Prelude: The Gathering (Clement)

"What does the Oath say? 'I will train apprentices that swear to the Code', which is what the school will do. 'And should any of them turn against the Order and my sodales I shall be the first to strike them down and bring them to justice.' No one has ever been prosecuted for not striking first, or even not striking. Hoplites of the Order are more than capable of policing and responding to rogue magi. The Order needs to become a broader institution. And if I tell you we have the votes to override the veto, what then. I'm told that we have all of the True Lineages, except for House Guernicus, and we have all of the Societates. I believe we will have the Verditius and Criamon, and possibly have the Merinitae interested as well."

Again that is less of an issue than having to change the Oath. " I conclude the right of Bonisagus to take from me any apprentice he may find helpful in his studies." So either you will change the Oath or will word a ruling in such a way as to say the School you propose is a Bonisagus. Otherwise I could envision a case where, say I am teaching 3 apprentices and a Bonisagus magus of the Order enters and claims an apprentice. I, as House Tremere, do not have the right to resist as per the Oath we have all sworn.

But if you say you think you have the votes, and I do not doubt you, then it may all be moot. Pushing it through will cause a rift in Guericius.

"And Bilera's involvement could have prevented the rift before it appeared. Now that is not possible. What do you recommend to heal or repair the rift? We cannot have a House devolve into a civil war around this issue, divisive though it may be. Traditionalists need to understand that change happens, but doing so in a controlled manner is better than the alternative of forced change when the barbarians are at the gate, so to speak."
Poena steps in front of the pacing Clement. "We had extensive letters written between the three of us, and Bilera was resistant to the idea. Her Twilight episode is ill-timed, but we must move forward with the resources we have at hand. I need you to ameliorate the effects of this change, however it appears within House Guernicus. You have my permission to discuss this with th leading Transitionalist and Traditionalist, and the three of you will devise a plan to come to terms with this change. An organization that is inflexible to change is one that is doomed to failure of co-option. We make these changes as we must to avoid the fate of all other organizations that preceded us and fell into ruin."

I would have thought the Traditionalist would have had their ranks thinned in the years since Bilera became Prima. They are generally the old guard and they are set in their ways. Their entire argument is based on not changing the Oath in any way which is why this is dangerous. I shall negotiate with them and see if we can not reach a compromise.

I will travel there at once. Do I need to travel to Durinmar to inform Prima Tria on my way to Magvillus?

Poena gives Clement a stiff stare, "I have that matter well in hand. You, among all people, should know how I operate. You have your duties, please see to them. I would suggest that you adopt the most traditionalist mindset that you can, much like how strongly House Quaesitoes come at members of their own house to show impartiality. You can even blame me."

Clement leaves the meeting and after a quick stop to the kitchen for a meal he leaps to Lycaneon and then Portals to Magvillus.

He lets the guard know who he is and who he is representing and asks for Procella. He will wait outside the aegis until he is given a token.

The guard takes Clement up to the gates of Magvillus from the portal and asks for Procella, informing the guards there that Clement has returned. About 30 minutes later Procella emerges from the castle and appears at the gate. "Clement, you've returned. What news do you bring?"

Clement takes a deep breath and lets it out. I understand what the Grand Tribunal will be about now and it is very important Guericius have a representative there who has the power to appoint a Tribunal Quaesitor. It would be best if I speak to the Inner Council. I hope the council chamber has think walls as I think there will be a lot of yelling.

"It will take some time to assemble us, and we need to figure out who will chair the meeting, as Bilera is unavailable. Do you wish to guest with us or do you want to wait for us to send word when we are assembled and when we will meet?"

I will accept the hospitality of House Guericius.

As they walk to the Covenant proper...

Who, on the Council speaks for the Traditionalist? I should say speaks in the strongest voice?

"Clement, I invite you into our Aegis." Procella intones and hands Clement a token, a small pick.
"Why Clement, that would be I." She seems bemused, by the question, but doesn't make much of it. "It will take several hours, if not a day to assemble everyone. Some people will need to disengage from other activities, but I will make it clear to them that being present is not an option."

