Pieces of Eight

Whats the best "deck" you have come up with?

Start in order from fore to aft, naming the coins! May be a good idea to mention how many and of what sets you used.

Thanks in advance!

FORE:Captain's Monkey, Cannon, Bomb, Cutlass, Broadside, Buried Treasure, Captain, Black Spot, Treachery, Mate, Cannon, Mate :AFT

Crow's Nest: Cutlass

Call to Captain early in the game, to expose 2 Cannons. Use these, until you lose one of them. Call to the Captain again to expose another Mate and a Bomb.
If you lose the fore Bomb, there is a Cutlass waiting for you to use with the aft Mate. This deck tends to be stronger later in the game due to the defenses in place
from Calling to the Captain early. There is more strategy, but I think you get the basics of how it works!

Also, I've taken the time to make a "decklist" for the "Pieces of Eight" game that can be printed off, filled out, and kept! If you would like me to email you the file, just let me know!


The "Piss Off" Deck!

FORE:Cannon, Pillage, Pillage, Barrel of Grog, Buried Treasure, Treachery, Captain, Treachery, Captain's Monkey, Call to Quarters, Broadside, Cannon :AFT

Crow's Nest:

The "Weapons Overkill" Deck!

FORE:Cutlass, Mate, Bomb, Mate, Pistols, Black Spot, Captain, Pistols, Bomb, Mate, Cutlass, Mate :AFT

Crow's Nest: Bomb

Both decks can be made from one of each coin set.