Prelude for Torros of Jerbiton

Hans rushes forward at the ringleader of these forest creatures. Get the leader and the rest will fall apart, he reasons.

(Waiting for Flavius to confirm Torros' action for the next round.)

As Hans prepares to rush towards the leader, and as he is unhooking his axe from his belt, he sees another of the creatures stepping out of the brush to block his path. (I need an Awareness roll for Hans.)

Hans rushes forward with only a hurried glance from side to side, focusing on the leader.

Roll = Awareness (3) + Per (0) + Stress Die = 3 + SD = Awareness roll: 1D10+3 = [3]+3 = 6

This creature might have a resistance against magic, and torros Penetration is not very high. Thus he decides to grapple the creature again.

Grapple (3)+ Die (1)

2nd die( 8)

I assume this is a stress die. In that case Torros has a nice effective grapple attack:
Grapple (3)+ Die (16)=19

Things take a turn for the worse for Hans when a creature he'd failed to notice came out to his left. It swings its club towards the grog, connecting with the back of his knees and sending him stumbling down into the dirt path. Wooping in glee, the creature who'd been trying to block the grog's path starts pummeling him with his own club, soon joined by the treacherous. (Give me an Athletics roll to see how bad the stumble was.)

Meanwhile, Torros manages to dodge a swing from the first creature and catches it in a very tight grip. (Just trying to immobilize it I assume?) When that happens, the creature starts squealing like a panicked pig, struggling to escape but without much success.

(I assume Dex + Athletics. That's: Stress Die + 2)
Athletics check : 1D10+2 = [3]+2 = 5 - not too good.

Hans tumbles face first in the ground, taking in a mouthful of road to go with the clubbing he's receiving. Then he tries as best he can to roll over and defend himself from these hideous creatures.

Try and get a dagger or knife out to brawl with.

Yes, Torros just wants to hold and fix him. He thinks about to pull his dagger and place it on the throat of the creature. But he knows that he is not too good in brawling so he focus on holding the creature in his grip as tight as possible and hopes for Hans as professional assistance.

Thankfully for Hans, falling on his face had the result of placing his shield (which was strapped to his back) in a position where it catches most the the blows raining upon him. And the creatures aren't hitting so very hard as to cause him severe harm so far. So he manages to get his dagger out and roll away from them. As he gets up, he manages to catch a glimpse of his master grappling with the first creature -- and certainly hears the panicked squeal coming from it.

Franz, from his position on the ground near the mules, notices a pair of legs coming near the pack animals.

So far, Torros retains control of the creature, but another one is coming out of the brush. This one doesn't have a club, but rather a number of small bags like one of the previous projectiles. It is running towards the magus, yelling in a falsetto voice, "Let him go! Let go of me brother!"

Hans springs up and tries to rush the ringleader's brother, endevoring to get behind the creature and grab it from behind with his free hand.

I'm not sure what rolls you would think appropriate here.

(OOC: That looks like an attempt to disengage from his current opponents, as per ArM5 p.173, but that doesn't really matter here. I'll just play along to make the scene more fluid.)

Getting to his feet, Hans rushes towards the brother, his shield now partially unhooked from his back and his dagger in hand. (OOC: Hans isn't coming at the creature from the back, but rather from the side.)

Seeing the armed warrior running towards him, the creature yelps in panic and throws one bag at him but misses completely.

Abandoning the grapple idea, Hans uses the moment to finally unlimber his shield, hopefully providing something to protect him from the missiles these bastards were throwing.

Rather than trying to do several things badly, let's try and do one well - getting the shield out.

Torros yells in an angry voice:
”Leave us alone!
All of you!
Or I will tear off his head!”

OCC: I know that Torros can´t do that. But do they know?

"Don't hurt hum!"
"Hey, that's nut what was supp'sed to happen!"
"Dun't do that!"

Various voices come from the bushes.

"Okay, okay," squeals the one Torros is holding. "We surrender! We surrender!"

With that, the two creatures that previously clobbered Hans throw down their clubs, while the creature he was going after drops his bags.