I thought as much but I am not privy to the going-on of the Inner Council. Clement says with a small smile. You and I will have to have a private dinner so you may prepare your strategy.

((To clarify, do you want a dinner scene before meeting with the council?))

((We do not need it in an effort to move to the Tribunal. Clement is going to give her the information first and appear as sympathetic to her cause as he can. We can assume that this happens and skip to the meeting ))

Clement has a pleasant dinner with Procella, but neither really talks much about their sides, but Clement does lay out a few facts.

The next morning, mid-morning, a page escorts Clement to a council chamber. Once he is seated and introduced to the magi at the council, Procella begins, "As the senior magus here, I lead this meeting as chair, but I do not speak as leader of the council of magi as Bilera would. Clement has shared the reason for the special Grand Tribunal being convened. The intent is to start a school for teaching the Hermetic Arts, because a Bonisagus has discovered how to teach the Arts to more than one person at a time. Such a school has certain needs that the Code simply can't address. The Grand Tribunal needs a Presiding Quaesitor. How do we proceed?" She looks to Clement, "Do you have any guidance, or anything else to add?" ((We will say that what Procella has relayed is the full extent of what Clement relayed during dinner.))

Clement stands and looks around at the magi. Most of you know me. You know the leaning of my House as it pertains to the Code. What Prima Poena and Prima Tria will propose will go to the heart of what some of you believe and will test your resolve. You know the Code better than I but even I can see that what they want will be impossible without changing the Oath as set down in the First Tribunal. Clement pauses to let the angry murmurs die away. It is one thing to push the Code forward in some areas but Poena will push it too far. This will be the great debate that many of you have prepared for. It is also a critical time for the Order. I would advise the Traditionalist faction to stand firm. Do not allow the words of the First Tribunal to be changed. It was the last command of the First Tribunal and must be adhered to.

Clement pauses again to look around. I have no vote here and am here only on your good graces to add and wisdom concerning the upcoming Grand Tribunal. I would advise caution in looking to either side of your own House debate and look more towards the middle as Poena has often done. There must be a ruling Quaesitor at the Tribunal. It has always been the Primus of Guericius but that is not possible. You must be very careful with whom is chooses as they will fall outside the procedure of the Grand Tribunal. But also they must be strong and fair.

Clement then sits and observes.

Folk Ken 6 + com 2 + Folk Ken (1d10=8) = 16 for his speech.

Ferilan rises and his bold voice cuts through the murmurs in the wake of Clement's speech. "Yes, well, Clement, that's a pretty speech. Clearly, though, what we now have happening is the clearest example yet, that the needs of the Order are changing and that the Code must needs change with those needs. Can we not all agree that there is a strong need for a school when hedge magi can recruit Gifted children, simply because our capacity to teach more students has been met? Are there so many of us who are capable and desirous of teaching that we are prepared to give up one season per year for the rest of our lives to train other magi? Because, this is where we are sodalis. Be traditional, be conservative, but recognize that the world is changing around us, and failure to change will leave us like so many other organizations who have failed before us, including our beloved Cult of Mercury of antiquity."

Ferilan's words a cacophony of argument in the chamber where each traditionalist squares off with a transitionalist. Procella and Ferilan devolve into their own argument.

Clement will offer to arbitrate but feels he can not interfere unless asked as he does not have a seat at the table. He will give sympathetic looks to each side and talk to them individually away but he will not arbitrate unless asked.

Clement will have to make some noise to get people's attention...

Clement will let them argue for a bit so they can get some of it out.

Casting a non-fatiguing CrIm3 (Base 1, R: touch D: Diameter, T: Ind ) So his hand makes the sound of a gavel being pounded on wood when it strikes the table.

spont spell roll (1d10 +24=33)

And then knock on the table until he gets their attention.

Please my friends. We can not allow this to continue. You must appoint a person who has the ability to name a Ruling Quaesitor. Failure to do so will allow the Praeco to do so and who is the Praeco? ((I'm assuming it is Poena but I guess it could be Andru))

I will offer myself as an arbiter for you. I have no vote and no power to make you vote in any way. I will just try to sort through this issue in such a way as you can live with the decision.