So I should build a companion: So a very rough outline of said character is a person raised by Faeries taught Faerie Wizardry, specifically enchanting, Latin Academics etc. Enchanting is powered by Artes Liberales. Complex calculations and such. He set out on his own, possibly with one of the Fae he grew up with. Now works as a tutor at the covenant for any covenfolk/apprentices/magi willing to take classes. Or is trying to get a job doing the same. Thoughts?
Faerie wizardry sounds interesting. He might even know Gavin since Gavin was also raised by Faeries.
The Covenant needs more socially inept characters
Think about how the faeries want to use him to gather more attention. How does he further their aims of getting more attention? Or at least attention for one fairy.
Corvus was raised as a servant to the lord of the near by Fairy Court. Part of Corvus' story is that the Lord of the Grey Tower is involved in bringing Corvus back to the area
My impression of RoP: Faerie is its not quite that simple. They want Vitality which come from humans and their roll in stories with humans. In particular, human emotions, changes, learning, creativity or eating them. So having a happy human in your house might be nice, but being involved with the human while they strike out on their own and make a life for themselves would be much better.
Anyway the Faerie's plan by this point is a simple one: Keep the human at your side and emotionally attached.
On that note rough draft of history.
History: Trinket has been raised by Faeries all his life or at least as long as he can remember. An adopted family of fae, isolated in a forest. A village with a few other Fae families. All of those living in the village were women or girls. Visitors were uncommon, but human ones never stayed for too long. Priests were occasionally temporarily kidnapped for a few religious ceremonies, notably Baptism.
Trinket got an education, taught Faerie Magic, and the Fae reap the vitality of a growing, learning, changing human and so forth. As Trinket grew older he had his first love, first heartbreak, and more. All the stories of youth were had.
Eventually, as a boy finally transitions into a man its time for him to set out and make a life with the lucky Fae girl who caught his heart. Then the village kidnaps another boy and starts over.
Here is my progress now: Weee!!!!
[strike]Class: Companion – Faerie Wizard
Name: Trinket
Personality Traits: Anxious +2, Generous+6
Sympathy Traits: Women+3 Men-3, Injured+2 [10xp]
Warping: 3 (0)
Age: 19
Confidence: No
Characteristics: Int+2 Com+3 Prs+3 Pre+1 Str-3 Dex+0 Qik+2, Sta-3
Virtues:Enchantment (Major), Educated (Minor), Grant (Minor), Ware (Minor), Weal (Minor), Affinity For Artes Liberales (minor), Good Teacher (Minor), Faerie Sympathy (Minor, Travellers) Faerie Background (Free), Covenfolk (Free)
Flaws: Generous (Major), Greater Malediction (No Confidence), Faerie Friend, Faerie Upbringing, Small Frame, Motion Sickness
Greater Malediction: Trinket can't develop the reserves of willpower needed to give strength in tough times or danger. To be more accurate those reserves are sapped away as soon as they develop. This is a curse placed on him by the Faeries who raised him. Its essentially a reflavored Low-Self Esteem
English 5 [75xp]
Charm 3 [30xp]
Atheletics 2 (Climbing) [15xp]
Latin 5 [75xp]
Artes Liberales 7 (Use in Enchantment) [150xp]
Teaching 2 (Academics) [15xp]
Faerie Lore 2 [15xp]
Concentration 2 [15xp]
Carouse 2 [15xp]
Leadership 1 (Symapthetic Influence) [5xp]
Enchantment 2 [15xp]
Grant 1 [5xp]
Ware 1 [5xp]
Weal 1 [5xp]
XP Total: Affinity+50xp Educated+50xp Starting+120xp 14 years+210xp Supernatural Ability Virtues+20xp = 450xp
History: Trinket has been raised by Faeries all his life or at least as long as he can remember. An adopted family of fae, isolated in a forest. A village with a few other Fae families. All of the adults living in the village were faerie women, while the children were mostly faerie girls, with a few other boys like trinket. Visitors were uncommon, but human ones never stayed for too long. Priests were occasionally temporarily kidnapped for a few religious ceremonies, notably Baptism.