Unnoticed, Franz sees the pair of feet that had been standing close to the mules shuffle off into the woods again.

“Hans come over here and make sure our friend doesn´t run away” After Hans Holds our hostess, Torros binds the Hands of the creature on his back using a rope that should be part of our package on the mule.

“Your Chef is our guest until we reach civilization! If you don´t bother us we will not harm him!”
He takes a few moments to find some friendly words with a calm and friendly voice for Franz: “ Hey Franz, you can stand up now! There is no danger anymore.” Torros tries to sound confidential and optimistic.
After that he collects the gold he placed on the ground before the attack. (Hopeit is still there.) He brings the gold back in the package on the mule and quickly cheeks if the rest is still there.

The captive resists the efforts to bind his hands with rope from the first mule, but Hans is stronger than it is. Still, it threatens you, "You won't get out of this forest alive if you keep me captive!" It spits on the ground before you. "My brothers will make sure of that!" There is muttering of agreement from the three of them you can see. At least you think there are three of them, although they keep moving behind trees or bushes, so there may be more of them. But at least three more...

It takes Torros a few moments to locate the fallen gold coins, which were trampled into the dust during the scuffle. When he goes to put it back into the mule's saddlebag, he notices a few more coins on the ground close to the mule. Then he sees the bag is open -- and he is fairly sure he closed it. Looking inside confirms his fears, showing the bag is at least half empty of the gold that was there previously.

To top it off, at that moment Franz says, "Errr, master? Where's the path?" Looking up, you realize that the path you've been travelling on isn't visible anymore. Just the looming trees of the Black Forest and brush, surrounding the small clearing where the altercation took place.

Oh Hermes, now we are in trouble. I wish I could ask my Pater Jorgus for advice.

“Well, as long as we are not out of this forest you will get no change to leave us alive!
And your brothers will bring back all the gold they have stolen from me.
Otherwise I will start to cut you in peaces! But first…”
Torros is searching for the bags one of our opponents dropped close to the place he brawled down their leader.

Hans and Franz both look a bit worried, but the fact that Torros still has the small man captured gives them hope.

"You want me to hold him?" Franz says to Torros, offering to take control of the captive.

“No! I think it is the best if Hans hold him. Hans I think this little men is our only change to leave this forest! Be careful and don´t let him run away!"

Let me see if I can do something against this smell”
If it is Aquam Torros will Use ReAqu to force the smelling liquid away from his clothes:
Base 1, Touch +1, Conc +1 = 3
CT ReAqu = 16 including the -1 from the light wound
First give it a try without fatiguing, if it didn´t work with fatiguing

If it is not Aquam he will go for Muto Imaginem to let us smell like Roses.
Base 1, Touch +1, Sun +2 = 4
CT MuIm = 8 including the -1 from the light wound
In this case Torros goes directly with fatiguing

You can tell by the feeling of touch that the small bags that were dropped on the ground by the creature contain pretty much the same thing that is currently coating a part of your and Hans' clothing. It is soft and a bit squishy. Come to think of it, the scrap of fabric that was used to make the packet isn't leak-proof, so you get some of the content on your hand...

(It isn't Aquam. More probably Animal, though Terram would have worked too. If you spont with Fatigue, I'll need a die roll because there is always a chance of botch. But the spell will only affect one person at a time, so you will need to cast it on Hans too if you want the smell gone from him as well.)

The creature is defiant, "Pah! We need to gold. I am ready to give my life for it. For her!" The other creatures, who are still there though out of range (and sometimes out of sight), echo his last words. "For her!"

Torros lays back the bags on the ground. Then he casts A fatiguing spontaneous spell that creates a water stream flowing out of his hand to wash away the smelling liquid. He will use loud words and exaggerated gestures.
First he cleans himself and then after some time for recovery Hans

Base 3, Touch +1, diameter +1 = 5
His Casting total is 16 (5+10+2(Words and gestures)-1(light wound))

Die for Torros : 2

Die For Hans: 7

After the cleaning process Torros will ask loud enough that all the creatures around can hear him:

“Who is she?”