Play by post in french

Probably not the right place to post, but i'm pretty sure specifics forums are not really alive.

If you want to play in french, we're starting a game, mostly play by post, but audio games should occurs.
A disorganized band of young magi creates its free covenant in the desolated mountains of the iberian tribunal.

Feel free to message me if you want to have a look.



I think this is the right forum for posts such as yours, actually!

There is also a French channel on the Ars Magica discord which might be a good place to post this.

Another place to post would have been:

Recruitment: GMs Looking for Players - Atlas Games RPG Forum

Il y a des francophones sur le forum, bertrand!

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C'est exact, nous sommes plusieurs francophones, d'un peu partout dans le monde. :smiley:

En l'occurrence, l'intitulĂ© pourrait ĂȘtre Beta-ST cherche un Alpha-ST :slight_smile:
Mais les joueurs sont bienvenus aussi.

Je voudrais bien en ĂȘtre.

"There are dozens of us, dozens!"

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