Pralician weakness clarification

How does a Pralician Parma react to attacks that are not by spellcasters but by items?

Example: A long-dead Verditius enchanted the door to his lab with a PeCo spell that turns the giddy treasure-seeker into bonemeal (duration: just a momentary inconvenience - in other words irrevocably).

How does a Pralician who has never seen this murderous cretin defend herfself?

a) suffers from weak magic resistance
b) suffers from weak magic resistance unless she uses comprehend magic on his bones.
c) suffers from weak magic resistance unless she uses comprehend magic on the door.
d) doors are not spell-casters, dumbo!

PS: Too easy? How about effects imbedded in familiars, magical circles, talismans and magical plants?

Well, in this case the weakened magic resistance is not supposed to apply against Hermetic magic (see below). I don't take that to imply the magus in question has studied all Hermetic magi. Rather, the magus in question is quite familiar with Hermetic magic. More generally, I think that a magus needs to be familiar with the specific magic being used to avoid the reduction. Studying just one hedge magician from a tradition is probably too little to understand all of the tradition, though. However, I would expect that studying many of them might protect you from that entire tradition, the SG gauging the number for "many."

Here's the reference for Hermetic magic:
