Rarefying Elementals with Creo VIm

Realms of Magic gives spell guidelines for creating elementals via Creo (Element) rituals, but if a maga has more time than vis on her hands, could she find some element of nature and just spam The Enigma's Gift until the pond or rock or flame she's casting it on gets up and starts walking about?

I know it says this doesn't always happen, but you wouldn't have to be that far out of the gauntlet to just throw this around if you don't need to worry about penetration (which isn't going to matter until the boulder does actually wake up), so I can't see a problem with trying until it succeeds.

Maybe the maga wants to use this Insight into some breakthrough about creating elementals with Vim regardless of form, or maybe she's an elementalist who'd like some elementals on hand but doesn't want to spend her precious vis!

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If it was that easy to do, everyone would do it, and we wouldn’t need the rituals. Ergo, in my saga, no, that doesn’t work.

I'd allow it (in a Magic aura) but it would be dangerous. The warping would build up until something happened. It might be an elemental, but it might be an explosion, a storm, a flood or a transformation. Basically, any Creo or Muto (Form) effect could happen.


The problen with this is economic:

  • Start with no vis
  • Create a vis filled elemental
  • Harvest the via from the elemental

Free vis. So unless it is purchased as a vis source, that should be a no go.

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Sample of a Elemental rarification is a warped tree hit with an Incantation of Lightning, which also apparently inflicted the last warping point needed to reach a warping score of 1 or so for that tree; the two combined effects (warping + this is how they are usually spawned) resulted in a Fire Elemental being born.

That in mind, I think you can do it, but the key words are not reliably. It is entirely possible something else could happen with that accumulated warping. You could always make something like a Wild Magic table for experiments like this...


Yep. In my experience, the observed RBR is about 20, and I'd guess the actual RBR is much, much higher.

Ars is already an animist universe, which is why you can talk to trees, rocks and lakes.

Bombarding those spirits with the Enigma's Gift is torture.


My conclusion would be yes, it can happen, whenever the SG decides it would make a good story element. Otherwise no, it won't work. See Sorcerer's apprentice.

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There's certain magi who may see that as a positive, not a negative. The Fae lives matter campaign isn't a Mythic Europe thing, outside of Merinita.

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I do like this answer, because it would explain why not everyone is doing it all the time. Not knowing when exactly an elemental will pop up and then having to cast Command The Living Fire when the elemental has immediately started trying to kill you would certainly dissaude you from a second attempt!

But I think I would be developing higher range and group variants of The Enigma's Gift - if I can cast at sight range, and up my chances, maybe the elementals won't know it was me? Or maybe they'll be nice and angry when that guy I want dead rides past, and I've committed the Perfect Crime.

Am I gonna be brought up at Tribunal if I bathe everything around an enemy's Aegis in warping points pre-wizard war? Doesn't feel particularly trickier than making sure you've got an arcane connection

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Funny thing is, I thought a similar process might have been used by ancient sorcerer to create Magic Things, but I never got around to write it :thinking: :melting_face: :smiling_face_with_tear:

I feel like a lot of my opinions on so many 'Does this work?' threads really burn down into "Depends on your saga," or "Does the Storyguide want it to?" This is rarely a helpful answer, in my opnion, but I still have opinions.

The easy answer is no, it doesn't work. Your boulder rammed full of Warping instead turned into a really ugly rock.

If you want to allow some of it to work, you can use it as a method of getting vis from a magic aura, slightly more dangerous and much faster than just extracting in a lab. You could also use a penalty, having it risk damaging the aura and reducing it.

If you think it's a great idea, and want your players innovating free vis, then that's cool. I'm confident there's no disadvantage, and that elemental you generated totally isn't infernal.


And that is the beauty, and horror, of Ars Majica. Transforming Mythic Europe does a bit of the "What if this happened?"

For the OP, they need to ask themself what happens if one can spawn elementals with Enigma's gift? That's a lot of mobile vis. It would completely rewrite vis economy. Does God, Gaea, whatever kick back on the continual pillaging of nature? Do they want to do a saga that focuses heavily on this?

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