psalm book questions

What do you fine people think the study value would be for a book of psalms?
What spells could magi invent from them?

Are you referring to the actual book of psalms in our bible, or a more generic book of mantras, poems and esoteric messages?

In the fashion of John Cleese's words: "what's wrong witha kiss, boy?"

-> What's wrong with theology, boy? Magi usually don't learn too many spells from the bible.

That said: I'd say the Bible as a whole is a high level, medium quality summa on theology mostly (perhaps some other abilities at lesser degrees). You could treat the psalms as a tractatus of quality 8-10 IMHO.

This is all asuming you meant the biblical psalms...

We treat the biblwe as an authority on Divine Lore*:

Tractatus quality 4. Can be read ad infinitum.

It is also a suma L3 Q7 on Church Lore and something more IIRC, like Area Lore for the Middle East, but nobody has bothered to learn the later in 3 sagas.



*IMS we only have 2 Realm lores: Divine Lore covers both Divine and Infernal knowledge. Supernatural Lore covers both Magic and Fae Lores.

this is what I meant.
A psalm MIGHT be apropriate for pius magi to base a spell upon. :laughing: