Poll: How many of you actually check the Saga locator?

How often do you check the saga-locator to see if anyone might need a troupe?

  • Often, every day in fact, because we need new players.
  • Often, quite often. We do not need any extra players, but we would be happy to add one more to our troupe. (We'd hate it if someone did not have a group.)
  • Infrequently. We are not really looking for new players, but we like to be aware of which groups are in our area.
  • Infrequently. While we would certainly welcome new players, when I am on the forums, there is too many neat topics which distract me.
  • Never. We have a good (problematic) group, and adding one more to the mix will only destroy (exacerbate) our group dynamic.
  • Never. We have a good group, but we would welcome new players. We just never thought about looking.

0 voters

The purpose for asking this question is simple. Imagine that you are new to a city, and you are an avid Ars devotee. Your old troupe is in another part of the country, and thus you are unable to meet with them anymore. You want to try to find a local group, and there may be such a group in your new city who would be happy to have you, but they never think to check the saga-locator area. This could be problematic. So, I am asking those from established troupes to honestly answer this question.

I am especially interested if your troupe does not need to find new members, but would welcome a new member anyway.

Please be honest.

How often do you check the saga locator?

Oh yeah, I would like to apologize for the poor grammar used in one of the responses. It should read "There are too many neat topics..."

What is the Saga Locator?

Edit: Nevermind. It's stickied.
I have never used it, but now that I've seen it, I might start looking.

I posted for my group, and i check every once in a while. But there is never any reply. In fact, I have the idea that very few people watch the forum. Perhaps it is a good idea to make the saga-locator on this forum, it might inspire more people to post and respond.

if I moved, I would use the saga-locator, and any other method available, to re-hook myself to my lifeline addiction to Ars Magica...

but since I have not moved in more than 25 years, and have no plans to move, the question is moot...

I moved to Paris last year and immediately joined one of the local role-playing clubs (with assistance from my FLGS), so didn't use the locator.

I posted to it and I have never gotten any response. Thanks to moving, our group has lost two players. We are down to 4 and we really prefer 5-7. You would think that in Chicago finding players would be easy but appearantly not.


I am in Chicago...

So far we have only had 23 respondents. Not much of a sample size, (not to mention that the questions lack the rigor that a social scientist should aim for - good thing that I am not a social scientist), however, there does seem to be some evidence that the saga locator is not sufficiently monitored by those who would like to add new players.

I will add a new poll concerning this issue soon, as I am trying to build a case for a more direct forum for recruitment.


Because it's a poll! WWWhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

I moved three months ago, and found a few people who were eager to try 5th... this has evolved into my home game. And prompted me to log onto these forums more often as I was new to 5th, and have not played 4th for many years. Currently I'm scheduling a demo at the local gaming/comic store (trying to work out a date still), because I would like to see more people take an interest in the game.

couldn't find a saga locally using saga locator, but old fashioned leg work panned out a few people :wink:

I actually met a large number of my friends through the Berklist. I moved to NY 11 years ago. I found someone there who also plays Ars Magica. Through him I met other friends and more have come to join us. Our larger group is now regularly joined by outsiders who find us via Yahoogroups. It's worked really well for a series of Europeans (mostly German) who have worked for 6-month periods at IBM; they've been able to find a friendly group of gamers without wasting time. Most of our RPG connections are made through that same group, even though most of the group is interested in board games much more. We did try using the saga locator to announce our last saga (see Bard's message), but we only got one response from someone a little too far to join us. I do take a look once in a while, but I've found using our local group list works much better.
