[Pieces of Eight] Another Treachery Question

I am sorry to keep asking questions about Treachery, but I keep coming up with situations that confuse me.

Situation 1:
I have 2 Treacheries in my fore, and my opponent has a Broadside in his fore and a Treachery in his aft. My opponent Broadsides my Treachery, which I then use to save itself (by attempting to negate the Broadside). My opponent uses his Treachery to negate my Treachery. As you explained in an earlier question, my second Treachery is now active (immediately after I use my first Treachery) so I can use it to negate his Treachery. Therefore, my opponent's Broadside attack is negated and the Broadside is destroyed. I hope I have all that right, but here comes the question:

Situation 2:
I have 1 Treachery in my fore and a Mate behind it. My opponent has a Broadside in his fore and a Treachery in his aft. My opponent Broadsides my Treachery which I then use to save itself (by attempting to negate the Broadside). My opponent uses his Treachery to negate my Treachery. Therefore his Treachery destroys my Treachery and my Mate immediately becomes active. Does his original Broadside attack destroy my Mate? Would it be any different if he used a Cannon instead of a Broadside?

Here is one more:

Situation 3
I have a Captain's Monkey in my fore and my opponent has two Cannons (one in his fore and one in his crow's nest) and a Treachery in his aft. My opponent does a double Cannon to my fore. I respond by using my Captain's Monkey to save itself. He uses his Treachery to negate my Captain's Monkey's reaction. Does his double Cannon attack destroy the next TWO coins after my Captain's Monkey (because his Treachery destroyed the Captain's Monkey)?

I guess these questions are about the target of an "attack". Is the target coin of an attack set when the attack is declared? What happens in an attack if the target is destroyed before the attack resolves?

It's all good. :slight_smile: Let's work backwards.

I haven't looked at every ramification of this, but I'm getting ready to leave for SoCal and wanted to post an answer to this before leaving. I believe that the target is set when the attack is declared. If the target is destroyed before the attack is resolved, the target is "killed again." That is to say, the original attack still occurs, and its target remains the already-destroyed coin.


I believe you have situation 1 correct.

In situation 2, the original Broadside attack still only destroys your Treachery. It does not transfer to the revealed Mate.

In situation 3, the Captain's Monkey and the coin behind it are destroyed. The Monkey's destruction due to the Treachery does not change the Cannons' targets, so your third coin is safe. (For now... :slight_smile:)

That makes sense to me. Thanks for the speedy reply and have a good trip.