Redshirt Grogs

This forum is for posting completed Redshirt Grogs. Each player who has Goldshirt Grogs Should have their own thread to list these according to what you have claimed. There will be a separate thread to discuss and record advancement of redshirts, each player should also have their own goldshirt advancement thread. Claiming a redshirt should be mentioned in both the redshirt advancement thread and the claimant's goldshirt thread, at which point the post will be transferred over. One post per grog, one grog per post in this thread.

[size=150]Name: Rhode[/size]
Characteristics: Int -1, Per 0, Str +1, Sta +3, Pre 0, Com -3, Dex +2 Qik +2
Age: 23 (born 1197 A.D.)

Virtues: Covenfolk (free), Berserk, Tough, Warrior
Flaws: Driven (prove herself as tough as a man), Incomprehensible, Small Frame

Abilities: Area Lore: Polyaigos Island (fishing spots) 2, Athletics (running) 2, Awareness (keeping watch) 1, Bargain (fish) 1, Bows (short bow) 3, Brawl (knife) 4, Carouse (power drinking) 2, Great Weapon (staff) 3, Language: Romaic Greek (warriors) 5, Leadership (intimidation) 1, Profession: Fisherman (diver) 3, Single Weapon (short sword) 5, Stealth (shadowing) 2, Swim (diving) 5

Personality Traits: Aggressive +3, Angry +2, Fearless +1, Talkative -2

Equipment: Leather scale half armor, short sword, round shield, knife, fishing line and hook. (Total Load 6, Encumbrance 2)


Dodge: Init +2, Atk n/a, Def +6, Dam n/a
Fist: Init +2, Atk +6, Def +6, Dam +1
Knife: Init +2, Atk +8, Def +7, Dam +3
Short sword: Init +3, Atk +11, Def +9 (+11 with shield), Dam +6
Staff: Init +4, Atk +9, Def +9 , Dam +3
Short bow: Init +1, Atk +10, Def +5, Dam +7 -- she doesn't usually carry one
Soak: +6 (+9 with armor)
When going into a Berserker rage, get +2 Atk, +2 Soak and -2 Def
Background: The daughter of a fisherman who sold fish to the Polyaigos covenant, Rhode grew up on her father's boat because her mother died while she was still young. She kept seeing the grogs practicing at Polyaigos' grog school, and dreamed of joining. At 14, she began trying to be accepted for training, but the small girl wasn't very impressive. She kept trying again and again, however, even against her father's wishes. It is only after getting laughed at, then asked to bring down a man twice her size, that she exploded in berserker rage at her opponent. That got the trainer's attention. She has trained hard for many years to prove herself as good as any man, and still does.

She used to have a crush on the magus Maximilian, and witnessed his relationship with the much older Caterina. She couldn't stand staying at Polyaigos because of the way she saw that maga treat him, so she offered to travel with Maximilian when he left that covenant to found a new one. She has since joined him in bed a few times, although she now realizes that they don't have the common ground for a long-term relationship. They still enjoy each other's company on occasion.

Personality: True to her name (which means 'rose'), Rhode has a thorny personality. She is quite aggressive in most things she does, and quick to anger. She doesn't talk much (and isn't very good at it), preferring to act.

Samuel- junior instructor

Int 3 Per 0
Pre 0 Com 1
Str 0 Sta 2
Dex 0 Quick -2

skinchanger(minor +1)
baccalauret(minor +1)
Failed Apprentice(minor +1)

covenant upbringing(minor -1)
lingering injury(minor -1)
flashbacks(minor -1)

Romaic Greek 5
Athletics 1
Area Lore (covenant) 2
Ancient Greek 5
Organization Lore: Order of Hermes 1
Artes Liberales 3
teaching 3
philosophae 4
ettiquette-academic 3
magic theory 3
Magic Lore 3

	                 2 students	1 student	max students

teaching SQ 7 10 13 15
tractus quality 7

Samuel was in training to become a Bjorner, but when his heartbeast was being opened something went very wrong. He discovered he would be an owl, but lost the gift in an event that still causes him some issues today. Fortunately he was enrolled in the Greek education system and pursued a future of academics until recently when he has taken a position as a junior instructor at the covenant school.


Int 3 Per 1
Pre -3 Com 3
Str 0 Sta 0
Dex 0 Quick 0

afflicted tongue(minor -1)
dsifigured(minor -1)
non-combatant(minor -1)

educated(minor +1)
linguist(minor +1)
Baccalaureus(minor +1)

Romaic Greek 5
awareness 2
stealth 3
Ancient Greek 4
Latin 4
Artes Liberales 4
teaching 3
philosophae 3
medicine 1
folk ken 1
professsion:scribe 3
Etiquette 3
Music 3
Concentration 3

Dositheos (Birth name Dosithea)
Int 3 Per 0
Pre 2 Com 3
Str -2 Sta -2
Dex -1 Quick -1

transvestite(minor -1)
master of none(minor -1)
non-combatant(minor -1)

educated(minor +1)
good teacher(minor +1)
Baccalaureus(minor +1)

Romaic Greek 5
awareness 2
stealth 3
Ancient Greek 4
Artes Liberales 4
teaching 4
philosophae 3
professsion:scribe 3
guile 4
theology 3

Int 2 Per 1
Pre 3 Com 1
Str 0 Sta -1
Dex 0 Quick -2

ambitious(minor -1)
curse of slander(minor -1)
non-combatant(minor -1)

educated(minor +1)
baccalauret(minor +1)
natural leader(minor +1)

Romaic Greek 5
charm 3
folk ken 3
Ancient Greek 4
guile 2
Artes Liberales 3
teaching 5
philosophae 3
ettiquette-academic 3
leadership 5

Int 3 Per 0
Pre -1 Com 3
Str -2 Sta -1
Dex 0 Quick 0

social handicap(minor -1)
ability block(minor -1)
failed student(minor -1)

educated(minor +1)
priveledged upbringing(minor +1)
good teacher(minor +1)

Romaic Greek 5
awareness 1
athletics 1
brawl 3
guile 1
Artes Liberales 3
teaching 5
philosophae 3
single weapon 4
riding 3
Classical Greek 4
medicine 2