game.

It was my hope that the Solo Play rules might fill that role for Ars Magica. Not a substitute for regular play, but a nice consolation prize for players who miss a session.

Avenger, I was very glad to get your piece because, as the players in my campaign know, I'm terrible at Faerie stories. Your article was one of those things I could never have written myself, and that's why I like it so much.

If you have not yet taken a look at the new issue of Peripheral Code, it's here: rpgnow.com/product/214432/Pe ... ummer-2017

How can this be possible? Ritual spells must be level 20 minimum...

Thanks, Jetpack!