Trinket got an education, taught Faerie Magic, and the Fae reap the vitality of a growing, learning, changing human and so forth. As Trinket grew older he had his first love, first heartbreak, and more. All the stories of youth were had. Plus learning in between.
Eventually, as a boy finally transitions into a man its time for him to set out and make a life with the lucky Fae girl who caught his heart. Then the village kidnaps another boy and starts over. Now Trinket is looking for a job as a Latin and Liberal Arts tutor or teacher. Everyone seems so skeptical about his credentials though...[/strike]
Sorry it's taken so long to get around to checking this out.
Enchantment, Grant, Ware, and Weal all grant the equivalent Supernatural Abilities at 1 for free, so that gives you about 20 more xp to spend.
Other than that, looks good.
I counted it as giving extra xp. I can change it to granting level one for free if you want.
I'm also not sure where the 450 you have listed for "XP Total" comes from.
I get Early Life (45) + Educated (50) + Later Life (14 x 15 = 210) = 305.
An extra 50 xp came from Affinity For Artes Liberales, and putting 100 xp into it. The other xp was stuff you seem to be counting as "free", like starting language or supernatural abilities. I've changed it so hopefully this is a touch more clear to you. Also when I chose the sympathetic traits Men/Women specifically means alive and adults.
Secondly, I was assuming "Men" wouldn't apply to all Trinket's actions, but only ones were he is the main one being affected. So if he tries to climb a wall he'd have trouble, but pushing someone else up the wall would be doable. Does that make sense?
Class: Companion – Faerie Wizard
Name: Trinket
Personality Traits: Anxious +2, Generous+6
Sympathy Traits: Women+3 Men-3, Injured+2 [10xp]
Warping: 3 (0)
Age: 19
Confidence: No
Characteristics: Int+2 Com+3 Prs+3 Pre+1 Str-3 Dex+0 Qik+2, Sta-3
Virtues:Enchantment (Major), Educated (Minor), Grant (Minor), Ware (Minor), Weal (Minor), Affinity For Artes Liberales (minor), Good Teacher (Minor), Faerie Sympathy (Minor, Travellers) Faerie Background (Free), Covenfolk (Free)
Flaws: Generous (Major), Greater Malediction (No Confidence), Faerie Friend, Faerie Upbringing, Small Frame, Motion Sickness
Greater Malediction: Trinket can't develop the reserves of willpower needed to give strength in tough times or danger. To be more accurate those reserves are sapped away as soon as they develop. This is a curse placed on him by the Faeries who raised him. Its essentially a reflavored Low-Self Esteem
English 5 [Free]
Charm 3 [30xp]
Athletics 2 (Climbing) [15xp]
Latin 5 [75xp]
Artes Liberales 7 (Use in Enchantment) [100+50xp]
Teaching 2 (Academics) [15xp]
Faerie Lore 2 [15xp]
Concentration 2 [15xp]
Carouse 2 [15xp]
Leadership 1 (Symapthetic Influence) [5xp]
Enchantment 2 [10xp]
Grant 1 [0xp]
Ware 1 [0xp]
Weal 1 [0xp]
XP Total: Educated+50xp Starting+45xp 14 years+210xp = 305xp
History: Trinket has been raised by Faeries all his life or at least as long as he can remember. An adopted family of fae, isolated in a forest. A village with a few other Fae families. All of the adults living in the village were faerie women, while the children were mostly faerie girls, with a few other boys like trinket. Visitors were uncommon, but human ones never stayed for too long. Priests were occasionally temporarily kidnapped for a few religious ceremonies, notably Baptism.
Trinket got an education, taught Faerie Magic, and the Fae reap the vitality of a growing, learning, changing human and so forth. As Trinket grew older he had his first love, first heartbreak, and more. All the stories of youth were had. Plus learning in between.
Eventually, as a boy finally transitions into a man its time for him to set out and make a life with the lucky Fae girl who caught his heart. Then the village kidnaps another boy and starts over. Now Trinket is looking for a job as a Latin and Liberal Arts tutor or teacher. Everyone seems so skeptical about his credentials though...
Looks good.